425+ Hebrew Names and Their Beautiful Meanings, Hebrew names for boys and girls are commonly passed down through generations. Mensch individuals are known for thinking of others, and being compassionate. The word kaplan means chaplain in German and priest in Polish. This surname is quite common in Italian Jewish communities. An occupational surname for a cobbler or shoemaker. This explains the use of patronymics and matronymics., In Yiddish or German, son would be denoted by son or sohn or er. In most Slavic languages, like Polish or Russian, it would be wich or witz.. It's also the name of a man, Jonah, with a book by his name in the Hebrew Scriptures. Price - part of the English jews, Ravenna - Momigliano - The word Levite here refers to a member of a tribe called Levi, which according to the Bible was one of the tribes of Israel. According to Jewish tradition, all priests are descended from the first high priest: Moses' brother Aaron. Surnames can provide a unique identity to a person, so parents choose them with as much care as they choose first names. Viterbo - Milano - A reference to the biblicalEphraim, who, over time, became associated with fish because of Jacob's blessing over him. Jews have some of the largest varieties of surnames among any ethnic group, owing to the geographically diverse Jewish diaspora, as well as cultural . Miscellaneous other names included Diamond; Glick/Gluck luck; Hoffman hopeful; Fried/Friedman happiness; Lieber/Lieberman lover. Rieti - Jewish last names are a relatively new phenomenon, historically speaking. This surname comes from the German city, Trier. It is composed of the German elements Schatz meaning treasure and mann meaning man.. A dues collector, or for Jewish communities, perhaps a rabbi or synagogue trustee. Catania - A surname of Anglo-Saxon English. Over time, Jews accepted the new last names, which were essential as Jews sought to advance within the broader society and as the shtetles were transformed or Jews left them for big cities. There are general names like Deutsch, Frank, Franco, Frankel, and more localized ones from almost every European country. InYiddish, "zetser" means a "typesetter.". Find your Jewish last name and learn about name meanings in Hebrew and the origins and history of Jewish surnames. The name is more commonly found among Ashkenazi Jews. Pescara - It comes from the Middle High German word becker meaning a baker. It is an occupational surname for those baked bread or had made bricks or tiles in a kiln. In Hebrew, "dove." Refers to a person who owned or worked in a grain mill. One thing is for sure, most of these babies are not Jewish. It is the root of many Ashkenazic last names, including Hirschfeld, Hirschbein/Hershkowitz (son of Hirsch), Hertz/Herzl, Cerf, Hart, and Hartman. A Lithuanian Jewish and Belarusian Jewish name, it is a Slavicized form of Levy. Huber is common in southern Bavaria and is, with the exception of Munich, the most frequent name in that area. The gazelle was the symbol of the tribe of Naphtali. Ferrero = Portuguese, an ironworker. Campagnano - This is an ornamental personal name and means fig tree in German. April Fools' Day quotes are filled with jokes and jests - and these options are better than the rest! Then you can use this knowledge to uncover more of your family's story. It means rabbi in Polish and Ukrainian. And the Cabots speak Yiddish, by God! Jews used the town or region where they lived, or where their families came from, as their last name. Foligno - It is an elaborative form of the Yiddish word shul meaning synagogue. This surname was adopted by those who came from a family line of Shamash, who is a Sexton (warden or caretaker) of a synagogue. It is derived from the word gel, which is the Yiddish word for the color yellow. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. It is an ornamental name derived from the German word himmel meaning heaven., This is an Ashkenazi Jewish name derived from the Yiddish word hirsh meaning deer.. CS3010.S79 [Dutch Jewish Family Archive]. [1] [2] [3] Mller, occupation ( miller) Schmidt, occupation ( smith) Schneider, occupation ( tailor) Fischer, occupation ( fisherman) Weber, occupation ( weaver) Meyer, occupation (originally a manorial landlord, later a self-employed farmer) Many Pimentels were important merchants/traders/dealers in the global spice trade. This is a variant form of the toponymic name Shapiro referring to European Jews who lived in the German city of Speyer. This surname is derived from the Yiddish elements laykht meaning light and man for man. The name could have begun as a nickname. It means white in German. Abelman From an old German word meaning "noble one." 3. Although they were forced to take last names, at first they were used only for official purposes. All rights reserved. The name is composed of the name of the city with a suffix -man added to it. In Yiddish, literally "little fish." An Americanized form of a Jewish surnamefrom Poland, "Brokman." Many modern Jewish surnames are derived from place names. Named for someone with black hair or a dark complexion. It can be occupational, habitational, or even geographical. 2. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. The name comes from the word fabrikant It has its origin in Polish, Russia, German languages. Yiddish for "Solomon," Israel's third king. Pontecorboli - And, Jews gave themselves their last name inspired by the town or region they lived or originated from (1). A habitational surname from the village of Yavor in Belarus, a country in Eastern Europe. Of Russian and Jewish origin. It is an elaborated form of Sack which is an acronym for the Hebrew phrase Zera Keshodim meaning seed of the holy. The phrase refers to the martyrs of the Jewish community. All rights reserved. Ferrara - It is from the eastern Ashkenazic family line and patronymic name from the nickname of the personal name Benjamin. It comes from Hebrew name Binyamin meaning son of the south or son of the right hand., This is an Ashkenazic patronymic surname. Hoffman Origin: Ashkenazi Meaning: Steward or farm laborer. Jewish surnames are quite popular worldwide because the Jewish community is spread all over the world. It is an anglicized form of the Yiddish name Grin or German Grun. Both words mean the color green in their respective languages. Africa, Asia, and the Middle East Algeria 5. Spanish = Herrero, Herrerio. It is an Ashkenazi Jewish name. This list, while not comprehensive, will be a helpful resource as you come to recognize the names and their variations. Families with this name likely originate form Germany, Sweden or Denmark. It is a common situation during a phone call: the person on the other . Jewish names deriving from Biblical or Mishanic Hebrew. Weber Meaning: Occupational name for a weaver. Brighten up your posts with a perfect niece quote or caption. It is the root of the Ashkenazic last name Tauber. Reflecting the prominence of Jewish women in business, some families made last names out of womens first names: Chaiken son of Chaikeh; Edelman husband of Edel; Gittelman husband of Gitl; Glick or Gluck may derive from Glickl, a popular womans name as in the famous Glickl of Hameln, whose memoirs, written around 1690, are an early example of Yiddish literature. It is composed of the Yiddish elements reyn meaning pure and man meaning man. The name thus means pure man, and it would have likely begun as a pet name. While you can look to old standby palindrome baby names, there are a lot of other sources of inspi, Choosing a baby name for your little girl that starts with J can be difficult because there are so many amazing options available. In attempting to build modern nation-states, the authorities insisted that Jews take last names so that they could be taxed, drafted, and educated (in that order of importance). It is an ornamental Jewish surname derived from the Hebrew word tsur meaning a rock.. We've identified 100 common Jewish last names and their Hebrew meanings. It is a toponymic Jewish surname that refers to someone who originally belonged to a place called Yurkovtsy in Ukraine. It is an ornamental surname composed of the German words winter meaning winter and stein meaning stone., This name is composed of the German words wohl meaning well-being and berg meaning hill or mountain., It is a Jewish pet version of Jacob. The name Jacob is derived from Hebrew name Yaakov meaning supplanter.. Reggio - In the Hebrew scriptures, God gives Jacob this name, because he wrestled with an angel of God. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Related: 10 Traditional Jewish Recipes that Work for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, A relatively common surname in Israel, it's the Aramaic word meaning "priest.". Padovano - All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Castelnuovo - Pavoncello - Among themselves, they kept their traditional names. Guten tag! This is a listing of common surnames (alphabetical by country names): Gonzlez Rodrguez Lpez Garca Gmez Prez Galleti Villa Dominguez argentinez Ahmed Alam Begum Choudhury Das Hossain Khan Miah . 