One director stated that the site for the Grand Army plot given that organization was selected on account of the presence of the shade the big locust tree would afford at similar exercises to those held on Decoration Day. Instead, that morning they used the Supervisors chambers at the courthouse to hold the coroners inquest.1 But that didnt just focus on the lynching; testimony also covered the vigilante raid on the jail, details of the murder of the lawmen five days earlier and prior doings of the gangsters around Santa Rosa. Petaluma Argus-Courier, December 13, 1920 Do it now. There isnt anything to the flying the landing is the hard part.. A phone message said it was reported there that the lynching was to take place at 11 oclock, and asked for information, but at that hour all was quiet on the streets and about the jail. (LeBaron declined to disclose his name at the time and in her interview with theBohemianlast week.) Vigilante Justice! He had a salesmans type-A personality and was forceful in convincing others of his views. BOYDS MOTHER SEEKS INFORMATION REGARDING SON. The three men, Terry Fitts, George Boyd, and Charles Val Around midnight on the night of June 20, 1867, Byrd Brumfield used his pocket knife to slash John Strong to death at Griffin's Saloon. Whether anyone was able to find her or not is unknown, but by the end of the day it was decided Boyd was to be buried here somewhere. But LeBaron and the owners of thePress Democratwere not protecting a whistleblower producing incriminating evidence of governmental wrongdoings. SANTA ROSA. Here a taxicab was in waiting and Ridley with his photograph was rushed to the Call office, arriving there at 6:15 a. m. He waited there while two halftones were manufactured, one for the Call and the other for The Press Democrat. District Attorney Hoyle spend the day in gathering statements relative to the summary executions of the three gangsters. Photo courtesy of Sonoma County Library. At noon the morgue was closed until 2 oclock in the afternoon. Maynard was the subject of a Velvet Hammer profile, which was considered something of a badge of honor in the county. 501. Keep in mind it was the day after the lynching and souvenir hunters were out in force, shredding the hanging tree of bark and stealing grass and pebbles from around its roots. Barnard bragged about terrorizing Valento, who was a dark-skinned man of Latino descent, saying, he just reared back against the bars and on the side. With him were the Healdsburg visitors, or at least Young and McMinn; Lattins whereabouts were not mentioned, although the letter to Gaye LeBaron claimed he gave the keys to the mob, which cant be literally true. Cleanliness. If no claim is made on the body it will be buried in potters field. For the rest of Ernest Finleys life, not a word about it would reappear in his newspaper. These people, it is said, intend to keep the details secret. Within days, a remarkable confession by an octogenarian member of the lynching vigilantes led to a series of ethical missteps, during which LeBaron and her editors and publishers may have become accomplices after the fact to the crime of murder, according to California statutes and an attorney at a journalism ethics organization. CROWDS OF CURIOUS GATHER AT JAIL AND VIEW BODIES LAID OUT AT MORGUE. Those mysteries join a substantial list of what-if scenarios where something could have easily gone awry and many men from Healdsburg could have ended up arrested or even dead. Rather, they decided to hide the identity of a man who had confessed to participating in three brutal homicides. Barron, is making inquiries for the whereabouts of her son. DON PATTESON was a machinist and co-owner of the Standard Machine Works. According to LeBaron, Petray was a role model for the young people, an honest cop and an ideal family man. She failed to mention that Petray had himself spent three years on the lam, sought for the 1894 killing of an elderly man, whom he admitted to battering. And I would be, too, if I were a minority. Unfortunately, her empathy arrives a bit late. The arrest comes as a direct result of the harboring of Terry Fitts, Charles Valento and Geo. Sheriff James A. Petray has just returned from a business trip to Colusa countyWhile away he visited his old friend Jack Smith. Like Maynard Young, Lattin was law enforcement-adjacent in those years. That Santa Rosa and Sonoma county be immediately cleaned of all undesirable characters was the edict issued by the sheriffs office and the chief ot police yesterday. Both bodies of course have been embalmed. The Matanzas Creek Winery offers June and July visitors a chance to enjoy its aromatic fields of blooming lavender, but its Estate Gardens and spectacular scenery are tourist . Secretary Frank Welti tendered his resignation as secretary of the Rural cemetery association at a meeting held Wednesday evening. Many in town, however, were probably awake and anxiously awaiting just such a signal that they had pulled off a perfect crime and killed three men. This swung the plane out of its course and lessened its momentum, and before it could recover the plane collided with the roof of a barn, just across the street. You will find antiques, unique shops, coffee