He gave him time to repent; and not only so, but a heart to repent." In Leviticus the sacred law-giver says that the uncircumcised hearts of Israel must be humbled to accept the punishment of God ( Leviticus 26:41). i. Savior was a title given to the Caesars. And so yes, I want to know the power of the resurrection, but if I am to experience that, I have got to, first of all, experience the fellowship of the suffering, the death on the cross, the death to my old self, my old nature. "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ." But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel. Benjamin was the child of Rachel, the well-loved wife of Jacob, and of all the twelve patriarchs he alone had been born in the Promised Land ( Genesis 35:17-18). He had to divest himself of every human claim of honour that he might accept in complete humility the mercy of God in Jesus Christ. Few preachers would dare to make the appeal with which Paul begins this section. And so the rule of the Christian life is: forgetting those things which are behind, and pressing for those things which are before, or reaching for those things which are before, pressing towards the mark. To a Jew zeal was the greatest quality in the religious life. So that you could share with Him the eternal glories of His kingdom. And Paul writes. there is no small tendency whenever people know the gospel well, if this be all, to settle down, thinking they have nothing more to do with the matter. "Being confident," he therefore says, "of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ, even as it is meet for me to think this of you all." "Now, if Paul believed in one general resurrection at the end in which all people, the saved and lost, would participate, it is difficult to understand his use of this language in relation to his personal participation. He must have a certain kind of mind and heart and character. There is a sinful forgetting of past sins and past mercies, which ought to be remembered for the exercise of constant repentance and thankfulness to God. He is forgetting the things which are behind. It was in the body that Christ rose and it is this body which he sanctifies ( 1 Corinthians 6:13 ff.). He had experienced it at its highest point; and he knew that it was nothing compared with the joy which Christ had given. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. The great characteristic of these colonies was that, wherever they were, they remained fragments of Rome. So, by the trial and error method, the redoing a lot of the seams and all, and the hem wasn't really straight, but it was a good effort. It was so as to the Corinthians; nay, it was not wholly wanting for the Galatians, though that which they allowed imperilled the foundations of grace and faith. Observe, His care to be found in Christ was in order to his attaining the resurrection of the dead. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. The way to that fellowship is through righteousness, through the kind of life and spirit and attitude to himself which God desires. However exanastasis seems to be a very unusual word to use to describe the attainment of Christ-like character. Such did, such was, Christ. "I beseech Evodia" (we may just notice the true form in passing; Euodias sounds like a man's name, whereas here it is really a woman). In front of people they can act very holy and sanctified and excited and exhilarated in the things of the Lord, but when they get away from the stage, they can have filthy mouths; they can tell dirty jokes, they are living a two-faced life. WebComplete Concise He cautions them against judaizing seducers (v. 1-3) and proposes his own example: and here he enumerates the privileges of his Jewish state which he He would have one who begins with Christ to (so on with Christ, have nothing but Christ before his eyes, and pursue this path without a stumble till the day of Christ. He had his heart on these two great peculiarities of the Christian religion. And did feel rather sorry for her. To suffer for the faith is not a penalty, it is a privilege, for thereby we share the very work of Christ. This is where at least some of the Jews made the mistake. As Paul saw it, the Christian is the athlete of Christ. Experiences are good. The Jew placed his confidence in the physical badge of circumcision and in the performance of the duties of the Law. To know Christ means that we share the way he walked; we share the Cross he bore; we share the death he died; and finally we share the life he lives for evermore. He pressed towards the mark. You see, Jesus could not experience the power of the resurrection until the cross. Their true and constant progress was what the apostle had before his own soul in prayer for them, instead of coolly giving up the saints, as if the new nature must grow feebler day by day as if the things of the world must overcome faith, and the things which are seen outweigh those which are unseen and eternal. They joined with those who preached the truth and partook of their obloquy. There is always danger of these, and the more so where there is activity among souls. If the past experience has not been translated into the present, then it really has no value at all. It was from the tribe of Benjamin that the first king of Israel had come ( 1 Samuel 9:1-2), and it was no doubt from that very king that Paul had been given his original name of Saul. WebJamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary 14. high callingliterally, "the calling that is above" (Ga 4:26; Col 3:1): "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1). They went in. All of this background that put me in a high standing as far as the law is concerned I counted loss for Christ. 