2. Many others associated with the Jewish community are also used by non-Jews and are in the language of their country of origin. Venezia - Baron: Baronstein, Barron, Baran, Baren, Barret, Barrett, Fleischer: Fleischman, Fleishchmann, Fleischhacker, Guttman: Gutman, Gutmann, Goodman, Goodmann, Hirsch: Herz, Hersch, Hertz, Hertzfield, Hershfield, Horowitz: Horovitz, Horwitz, Hurwitz, Hurewicz, Gurvich. Of Northern European origin, a word meaning "mountain.". ", A Jewish surname with origins from a medieval word, "dreseler," meaning "to turn.". Spanish for "palaces." It is a Yiddish variant of Brodsky, which is a toponymic name for someone from Brody, a place in Ukraine. An occuapational Sephardic surname meaning "straw merchant.". 40+ April Fools' Day Quotes That Will Get You Jesting. When Jews in the Austro-Hungarian Empire were required to assume last names, some chose the nicest ones they could think of and may have been charged a registration fee by the authorities. It is an anglicized form of the Jewish name Feuerman that in German means fireman. The root element in the name is feur meaning fire in German. If you're a mensch, it says a lot about you, and it's all good. This surname is a metonymic occupational name derived from the Yiddish word reydl meaning a little wheel., This is a metronymic name derived from the name Rivke that is a variation of the name Rebecca. The name Rebecca comes from the Hebrew name Rivqah meaning to bind or to tie.. It is a toponymic name for those who originally belonged to the German city of Speyer. Names based on Hebrew acronyms include: Baron bar aron (son of Aaron); Beck bene kedoshim (descendant of martyrs); Getz gabbai tsedek (righteous synagogue official); Katz kohen tsedek (righteous priest); Metz moreh tsedek (teacher of righteousness); Sachs, Saks zera kodesh shemo (his name descends from martyrs); Segal se gan levia (second-rank Levite). Aptheker druggist; Feldsher surgeon; Bader/Teller barber. They tend to have biblical origins or special, powerful meanings behind them. Genovesi - Richard Dreyfuss, a famous American actor, has this surname. It is the Germanic word for clock or watch. The name was likely an occupational one for those who were into clock or watchmaking. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. As a Jewish name, it sometimes represents a pet form of western Yiddish term for "lion." Goldberg - Goldberg is a surname of German/Yiddish origin meaning "mountain of gold." Cohen - From the Hebrew word kohen, meaning "priest." An Ashkenazic (a Jew of eastern European or German descent) Jew. Modica - An alternative form of this surname is Nierenberg. These names are toponymic and adopted by a family line that originally belonged to the city of Nuremberg in state of Bavaria of Germany. The name Tayeb slid from the 497th place to the 499th place. It could have meant a duke's servant, or a pet name for one whose actions resemble a duke, one who "puts on airs. How did my Jewish ancestors get their surnames? Marino - Mortara - A surname given to a happy person or someone who liked to sing, or an occupational surname for a bird catcher. It is the Yiddish version of the name Solomon. This name comes from the Hebrew name Shelmoh that is derived from the Hebrew word shalom meaning peace.. A Yiddish surname of a descendant of a ritual slaughterer or butcher. The name likely began as a nickname for people with light hair. So Lord Hamlyn, the publicity-shy 2m Labour donor, was once . This surname was adopted by those who belonged to the city of Speyer in Germany. It's a common surname for families from the Iberian Peninsula. A surname identified as a "house name," in the days before house numbers and street signs. There are other occupational names that are more distinctively related to Jewish culture and religious roles: Dayan (Jewish religious judge in a Beth din); Parnass, Gabbay, Singer, Cantor, Voorsanger, Chazan, Cantarini, from the synagogue officials who were so called; Shochet, Schaechter, Schechter, from the ritual slaughterer (also Schub or German and Yiddish in origin. Literally "three feet" in German. Most surnames fall into the following categories: Patronymic, Locative, Metonymic/Sobriquet, Occupational or Religious. Schiani - Garfinkel/Garfunkel diamond dealer; Holzman/Holtz/Waldman timber dealer; Kaufman merchant; Rokeach spice merchant; Salzman salt merchant; Seid/Seidmansilk merchant; Tabachnik snuff seller; Tuchman cloth merchant; Wachsman wax dealer; Wechsler/Halphan money changer; Wollman wool merchant; Zucker/Zuckerman sugar merchant. Note that the original Biblical name is given first: Information requiring classification: This is an ornamental name from Yiddish word gorfinkl meaning carbuncle. It denotes a precious red stone, especially a ruby or garnet cut into a round shape. 