houses, and restaurants. SISTERS PLEA SAVES FITTS FACE FROM MORGUE EXPOSURE. He will now have to answer before the federal grand jury, and if indicted, as no doubt he will be, will have to stand trial before the United states circuit court at Sacramento. When criminals and cut-throats find things too hot for them in San Francisco and have to clear out, they must understand that we dont want them up this way, even temporarily. Readers of this entire series will recall the Santa Rosa episode began when Fitts Sr. died, leaving the large family home on College Ave. unoccupied and conveniently just at a time when Terry and his criminal companions wanted a hideout from San Francisco police. Location and Resort The apartment complex is located in Costa Teguise 350m to the beach of Playa Bastian. A Santa Rosa boy, critically injured when he was struck by a vehicle on his way to school last week, remained . Coroner Frank S. Phillips is in receipt of a letter from J. J. Smith, warden of Folsom penitentiary stating that Mrs. Elizabeth Barron, mother of George Boyd, alias Geo. It was expected that Boyds body would be claimed by relatives from Sacramento. The bodies were usually those of impoverished Blacks.3, Yes, major educational institutions were acquiring bodies, including brains, well into the mid-20th century a practice not considered illegal because it was Native Americans they were digging up. Fred planned to leave Healdsburg early Monday morning on his return trip to the aviation field at Riverside. Boyd recently, and providing the liquor for the men on their various visits, it is declared by the arresting officers. Freds father was long the towns mortician and when he died at the close of 1919, Fred inherited the funeral home and the job. But Phillips had never received a call like this one: He was told there were three men hanging from a tree in the old Santa Rosa cemetery and nobody knew who killed them. The Radical Senate: James Abourezk of South Dakota, America is Not a Racist Country: How Nikki Haley Became Israels Candidate for the White House, Three Reasons (Other Than Age) Why Joe Biden Should Not Run Again For President, The Global South Refuses Pressure to Side With the West on Russia, The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. And it took him quite a while to asphyxiate, by not breaking his neck, he said. Asked if he would call a grand jury session to consider the hanging, Hoyle replied: I cant call a session until I have evidence to put before them. A fund was started to preserve the tree and install a plaque so that it will be a perpetual reminder to desperadoes, gangsters and gunmen that death is a certain penalty for such murderous attacks.. In the months that followed it became a popular tourist attraction and probably the top one in Santa Rosa. He knew Sheriffs Petray and Smith personally. The sisters wanted Terry interred there as well; no way, said the cemetery. While the lynching was a point of great civic pride right after the event there was even a lifesize blowup of the PDs iconic photo kept backstage at the Cline Theater, for purpose unknown it wasnt the sort of bucolic, small town Shadow of a Doubt image that the Chamber of Commerce and boosters like Finley wanted to promote. FEDERAL AGENTS SAY WINEMAKER IS ILLICIT DEALER, D. Cassassa, widely known wineman who resides on the Guerneville road west of town, was arrested Saturday night on a charge of selling liquor illegally. He named names. This time she was asking how he had died and not his whereabouts, so perhaps she really was his mom and not a reporter trying to coax out burial details. 950 S. Wright Road Santa Rosa, CA 95407-6608 (707) 527-4229. The unrepentent confession unleashed a flood of correspondence from relatives of men who were known by their families to have been part of the lynching gang. Until such time as they are interred, he feels that it is his duty to give out no information on the subject what ever. Kathleen's focus is minimal intervention winemaking, sustainable farming, and eco-friendly practices (including a . We Have Had Our Lesson; Shall We Profit by It? Im prouder of you than if youd gone to France and killed a hundred Germans, cried one Healdsburg woman as she greeted her husband on the street after his return from Santa Rosa, and as she spoke she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. FITTS FUNERAL HELD PRIVATE So great was the demand for the Santa Rosa paper that an hour after the first ones were received the Republican was sent a telegram asking for more, 11,000 COPIES OF PRESS DEMOCRAT SPREAD THE STORY. The early meetings, including the March 26 and April 24 meetings, are designed as Community Conversations about Race and Ethnicity. At the Feb. 25 meeting, members split into various groups to discuss their own backgrounds and experiences with racial issues. 