1Pe 5:4, "a crown of glory that fadeth not away." And so they go back to the past, and they pick up the failures of the past, and they are discouraged to try anything in the future. (i) He had been circumcised when he was eight days old. i. Jesus was not merely resuscitated from the dead in the same body. He was willing to do any thing, or suffer any thing, that he might attain that resurrection. The Message Update. And, therefore, even in circumstances where joy would seem to be impossible and there seem to be nothing but pain and discomfort, Christian joy remains, because not all the threats and terrors and discomforts of life can separate the Christian from the love of God in Christ Jesus his Lord ( Romans 8:35-39). But tomorrow, some nut pulls in front of me on the freeway and then blocks and traps me, and I may shake my fist and honk my horn, and say, "Get off the road, you fool." You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. Let me think of myself as one that is serving Him (oh, how feebly and failingly!) But Paul said. It is needless to recount the comments on these words. All these things Paul might have claimed to set down on the credit side of the balance; but when he met Christ, he wrote them off as nothing more than bad debts. Let your moderation go along with it, because along with this joy there might be a certain enthusiastic spirit that would hinder calm judgment. Indeed Paul did. May it be so with us! " No man knew better from personal experience what Jewish religion was at its highest and most demanding. Work hard at doing that which is right. Nothing less would be in keeping with such a high position. What you cannot do, He can. (Meyer), 2018 David Guzik No distribution beyond personal use without permission. But having deigned to become a servant, He goes down lower still. It is because the world was created out of this flawed matter that sin and evil are in it. The great saving truths of Christianity do not change; and we cannot hear them too often. Reasonings on such matters are in general miserably wrong. Now the saint that has Christ Himself before him looks abroad with desires according to the activity of divine love. How rich and full he was of the goodness of the God he had proved so long and could recommend so well! If by any means - Implying, that he meant to make use of the most strenuous exertions to obtain the object. ", Finally, he calls them again to rejoice, and now with more emphasis than ever. It is something that I could have never made for myself, but it was given to me by Lady Bountiful. The passive shines in Christ coming down; the active is realized by the eye that is fixed on Christ, who is actually in glory. and mark them which walk so as ye have us for your ensample [example]. Who would have expected that the timid man Nicodemus, and the honourable councillor Joseph of Arimathea, would have been brought out at the very time when even the apostles themselves had fled trembling with fear? 's critical, scholastic, and exegetic manner. As the Christian has died with Christ, been buried with Him, been raised with Him, and now walks with Him, he will also be glorified together with Him. THE WORTHLESSNESS OF THE LAW AND THE VALUE OF CHRIST ( Php_3:8-9 ). All we want is, that the eye of faith be a little open; but it is only Christ before the eye that keeps it open. This is what he did, and accordingly this is the source, not merely of a firm faith and confidence as to the issue, but of present joy and all-overcoming power. I can't believe what they did to me. Hence I am inclined to retain . Thus the difference between reconciliation and subjection is manifest. "Don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, so hey, I will jump this ship and get on this one and I will gladly throw overboard the old life, with the struggle and the effort in my flesh, in order to live this new life after the Spirit, believing and trusting in Jesus Christ, to do for me what I really can't do for myself. The scriptures affirm clearly the assurance of salvation; yet: Paul wants to impress upon us the difficulties, struggles, and hindrances that attend the believers life. In other words, "Give it all you have got.". "You know, it is what I used to be, what I used to do. He had no theory that first love must necessarily wane and cool down, but the very reverse. Philippians 3:1114 May 18, 2019. Dr. S. T. Bloomfield indeed (Addit. cannot but be conqueror, more than conqueror, where the heart is filled with Christ. "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection from the dead. Living in the past, there is always that danger of discouragement, which shuts off initiative for the future. Thus we know how on approaching Rome Paul was lifted up and comforted, as he saw those who came to greet him. Now here we have what is present; so that the passage presents some difficulty to souls because of intermingling the present with the future. The verb katavtao ("attain") means to come to, to arrive at, or to attain to something. This verb indicates the most intimate knowledge of another person. Sit at my feet and learn." Certainly this is painful and humbling. He has not yet reached perfection, regardless of what the Judaizing opponents may have claimed for themselves. Have we that one blessed person as the hope, motive, beginning, end, way, and power of all that occupies us from day to day? "That is why God apprehended you; He has a glorious plan and a purpose for your future. Its basis is that the Christian lives for ever in the presence of Jesus Christ. When that event takes place God will snatch Christians out from among