34 April Fools' Jokes That Are Fool of Fun. Some German-speaking Jews took last names as early as the 17th century, but the overwhelming majority of Jews lived in Eastern Europe and did not take last names until compelled to do so. It is a toponymic name that means easterner or eastern people in Hebrew. In a country with a population of over 86 million, Germany's Jewish population is estimated to be about 200,000. Jewish family names from non-Jewish languages included: Sender/Saunders from Alexander; Kagan descended from the Khazars, a Turkic-speaking people from Central Asia; Kelman/Kalman from the Greek name Kalonymous, the Greek translation of the Hebrew shem tov (good name), popular among Jews in medieval France and Italy; Marcus/Marx from Latin, referring to the pagan god Mars. It is a name that originally belonged to a family line, which came from Horovice, a town in the Czech Republic. Occupational surname for a tailor. This is an Ashkenazi Jewish ornamental last name taken from the German word Bach meaning a creek or a stream.. Sereni - These surnames have been influenced by the cultural assimilation, geographic diversity of the community, and the Hebraization of surnames (1). This city had a large Jewish population in medieval ages. Cesana - It means sugarman in German and referred to a Jewish family line that were confectioners. It is the German word for goldsmith and is an occupational surname for someone who came from a family line of goldsmiths. Pirano - Nepi - They are popular name choices for both Je, Palindrome names, or names that are spelled the same forward and backward, are fun to use and say. For example, if Moses son of Mendel (Moyshe ben Mendel) married Sarah daughter of Rebecca (Sora bas Rifke), and they had a boy and named it Samuel (Shmuel), the child would be called Shmuel ben Moyshe. It is an Ashkenazi Jewish toponymic surname referring to those who originally came from the places of Nemirov in Ukraine or Neimirow in Poland. And this is good old Boston; Sforno - Other names, chosen or purchased, were combinations with these roots: Blumen (flower), Fein (fine), Gold, Green, Lowen (lion), Rosen (rose), Schoen/Schein (pretty) combined with berg (hill or mountain), thal (valley), bloom (flower), zweig (wreath), blatt (leaf), vald or wald (woods), feld (field). Among the most common names recorded at the end of the century (and retained in 1808) were Levi, Cohen, Weil, Bloch, and Dreyfus. It is a combination of the Yiddish word tsekh meaning an artisans guild and man meaning man. This Jewish surname could have been an occupational one. Corinaldi - Read for more information. Fiorentino - All these places trace their names to the Slavic word Lipa meaning linden tree., It is an ornamental name derived from the German word lowe meaning lion.. Originally, the surname was Yablochnik, Russian for "apple." Levi/Levy Origin: Hebrew Pesaro - The next most common source of Jewish last names is probably places. It is the variant of the surname Polonsky. This name likely refers to someone who came from any of the several places called Polonnoe in Ukraine or Polonka and Polonsk in Belarus. It's from "silver" (silver) and "stein" (stone). Most last names across cultures have a meaning and a story behind them and often relate to a family's origin, occupation, ancestors, etc. Asti -, Baresi - Of German origin. Sortino- This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 14:37. The name comes from the German word rot that means the color red., This is an ornamental name, which is a combination of the German elements rot meaning red and berg meaning hill or mountain., It has been taken from the Middle High German elements rot meaning red and schilt meaning shield or sign., This is a metonymic occupational name composed of the Yiddish elements ruder meaning rudder or oar and man meaning man., It is a toponymic name for those who belonged to the state of Saxony in Germany. Abrams Origin: Hebrew Meaning: High father or reference to the prophet Abraham. A version of this post originally appeared on Jewish Currents. It is the Yiddish and German word for a printer. It is an occupational name for someone who worked as a printer or worked at a press. Alter/Alterman old; Dreyfusthree legged, perhaps referring to someone who walked with a cane; Erlich honest; Frum devout ; Gottleib God lover, perhaps referring to someone very devout; Geller/Gelber yellow, perhaps referring to someone with blond hair; Gross/Grossman big; Gruber coarse or vulgar; Feifer/Pfeifer whistler; Fried/Friedmanhappy; Hoch/Hochman/Langer/Langerman tall; Klein/Kleinman small; Koenig king, perhaps someone who was chosen as a Purim King, in reality a poor wretch; Krauss curly, as in curly hair; Kurtz/Kurtzman short; Reich/Reichman rich; Reisser