And a little #StarshipSunday action, the USS Yorktown NCC-1717-F. Flagship of Vice Admiral K'Temoc, Starbase 400's Special Operations Team commander. The console could be expanded to also perform as an operations and tactical station, allowing a single individual to operate the craft from the conn. Standard complement was 20 quantum torpedoes. Located near uncharted space and the Necro Cloud nebula, Starbase Yorktown resupplies vessels, conducts repairs, builds new starships, acts as a home for crews and their families, dispatches missions of exploration, flies the Federation flag in the region and maintains defensive armaments. The Aquarius class was designed using components from several other classes, notably the Defiant, Nova, and Diligent, emphasizing ease of maintenance and miniaturization. 1 (minimum)5 (operational)115 (standard)280 (max. For several years, the only two members of this class produced were assigned to the Odyssey and Verity, which were launched significantly earlier than planned to participate in the Romulan Evacuation. 2 Comments. While some Aquarius-class starships, especially those not assigned directly to a starbase or Odyssey-class explorer, have a permanent crew, their crews are much more likely to be drawn from their home command based on the particular mission profile. Vanguard was the name given to Starfleet Starbase 47. becomes self aware. October: Internal fitting begins. it might be like patrolling a sector of space around the Romulan Neutral Zone, building upon Warlords trying to mark their claim to the territory, the effects of the fractured Empire and the turmoil experienced by displaced Romulans; what it might look like and why ultimately by 2399 there was limited to no Federation Presence out there. The class also carried sixty Type A Mark VIII Autonomous Survival and Recovery Vehicles (ASRV), each with their own berth. There are several umbilical connection ports across the ship to interface with the Odysseys docking cradle: two primary power, fuel, and consumables hardpoints as well as torpedo loading ports forward on Deck 2, two torpedo loading ports port and starboard, aft on Deck 1, and two magnetic docking latch receptacles forward on deck three. He can be found on Twitter at @CaptStobie. The standard crew complement is 40, but the ship can operate for limited periods with just a bridge crew, or with hot-bunking can accommodate up to 72 in terms of life support and escape pod capacity. Height Originally designed to compliment the planned Odyssey Class flag cruiser, was one such vessel moved to shore-up federation interests. While many starbases also included ground-based elements, this piece will only focus on the spaceborne facilities. This necessitated a new nacelle design that would improve efficiency, time at warp, and shorten the vessels by almost seventy-five meters. Across the bridge on the port side was the tactical station and a multi-use console, which was set to mission operations as its standard. 2391: Using the same basic hull shape, but on a smaller scale, the new Aquarius-class made use of the latest technologies and included variable-geometry pylons to improve warp efficiency and allow for a smaller docking profile. It generally served in a support and transportation role. 1. The hull is covered with a thinner layer of the same ablative armor found aboard the Diligent-class, which allows it to shrug off glancing blows, an essential quality, given that its shields are not particularly strong. Contents 1 History 2 Technical information 3 Ships commissioned 4 External links History nacelles first designed for the Diligent class to allow it to dock within the Due to its classified mission, Regula I did not permit casual guests or publicly announce its true purpose, whereas other Federation starbases tended to do so. A highlight of the film Star Trek Beyond, Starbase Yorktown proved to be a visually stunning marvel of technology. The ships bridge is identical to that of the standard Defiant-class configuration. Starships receive most of the glory, but these stations offer safe harbors and defensible locales upon which the fleet relies. Since then, progress has picked back up and SpaceX has built and installed another three (for a total of six) storage tanks over the last two months. startrekfanart startrekonline startrekstarship. Originally designed to compliment the planned Odyssey Class flag cruiser, was one such vessel moved to shore-up federation interests. Designed to be paired with the new Odyssey class startship (still under Testing of basic systems World rights reserved. Unlike the embarked craft of previous designs, such as the Waverider and Aero, the Aquarius-class was designed with the ability to act more independently of its parent vessel. By. The Aquarius, the namesake for a new light escort was one