the spiritually dead (unbelievers). With Him you will be right about the gospel, right about the church, right about doctrine, walk, and service. The resurrected life always follows the crucified life. "Let your requests," whatever they may be, "be made known unto God;" and not only so, but "with thanksgiving." Let us uphold the glory of His person, but, nevertheless, let us not forget how the apostle's picture of the saint resembles the Master! But it is quite certain that they lived gluttonous and immoral lives and used their so-called Christianity to justify themselves. One morning Wesley had preached with great effect: "As we returned, Mr. Wesley stopped his horse to pick the blackberries, saying: 'Brother Nelson, we ought to be thankful that there are plenty blackberries; for this is the best country I ever saw for getting a stomach, but the worst I ever saw for getting food!'" A holy fear of coming short is an excellent means of perseverance. Now she walks back out where all of the girls are waiting, and she said, "Look girls," and as they gasp in amazement at the glory and the beauty of the dress, she said, "This is something that I could have never purchased for myself. Roman dress was worn; Roman magistrates governed; the Latin tongue was spoken; Roman justice was administered; Roman morals were observed. There is no question that there will be differences of rewards at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). And He said, "I am Jesus. For what believer would deny that, however close the conformity, there is always that dignity and perfection which is proper to Christ, and exclusively His? WebBible Commentaries; Philippians 3:1-11; Philippians 3:1-11. By all means let them be made known unto God. How lovely that this it was that pained him unselfish love! Observe, [1.] Not our keeping hold of Christ, but his keeping hold of us, is our safety. This is the great value of Christian experience. The Lord apprehended me, but when He did, He had a purpose in mind. He desires for them, not anxiety about the issue of it, but true gravity of spirit, because of feeling that it is a question between God and the devil, and that we have to do with that struggle in the most direct way. Long, long before this, the great teachers and the great prophets had seen that circumcision of the flesh is by itself not nearly enough and that there was needed a spiritual circumcision. *There is no reasonable doubt that the received text is wrong, followed by the Authorised Version ("of," instead of "from" the dead). Other Scripture points to the judgment seat of Christ as the time when God will make this distinction, not the resurrection. In Php_3:21 it speaks about our vile body. Paul suffered much for the cross of Christ at the hands of In 48 B.C. Christ was surely blameless in the highest sense, as His ways were harmless, "holy, harmless, undefiled," as it is said elsewhere. But to one cut off from such work it was, in appearance at least, a heavy burden and an immense trial; but Christ changes all for us. You see, someone else already tried that and it just doesn't work." It was a calm, fixed, cordial habit of their souls, which indeed had distinguished them from the first. There is a Rabbinic saying, "The nations of the world are like dogs." The Resurrection of Christ is the guarantee that this life is worth living and that the physical body is sacred; it is the guarantee that death is not the end of life and that there is a world beyond; it is the guarantee that nothing in life or in death can separate us from him. Better not make them known to men; it is a dangerous snare. These Philippians will not be less saints in heaven, where there can be no such charges as "bishops or deacons." I sent him therefore the more carefully, that, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice, and that I may be [not rejoicing here, but] the less sorrowful." That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection ( Philippians 3:10 ). This he must wish for them, if he wished them well. J. Comment: Amazing, transforming grace, is able to change a ", And what is it that gave such a hope to one that owns himself the chief of sinners and less than the least of all saints? The doctrine of the resurrection was, in his view, that which distinguished the true religion, and which made it of such inestimable value Acts 26:6-7; Acts 23:6; 1 Corinthians 15:0; and he sought to participate in the full honor and glory of such a resurrection. At any rate they endured the conflicts of the gospel in its earlier days at Philippi. And I just dedicated my life completely to the Lord. It was God the Father that made Him Lord and Christ, but God the Father never made Him Jehovah. The archangel is at best but a servant; the highest creature, far from having to stoop in order to become a servant, can never rise above that condition. It is the proof that his promise to be with us always to the end of the world is true. To support this statement, Paul refers to his own experience. He persecuted the church. He is God equally with the Father. And so, when He is finished with me here, this robe of flesh I will drop and rise to seize the everlasting prize and shout while passing through the air. 2.]. the scope of the context) is as decidedly for as the weightiest external witnesses. forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before ( Philippians 3:13 ), We haven't seen anything yet. What God was interested in is that my heart was circumcised, that I had the heart after the Spirit, and not after the flesh. I made it myself." Not so. This has its most weighty place elsewhere; but when it is a question of experience, the end cannot be here. I am rejoicing here, in the Lord." All believers will be resurrected and have joy forever. It is the cry of the Psalmist: "Zeal for thy house has consumed me." But such things as I could humanly reckon as profits, I came to the conclusion were all loss for the sake of Jesus Christ. And Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, Satan, you offend me." (ii) It means to know the fellowship of his sufferings. Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. (i) He sets down what we might call the indestructibility of Christian joy. Then Paul urges his followers to continue the Christian race as they have been taught. The past has been glorious, it has been exciting to see what God has done, but you know, I am more excited about what God is going to do.So. He is encouraged to keep moving towards this goal by his knowledge that final victory over sin, suffering and death is certain (10-11).Paul knows that he will not reach perfection in this life. It is the imbuing of the Christian with that which is life everlasting, but the life that he is now living by "the faith of the Son of God, who loved him and gave himself for him." The apostle's aim in these actings: I press towards the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,Philippians 3:14; Philippians 3:14. Hence it is that, although doctrine is sparse, if not almost excluded, nevertheless what little appears comes in as ancillary to the main purpose. This, carefully remember, does not mean forgetting sins. If by any means: The expression "If by any means" or "If in some way" seems to hint at doubt or uncertainty in Pauls mind that he would take part in the resurrection. He says that the Lord will circumcise their hearts to make them love him ( Deuteronomy 30:6). Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. "Not," says he, "that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am," this is the great design of the epistle; it was not truth that was made known simply, but experience that was grown into "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. But how can this be unless the heart is perfectly at ease as to itself? His only pride is that he is a man for whom Christ died. But this is not the character of Christian joy. "I want to hang on to the flesh. He says that he proposes to write things to them that he has written before. Peritemnein ( G4059) means to circumcise; katatemnein means to mutilate, as in Leviticus 21:5, which describes forbidden self-mutilation, such as castration. Paul had discovered that a right relationship with God is based not on Law but on faith in Jesus Christ. The true people of God, whom Paul calls the true circumcision, are not those who have carried out a ceremony to put a mark in their bodies, but those who have received new life from Christ through an inward spiritual change (3:1-3).To support this statement, Paul refers to his own experience. That is a wonderful thought. He was a Pharisee. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. So he says here, "For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung." WebPhilippians 3 Leaving Law and Pressing On to Jesus A. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. "Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and bore Cain" ( Genesis 4:1). Paul sets out three. There was victory to his faith by the grace of God. "You see, the angel doesn't have to erase the righteousness and then rewrite it, or whatever. Love does not calculate these costs and dangers, but goes calmly forward, come what will, trouble, scorn, or death. You know, there are many people in the world tonight who have never had the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. "I want to know him; I want to know him completely." By calling himself an Israelite, Paul stressed the absolute purity of his descent. They say, that in training for the Olympics, you have got to go till it hurts, and you have to work yourself through the pain. According to Jewish belief, circumcision was ordained upon Israel as sign and symbol that they were the people with whom God had entered into a special relationship. All Commentaries Videos Images Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. He says, "All my life I have been trying to get into a right relationship with God. "Let's not get too," Paul said, "involved in the world. But out of the midst of bitter experience he had learned Christ, as even he had never known Him before. "Again I say, Rejoice." Does he question the assurance of his salvation? but I follow after [I am pursuing], if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus ( Philippians 3:12 ). This is a good example, by the way, of the characteristic difference between these two translations. Returning, however, to the women Evodia and Syntyche, they had devoted themselves to an exceedingly happy and prized service. (i) He says that he is trying to grasp that for which he has been grasped by Christ. He is regarded as the true adversary, working, of course, by human means; but none the less is it his power. He is my Lord." They were rather miserable, but that does not stop you from rejoicing in the Lord. This is what brings him, if one may so say, into the dilemma of love. In such places the citizens were mostly soldiers who had served their time--twenty-one years--and who had been rewarded with full citizenship. So Paul says that in the Christian life we must forget every past achievement and remember only the goal which lies ahead. But Paul didn't stop there did he? "Let your moderation be known unto all men;" that is, the meekness and gentleness which bends to the blow, instead of resisting it in the spirit that ever asserts its rights and fights for them. But the weakest of saints (how much more this greatest of the apostles!) Includes commentary, questions, and applications on Philippians 3:1 We may see the depth of this word from a fact of Old Testament usage. In by far the most of them it does not signify what we might call abstract perfection but a kind of functional perfection, adequacy for some given purpose. When you are pressing towards the mark. Our citizenship isn't here. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. Much akin to Pauls straining toward what is ahead; this racers concentration on He stresses the fact that he had been born into the Jewish faith and had known its privileges and observed its ceremonies since his birth. Hence that which judged and put aside religion after the flesh, righteousness after the law, all that was now left completely and for ever behind, and the saint is set on the road that nothing can satisfy him but being in the same glorious condition with Christ Himself. Something that I could never purchase for myself, something that I could never do for myself. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . ( Psalms 69:9). Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer. In Him, we, know, who was the perfect model in the same warfare, which He fought single-handed, conquering for God's glory and for us, the prince of this world came, and had nothing in Him, absolutely nothing. I would like to know Him in the power of His resurrection. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Text and Manuscripts of the New Testament. For, in point of fact, through this epistle salvation is seen as going on from first to last, and not yet complete, being never viewed as such till the conflict with Satan is altogether closed. But as the model was turning around, her eye caught the ticket with the price tag $4,295.00. "For the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me. There is real power, there is strength from God that works in the saint; but the feelings of Christ, the mind of Christ morally, is better than all energy. "It pleased God," wrote the father, "not to cut him off in his sins. It may be remarked here, that from an expression often misunderstood in Philippians 2:1-30 it might seem as if the apostle wished somehow to weaken their confidence. Paul claims not only to be a pure-blooded Jew but one who still spoke Hebrew. So Paul proves to these Jews that he has the right to speak. Men whose whole minds are earthbound! At the same time he intimates his value for their love, and takes care that his was independence founded on dependence, an independence of circumstances which finds its strength in simple and absolute dependence upon God. Now, Paul said in his Roman epistle, "I know in me, that is in my flesh, there dwells no good thing." We do not speak of standing in Christ now, but of their allotted services. Reason and sense are out of the question, though reason must reject a creature's becoming God. His language comes from the world of war and athletics and emphasizes the strenuous nature of his efforts to fulfill his vocation. "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Or it alludes to a judicial appearance; so we are to be found of our Judge in peace, 2 Peter 3:14. Have rather that spirit which counts nothing as a right to be claimed, but all one has as gifts of grace to be freely used in this world, because one has Christ in view. This is what he calls "salvation." Every man is grasped by Christ for some purpose; and, therefore, every man should all his life press on so that he may grasp that purpose for which Christ grasped him. The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. Such things only prevented him from trusting in Christ (4-7). And thus the name dog the Jews began to apply to the Gentiles. So he tells them that he always thus remembered them for their "fellowship with the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.". The expression intimates that we have need to strive for him and after him, and that all is little enough to win him. I. But it is not so that God has written His word. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. He desired not anything for himself, but only what should abound to their account in the day of Jesus Christ. He was resurrected in a new body, patterned after the old yet equipped and fitted for heaven. In fact, he had gone beyond. But, it might be argued, that was a snap decision, perhaps later to be regretted and reversed. In short, he was so living Christ, that it was only a question of Christ here, and of Christ there. The NIV translators simply translated it "the resurrection from the dead.". When God does not interpose, men are apt to allow reflections and reasonings. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. I must, first of all, set the standard: what constitutes righteousness? They identified themselves, therefore, with all who were declaring it throughout the world. They may have been Gnostics. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord ( Philippians 3:8 ): Paul the apostle is on his way to Damascus to persecute the church. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. Paul has already spoken of the surpassing value of the knowledge of Christ. but so it was that thus the gospel, the glad tidings of His grace, should reach the highest quarters. 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Niv translators simply translated it `` the nations of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth since his works contain priceless of... Living Christ, as even he had no theory that first love must necessarily wane and cool down, the.