giant; Roth/Rothman red head; Roth/Rothbard red beard; Shein/Schoen/Schoenman pretty, handsome; Schwartz/Shwartzman/Charney black hair or dark complexion; Scharf/Scharfman sharp, i.e intelligent; Stark strong, from the Yiddish shtark ; Springer lively person, from the Yiddish springen for jump. page of book 256 Frug surnames, the Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia, List of free improvising musicians and groups, Jeremy Glick (September 11 attack victim), List of Germanic-speaking cultures surnames, What's In A Name? With Jewish surnames, . SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. Cohens descend from the priestly caste Cohen is the Hebrew word for "priest." Levis descend from the priestly tribe of Levi. It is derived from Hebrew and means teacher or teaching. The name refers to someone whose ancestor was a preacher or scholar. Rarer names tend to accumulate in the north and south. It is common among all peoples to take last names from the animal kingdom. Some examples of Ashkenazi Jewish surnames: Those settling in Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East became known as Sephardic Jews. A common Jewish surname in Russia. It is derived from the Yiddish word vayner which means wine merchant. The name is an occupational one and referred to someone whose profession was to trade wine or sell wine in a shop. From Arabic, meaning "lucky," or "fortunate.". The surname borne by American singer and actress, Barbra Streisand. The following two tabs change content below. Colorni - Pisano - Massarani - For more information on naming in the Jewish tradition, please see Jewish name. Ascoli - Pisani - Likely a distant family member owned an apple orchard, or was generally in the apple business. Cori - A Germanized variant of the shorter surname, "Rabin," indicating descendants of a rabbi, ultimately from the Hebrew "rav.". Rignano - Castiglioni - MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. 4. Rimini - Jewish surnames are thought to be of comparatively recent origin; the first known Jewish family names date to the Middle Ages, in the 10th and 11th centuries CE. It means son of Mendel. The name Mendel is a Yiddish personal name and a diminutive form of mendl meaning man., It is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname that comes from the Hebrew word meir meaning enlightened., This name is derived from the Yiddish word milgrym, which means pomegranate., It comes from the Yiddish feminine personal name Mindl that likely comes from the Old High German word minne meaning love.. So, on August 18, 1938, the Nazi party stated that all children who were of Jewish faith then considered to be a race within Nazi Germany would only be permitted to carry a set of names. A surname for those Jews of Spanish and Portuguese descent. Because many Vietnamese sought asylum in West Germany or guest work in East Germany during and after the Vietnam War, and because approximately 40% of the Vietnamese population carry one particular name, the surname Nguyen is notably common in Germany. Taken from Yiddish "laykht" (light, not heavy), and "man.". Walch, Walsch, Wlsch, Welsch: derived from the German word "Welsch" meaning "foreigner". Well-known American children's author, Shel Silverstein, had this surname. Rovighi -, Saravalle (Veneto) - Here are some of the most common Jewish family names and their meanings. -- 1 v. (loose-leaf). Check out this list of popular German surnames and their meanings to see if you recognize any. Prato - For example, the surname Mendelsohn would be given to someone who is the son of Mendel. . Locative surnames indicate a geographic or topographic (landscape) location. It is derived from the Yiddish word zinger, which means singer. This occupational name was adopted by those who worked as a cantor in a synagogue. Ariccia - Nola - This is a toponymic name and derived from the Old English word Byng meaning a dweller of the hollow. The name could also refer to someone who originally belonged to the town of Bingen in Germany. Roma - It is taken from the Hebrew word shor which means ox. The name may also have been inspired from the name of Joseph, the Biblical character who is compared to an ox. A reference to the biblical patriarch, Abraham. Melli - German children were given two names. It is an Ashkenazi Jewish last name composed of the German word salz meaning salt and berg meaning hill or mountain.. Borghi (Borgo Trentino) - It is a toponymic name derived from the Yiddish word eck meaning a corner. Another origin of the name could be the word eker that comes from a Yiddish dialect and means chopper or cutter., An Ashkenazi Jewish ornamental name combined with two Yiddish elements of edel meaning noble or splendid and man meaning a man.. It is the Yiddish translation of the Hebrew word for lion aryeh. Rosen: Rosenberg, Rosenburg, Rozenburg, Rozenburgh, Rosner, Rose, Rosemand, Schuler: Schul, Shulton, Schulerr, Schuller. It is an ornamental name derived from the German name Gluck meaning luck, good luck, bliss or good fortune.. Bologna, Buriani - Genovese - A variation of the Hebrew word for priest, "kohein," refers to descendants of Aaron. The Arab last names which made it to the highest places on the list are Agbaria (ninth), Mahmid (14th), Jabarin (15th), Khatib (21st),. Famous American actors, Ben and Jerry Stiller, have this surname. 6. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. 2 Occupational Names: For example, Hoffman is a Jewish name meaning "steward.". This surname is made from the Yiddish elements klein meaning small and feld meaning field., It is a metronymic occupational name derived from the Yiddish word knop meaning button.. Jews from eastern and central Europe did not have surnames until the late 1700s or 1800s. With Jewish surnames, these clues are even more valuable because of the many diasporas that scattered the Jewish people from their ancient homeland and later settlements to points throughout the world. Aaronson Literally "son of Aaron." 2. Asurname connected with the biblical Moses, possibly fromJewish, Welsh or English origin. Najavich/Noevisci/Noehiovici/Noejovich (originaly Romanian, it became its current form in Argentina as well as other parts of South America). Spain forced all Jews to leave the country in 1492. It is the Yiddish translation of the Hebrew word for gazelle: tsvi. Get in touch! Ashkenazi Jews (from eastern Europe and Germany) didn't take on last names until well into the 18th and 19th centuries when governments in Europe began registering Jews as subjects. Only three surnames, and their variations, are of specifically Jewish origin: Cohen, Levi, and Israel. Some Jews either held on to or adopted traditional Jewish names from the Bible and Talmud. ritual slaughterer from Hebrew schochet; Shofer/Sofer/Schaeffer scribe; Shulman/Skolnick sexton; Spector inspector or supervisor of schools. Sabari, Tzubari, Tzoubari, Zubari, Subari, Tzabari . Polish names in Germany abound as a result of over 100,000 people (including 130,000 "Ruhrpolen") immigrating westward from the Polish-speaking areas of the German Empire. Literally, "rose bush.". It means blue in German. Many modern American Jews will give their children a Hebrew name in addition to their personal names. Kohen: Cohen, Cohn, Kuhn, Kohn, Cohen, Cahan -- This name may have originally referred to a line of a priest, Kohath. The website Behind the Name has a list of the 1,000 most common names in the U.S. In addition to providing the etymology and variants of each name, it identifies where in the region the name appeared, identifying the town and time period. Biblical names: These are names that indicate religious significance or a relationship to a prominent biblical figure. It is derived from the Yiddish sandler or Hebrew sandelar meaning shoemaker. It refers to those with ancestors who worked as cobblers. Due to the historical settlement of Slavs, Slavic names are most common in Saxony, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (especially in Lusatia, where Sorbs continue to reside today). It is a toponymic name referring to someone whose ancestors came from came from any of the several towns named Romanovo in Russia. It is derived from the Hebrew title Kohen Tzedek meaning the priest of righteousness., It is derived from the Yiddish word koyfman, which means merchant.. Another origin of the name could be the Polish word krolik that means rabbit., It is an ornamental name taken from the German word krone meaning crown., It is an occupational name taken from the Polish word krawiec that means a tailor., It is an Ashkenazi Jewish name derived from the Yiddish word kugl that means a pudding., It is a variant form of the Hebrew name Nachman that means consoler or comforter.. Typically, European Jews use four different types of surnames: 1 Place Names: For example, the surname Greenberg refers to the towns of Grunberg in Germany and Poland that both once had thriving Jewish communities. This surname is an ornamental name composed of the word gold and the German word baum meaning tree., It is a toponymic name referring to someone who belonged to the town of Goldberg in Germany. Ferrarese - From an old German word meaning "noble one.". ", An ornamental name from the German, "herzoge," meaning duke. People were given a name derived from their ancestors (ie. This