of those. The Aquarius-class was a type of Federation light escort that was designed to be the auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class starships. By subscribing to the Star Trek newsletter, which may include personalized offers from our advertising partners, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data collection and usage practices outlined in our Privacy Policy. It also obviates the need to return to the home command for minor to moderate medical problems. We recently welcomed Lieutenant Command Greener as First Officer and Senior Chief Kade as our Chief of the Boat and I formally use this news item to welcome them. It was designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey -class and entered service alongside its sibling design, the Callisto -class. I have to admit, this is an excellent take on the Aquarius, as I do agree with the comment on your previous version that the rehashing of a Defiant interior is a bit lackluster. Affiliation flight lead for interceptors and fighters in combat situations. and various other duties now being handled by older runaboutsthat really Welcome to the USS Aquarius - NX 97033! While integrated support craft such as captains yachts, aeroshuttles, and waveriders were not a new idea in Starfleet, this would be the first time that an entire starship would be carried aboard another. This has had some interior tweaks (a few minor wall movements, and details added to some rooms), sections colorized to help define areas, and I replaced labeled icons with a color key. Winner of the '12 & '14 Simming Prize, SB400 is a Nova played sim. Warp coils arrive and are We have gone from a concept, to a fully fledged sim. Wild-Endeavour. The new design was designated the Avenger-class. Though not meant for independent exploratory missions, one of the primary functions of the Aquarius to support the scientific endeavors of her home command, be that a starbase or an Odyssey-class explorer. 110.02 meters (in flight)112.6 meters (docked) The main facility, known as Shuttlebay 1, was located on the stern of the secondary hull. As such, the aft section of the Odyssey variants were converted into docking ports for Aquarius-class light escorts. Specifications A compromise between the armament philosophies of the Defiant and Diligent-classes, the ship is equipped with two forward-firing pulse phaser cannons, as well as eight short phaser strips, four ventral and four dorsal, as well as two forward and two aft photon torpedo launchers. As development progressed on the new Odyssey-class starships, Starfleet Command saw the need for variants of the class in order to fill the various roles fulfilled by Starfleet vessels. The last supper was a fun affair, for Bryd and Chaplin, it had been a ritual across many years, and one that Lin looked forward too across her last year, Tapping the padd against his, Angus walked the bustling Starbase 10 for the last time before the Vashons departure after repair and resupply. The United Federation of Planets relied on its massive fleet of iconic starships to seek out new worlds in the 23rd and 24th centuries, but its network of starbases and outposts proved just as valuable to the exploration of space and the protection of Federation citizens. They were considered a major base of operations within Starfleet and functioned as support for colonisation efforts amongst other projects. Ironically, the question most likely answers itself. Starbase Category:Starbases (retconned) Unnamed fixed installations Unnamed Regula I type stations Unnamed Spacedock type stations Unnamed Starbase 1 type stations Unnamed Starbase 375 type stations 0 Starbase 1 Starbase 1 (alternate reality) Starbase 2 Starbase 4 Starbase 5 Starbase 6 Starbase 7 Starbase 9 Starbase 10 Starbase 11 Starbase 12 During the Last Federation-Klingon War, Starfleet Command saw the need for a corvette that could be quickly produced and deployed to support larger corvettes in patrol and escort duties. This included four workpods, six shuttlepods, twelve shuttlecraft, and two runabouts. However, some starbases deploy them as leaders for squadrons of runabouts, which allows for firepower multiplication. The Aquarius-class bridge was located on Deck 1 and had a compact design. assigned at least two for defense but Starfleet Carrier class ship be assigned November: Environmental systems designed. #WenLift@NASASpaceflight An updated version of last night's Aquarius entry. The Inquiry-class was a type of spacecraft developed by Starfleet in the late 24th century. Panther - Aquarius Class . Star Trek: The Pod Directive Returns for Season 3, Admiral Red Shirt: Patriarchy on Trial in Star Trek: The Next Generation, WATCH | Star Trek: Picard - Looking Back at the Legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation, WATCH | Star Trek: Picard Season 3 - The Ready Room Premiere Special, What Star Trek: The Next Generation Taught Me About Family. Ultimately, while a good amount of work remains, Starbases first orbital-class tank farm could be fully ready to support its first Super Heavy booster proof and static fire test campaign just a few weeks from now. Warp 6 (cruising)Warp 9.2 (maximum) The ship was headed out . Before even that process is possible, though, SpaceX will need to finish plumbing GSE-8 and several other tanks, install the last two insulative cryoshells, and finally fill the annuli between all seven tanks and their shells with an insulative foam-like material known as perlite. Most space stations shared similar roles, such as maintaining the capability to repair starships, but the type and location of each outpost dictated its primary role. 2023 CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, and CBS Interactive Inc., Paramount companies. The Block I nacelles were elongated, with rounded edges, while the refit units were blockier and significantly shorter. not only should each and every Starfleet Starbase, Facility, and Installation be As we close out the 2nd Quarter of an Active USS Aquarius, I smile at what is ahead. Join the crew of Starbase 400 at Commanded by Admiral Mike K'wor Bremer, Starbase 400 strives to keep the dream of Star Trek ali. Roughly six months after the process began, SpaceX has installed the seventh and final custom-built propellant storage tank at Starbases first orbital-class Starship launch site. Unit is installed and technical modifications begin. escort type vessel capable or docking within the aft bay of an Odyssey class Traffic control, and the aerospace officer's office, was on Deck 13. Forty-two were located on the dorsal hull, with the remaining eighteen on the ventral. assigned to the USS Odyssey with USS Odyssey Commanding Officer Captain Kenneth The warp engine coils are also borrowed from the Nova, mounted in nacelles derived from the Diligent-class design, which are mounted similar variable-geometry pylons that pull them in against the hull for docking and for landing and which can optimize the position of the nacelles for warp travel. Fulson Miller, former Ensign in Starfleet sighed deeply, the drugs they had filled his body with had calmed the raging inferno in his brain. Both the initial warp drive and the Block II were late Sternbach/Jaeger models. the nacelle slides. The outpost's small size probably meant it had limited starship repair capabilities, if any at all. The new Callisto-class provided the versatility implemented in the Aquarius-class, but with added range and speed. Hayes, a Dominion war veteran that commanded a Defiant class It was declared fully operational on stardate 1271.4 under the . The chair was flanked by small control panels which the occupant could use to monitor and access ship systems. The height of the design was static at 20.2 meters, allowing for four habitable decks. 2392: USS Aquarius is completed in May and tests start. On top of liquid natural gas (LNG) refinery and tenuous plans to potentially tap local natural gas wells, SpaceX is clearly well aware of the logistical challenges of regular Starship launches. It was classified as a scale 6 heavy cruiser. Originally known as Terok Nor, a Cardassian ore-processing plant and symbol of occupation, the starbase became the operational center overseeing the rebuilding of Bajor. This isn't a long new post, but one to say thank you to those who have participated in the Aquarius in 2020. Two shuttlebays provided a variety of auxiliary craft operations for the Inquiry-class. Another such station was . Stations similar in design to Earth Spacedock, such as Starbases 74, 84, 133, and Lya Station Alpha, appeared numerous times in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Advanced Starship Design Bureau The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. The Aquarius class is also Assigned their first patrol mission, the crew of the Aquarius are sent to investigate cargo traveling in and out of the neutral zone when they discover a Wallace Class Patrol Craft adrift in space. Although the first of its class wasn't commissioned until 2409 in the original timeline, in the Star Trek: Theurgy timeline, at least three of have been built and commissioned as of 2381. Watch. A shift occurred in Starfleet's composition doctrine after construction of the first hundred Inquiry-class vessels. Angus walked the bustling Starbase 10 for the last time before the Vashon's departure after repair and resupply. It had been several hours since he had taken a break mid watch. Combined, the OLS tank farm should be able to store more than 2400 tons of LCH4 and 4000 tons of LOx, as well as 2600+ tons of LN2 to be used for subcooling (and thus densifying) that propellant well below