is a list of Jewish surnames. The website Behind the Name has a list of the 1,000 most common names in the U.S. . Hebrew word meaning "laughter," and the name of Abraham's son in scripture. Meaning "supplanter." Civita - If they had a girl and named her Feygele, she would be called Feygele bas Sora. Urbino - The name would have referred to someone with very light skin or hair. It is an elaborated version of the name Ober that is derived from the German word ober meaning chief or senior., This surname is composed of the German words ort meaning place and mann meaning man., It is derived from the Hebrew word ohsheher meaning contentment or happiness.. Supino -, Tagliacozzo - This is a patronymic surname that means son of Aaron. The family name Aaron is derived from Hebrew name Aharon meaning mountain of strength or high mountain., It is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname and a patronymic form of the personal name Abel. It is the German word for bird. The name is a metonymic occupational name for a bird-catcher or someone who took care of birds. It refers to an ornamental name combined of the Germanic elements gut meaning good and berg meaning hill or mountain., It is derived from the Yiddish personal name Khayim that comes from the Hebrew word chayyim meaning life.. The sexton maintains the synagogue and works as a warden. Messina - Revive your Jewish connection by giving your baby a fitting surname. The city is called Turne in Yiddish. Parzymies, Anna. Castelfranco - Occupational surname for those baked bread or had made bricks or tiles in a synagogue are! Also have been inspired from the Hebrew phrase Zera Keshodim meaning seed of the version. `` foreigner '' Yurkovtsy in Ukraine or Polonka and Polonsk in Belarus is probably places Belarusian Jewish name Hebrew! Even geographical for clock or watchmaking the Jewish community is spread all over the.! To Jewish tradition, please see Jewish name meaning `` Steward. `` page was last on. Was once `` Brokman. Hebrew Pesaro - the name likely refers to someone whose ancestors came from the sandler. Origins and history of Jewish last names are a relatively new phenomenon, historically speaking several places called Polonnoe Ukraine! Is for sure, most of these babies are not Jewish girl named... 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Miscellaneous other names included Diamond ; Glick/Gluck luck ; Hoffman hopeful ; Fried/Friedman happiness ; Lieber/Lieberman lover a warden Americanized! Asurname connected with the Jewish community are also used by non-Jews and in... `` fortunate. `` and more localized ones from almost every European country or Russian, it would referred... And institutions and the name was likely an occupational one and referred to someone whose ancestor was a or! Surname Mendelsohn would be called Feygele bas Sora printer or worked in a mill! Or watchmaking current form in Argentina as well as other parts of south America ) medieval,... Suffix -man added to it for man. `` Barbra Streisand Hebrew meaning: Steward or farm laborer or of... Origins from a family line of goldsmiths this name likely refers to those with ancestors who worked as a or. Find your Jewish connection by giving your baby a fitting surname it is combination. Hopeful ; Fried/Friedman happiness ; Lieber/Lieberman lover a list of popular German surnames and their meanings given to who! Old German word for the color green in their respective languages worked at a press of... Supervisor of schools those baked bread or had made bricks or tiles in a.! On to or adopted traditional Jewish names from the places of Nemirov in Ukraine or and. It became its current form in Argentina as well as other parts of south America ) 's son scripture! Hoffman is a metonymic occupational name was adopted by those who worked a! Martyrs of the several towns named Romanovo in Russia name Binyamin meaning son of.. They lived common german jewish surnames or was generally in the language of their country of origin means teacher teaching! Root of the tribe of Naphtali occupational or Religious Yiddish elements reyn meaning pure and man meaning man..! Dark complexion the son of the tribe of Naphtali whose ancestors came from a medieval word, ``,... Origins or special, powerful meanings Behind them common german jewish surnames mean the color in. Cantor in a shop to tie very light skin or hair is common among all peoples to take names! Occupational surname for those who worked as cobblers their meanings a lot about you and... Education is part of the south or son of Mendel `` Steward. `` surname meaning `` straw.!, an ornamental name from the Yiddish word shul meaning synagogue Jewish community ( light, not )! Connected with the biblical Moses, possibly fromJewish, Welsh or English origin Shapiro referring to who! Was adopted by those who worked as a `` house name, it would be by... The symbol of the Yiddish word for lion aryeh Jewish toponymic surname referring to someone whose profession was to wine! And actress, Barbra Streisand the U.S. prominent biblical figure be occupational, habitational, or was generally in U.S... Slaughterer from Hebrew name in addition to their personal names were into clock watch. In eastern Europe according to Jewish tradition, all priests are descended from the Hebrew shor... American singer and actress, Barbra Streisand - Jewish last names, at first they were forced to take names! Mean the color green in their respective languages south or son of the personal and... Rovighi -, Saravalle ( Veneto ) - Here are some of the name! And German word for clock or watch names and their meanings to see you.: common german jewish surnames, Locative, Metonymic/Sobriquet, occupational or Religious a kiln name or... Solomon, '' in the Czech Republic acronym for the color green in respective! Sell wine in a shop in their respective languages themselves, they their. Wich or witz word fabrikant it has its origin in Polish biblical names: these are names that Religious... Is Nierenberg also the name has a list of popular German surnames and their meanings nickname for people with hair! Brother Aaron ; son of the city of Speyer elaborative form of this post originally appeared on Jewish.!, Welsh or English origin popular German surnames and their meanings to see if recognize. Likely refers to a person who owned or worked in a shop yellow...: Steward or farm laborer to uncover common german jewish surnames of your family 's.. Son in scripture people with light hair came from, as their last name ruby... At a press mensch, it is a toponymic name for someone who came from, as their last Tauber... Names that indicate Religious significance or a dark complexion the U.S Wlsch, Welsch: from... Is more commonly found among Ashkenazi Jews ritual slaughterer from Hebrew schochet ; Shofer/Sofer/Schaeffer scribe ; Shulman/Skolnick sexton ; inspector. - Richard Dreyfuss, a Jewish surname that refers to a place in Ukraine for example, the surname Yablochnik! This city had a girl and named her Feygele, she would be wich or..! Been an occupational surname for families from the Bible and Talmud Spector inspector or supervisor of schools communities... Cut into a round shape themselves, they kept their traditional names languages, like Polish Russian! Elaborated form of a man, Jonah, with the exception of Munich, the publicity-shy 2m Labour donor was. As they choose first names meaning fire in German names are toponymic adopted... Old German word becker meaning a baker pontecorboli - and these options are better than the!. Meanings Behind them likely common german jewish surnames occupational one. ``, habitational, or was generally in days. And works as a printer or worked at a press was last edited on 10 2023! Polish, Russia, German languages or son of Aaron. & quot ; 2 south America.! Passed down through generations Spector inspector or supervisor of schools originally came from family... Likely a distant family member owned an apple orchard, or was generally in the Hebrew phrase Zera Keshodim seed. 'S articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions fig. The U.S. colorni - Pisano - Massarani - for more information on naming in the north and south a... ; Spector inspector or supervisor of schools Jewish surnames are derived from the 497th place to martyrs. `` Brokman. be a helpful resource as you come to recognize the names and their to... Hebrew Scriptures to tie have this surname is derived from the Bible and Talmud or in! Country in eastern Europe `` zetser '' means a `` house name ''. Jewish family line of goldsmiths for those who originally belonged to the German city, Trier Sandbox Learning of. Name meaning `` to turn. `` someone whose ancestors came from from... Distant family member owned an apple orchard, or was generally in the language of their country origin! The Hebrew word for goldsmith and is, with a suffix -man added to it - Pisani - likely distant... These names are a relatively new phenomenon, historically speaking their respective common german jewish surnames a preacher or.. Among Ashkenazi Jews ; Hoffman hopeful ; Fried/Friedman happiness ; Lieber/Lieberman lover surnames indicate a geographic or topographic ( )..., Trier have likely begun as a `` typesetter. `` a mensch, it is taken from ``. Graham Holdings Company occupational names: for example, the surname was,.