its boiling point. Whether this is a result of temporal meddling resulting in changes to the timeline known as the "Butterfly Effect" or whether 24th century Odyssey class starships are native to the USS Theurgys "proper" timeline has not been revealed. Why would Starfleet also construct these large outposts in seemingly innocuous systems rather than only near worlds central to the government? As the war waned, the idea was sidelined until engineers at the San Francisco Fleet Yards revisited it as part of a plan to revamp the Odyssey-class design. the first Commanding Officer of the USS Odyssey once she is launched later in The turmoil of factions and warlords posed a significant threat to Federation Safety. The ship is equipped with an EMH and typically embarks a medical officer and an enlisted medic. The stationmaster is Commander David Nurenberg - cause trouble, . So I've been fairly quiet in public announcements since launch but it's been a fairly successful quarter to date. As an independent vessel, this ship would still have a home base that it would come back to every month or travel between starbases. Initially, it was envisioned as a much more significant component of the Odyssey, but this was deemed unfeasible. The following was the standard internal layout of Aquarius-class vessels.[1]. The Aquarius class in Play Overview Science and Exploration Though not meant for independent exploratory missions, one of the primary functions of the Aquarius to support the scientific endeavors of her home command, be that a starbase or an Odyssey -class explorer. 2409 Personally I know that the inability to travel has caused no end of pain in terms of writing. While crew members aboard the Aquarius might never interact while among the large crew of a starbase or Odyssey-class ship, the much smaller environment of the Aquarius lends itself to either making new friendships or letting minor annoyances foment rivalries. Heavily armed for a vessel of The standard complement of auxiliary craft for the class was twenty-four. Beam Located on the bow of the primary hull, the smaller Shuttlebay 2 was spread across section of Decks 08, 09, and 10, with the flight deck on Deck 09. Chief of Starfleet Research and Exploration, 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Laboratories, computer core access, crew quarters, cargo holds 1-4, shuttlebay main deck, landing gear. Regula I's remote location proved a necessity, allowing for discrete and undisturbed research. The new series of designs for the cruiser called for a berthed support craft, which fit the profile of a light corvette. Aquarius is deadly nonetheless. Chief of Starfleet Research and Exploration, Autonomous Survival and Recovery Vehicles, 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Primary computer core access, holodecks 1-6, Transporter rooms 3 & 4, cargo bays 1 & 2, Primary deflector control, cargo bays 3 & 4. The massive form of Earth Spacedock easily eclipsed the various starships that docked in its berths and visited Sol III. Mission Statement: To expose our nation's youth to the technological environments and positive civilian and military role models found on Active, Guard, and Reserve military bases and installations, nurture a winning network of collaborators, and build mutual loyalty within our communities, by providing 25 hours of . Welcome aboard Starbase 400, a cozy little Federation outpost defending the frontiers of Cyberspace. Operated by civilian scientists, the station was tasked with the advancement of the Genesis Project. aft bay of an Odyssey class shipand for storage purposes when not in use. Length The Aquarius was launched at the same time as the Odyssey, and her trials were uneventful. Designed to serve within quick reaction forces, the Inquiry-class was well-armed, fast, and carried minimal crew due to its high level of automation. 18. Construction started on four more The narrower two-deck upper section consists of the bridge, officers quarters, the science lab, the cargo hold, the brig, the aft torpedo launchers and magazine, and deuterium tankage, while the more expansive third deck contains the crew quarters, main engineering, and the forward weapons, and the narrow fourth deck is a strip between the nacelles (when retracted) that includes the computer core, antimatter storage pods, and a tiny shuttle bay, which is capable of supporting a single shuttle; deck four has the highest deck height of the ship, as it extends down into the sub-structure of the hull. Now being handled by older runaboutsthat really Welcome to the government 2023 CBS Studios Inc., Paramount companies resupply. Starfleet Starbase 47. becomes self aware docking ports for Aquarius-class light escorts assigned November: Environmental systems designed to! 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