5 min read. Pursued by big city lawmen, the trio ended up in a house eating soup in Santa Rosa, where, on Sunday, Dec. 4, they were cornered by Sonoma County Sheriff James Petray. For the three gangsters, each verdict was exactly the same: District Attorney Hoyle who had been informed of the lynching by the Press Democrat and not by the sheriff vowed to conduct a thorough investigation into who did it, but apparently gave up after only two days because he couldnt find anyone willing to snitch on the vigilantes. Beginning in the 1990s, the countys non-white categories rapidly increased, climbing toward a majority of the population. Finding Terry Fitts relatives was likewise easy as he was from Santa Rosa and his two sisters were well known, one of them still living in the area. His father, C. L. Ned Patteson also served as the popular fourth district Supervisor during the 1910s. They are our ancestors, Anderson-Steele said of the lynching victims. He has been associated with his brother, Don Patteson, in the auto business at the Standard Machine Shop. Mr. Young is an active business man and before he entered into the auto game with the Stephens car his friends knew that he must have satisfied himself perfectly as to the merits of the machine before taking it up and recommending it to his friends. Announcement was previously made that Charles Valentos body had been sent to San Francisco, it having been claimed by the dead mans mother. Five days after the killings, on December 10, 1920, a group of about 30 masked vigilantes took the suspects from the jail and hanged them from a locust tree in the old Rural Cemetary on Franklin Avenue in Santa Rosa. HEALDSBURG TO HAVE BIG SHOW Will California Save the Iconic Joshua Tree? Then, last December, . Also incorporated were later comments by Clarence H. Barney Barnard, the only member of the vigilantes to talk about it. He reiterated what he had previously told her, adding names and details. Personally, I think the whole judicial system has fell apart, you know. Following the sentence ot five to jail Monday not a drunk could be found in Santa Rosa Monday evening, and underground channels sent the information that several suspected bootleggers had quit their trade in the city. The mortuary still bears his name. As he was Sonoma County Coroner, this was not terribly unusual; people inconveniently die at all hours. This exhibit will be outside the regular farm center exhibits and will be staged in the industrial tent, which will in itself be a unique feature, as it will be the only horticultural and agricultural exhibit in that tent. This was the last lynching to take place in Sonoma County. City is Quiet Today After Hanging; No Clue to Avengers. Petaluma Campus. Andnotcoincidentally, the rise in police killings mirrors the rise of the Latinx population, according to investigations by federal and local agencies. For more information see, Lynching in the West: 1850-1935 (Duke, 2006) Skip to main content. If Santa Rosa policemen had arrived while the vigilantes were inside the jail seizing the gangsters, would they have surrendered or started a shootout? Newman asserted she had a letter from the G.A.R. Unless exemptions apply, emails sent to City staff or Council members, any attachments, and any replies, are subject to disclosure upon request, and neither the sender nor any . But it still seems unusual for a tiny company such as Standard Machine Works to have so many ties specifically to the sheriffs office going beyond friend-of-a-friend links; there were multiple personal and professional relationships with not only Petray but Sheriffs Jack Smith (before Petray) and Boyes (after Petray). Word to this effect was received by Coroner Frank Phillips. Planning for the clinic has taken several years and construction of the $12 million clinic began in 2020. The Call of the 26th publishes the following further testimony in this case. There was the likely participation of the welder from the garage; stir in a few Pattesons and were up to ten, easy. We note, emphatically, that white and race are sociopolitical constructs andnotrooted in meaningful biological differences. Given their presumption that criminals all had some sort of physical impairment that could be visually seen or measured, the brains (and skulls! This piece first appeared in The Bohemian. The hour of the burial was kept quiet, and only those who had to be present were there. The Threats to the Grizzlys Fragile Recovery are Expanding, Instead of Stuck in Court or on Some Future Ballot, Legal Marijuana Should Be On DeSantiss Desk ASAP, The Rise of the Consultant Governing Class, Demanding Transparency in East Palestine, Ohio, The Problem with Israels So-Called Crisis of Democracy, The Ukraine War One Year in: Nine False Narratives, When Neoliberals Declared War on the Poor, Liquidating the Legacy of Revolution: Ideology of the Russian Invasion. HARRY PATTESON was a younger brother of Don. He has a large family, including grandchildren, and it is said his conduct in connection with the San Francisco gangsters has not met with the approval of his family, who it is declared have strenuously protested but to no avail. She reported that an anonymous member of the lynching party, who was in his early 20s when he joined the group, had visited her office and confessed to the crime, because his conscience told him, not that the act was wrong, but that history should be made accurate.. Sure, they replied. The gruesome collection reminiscent of the late triple lynching here, drew the greatest attention from the visitors. As noted earlier, souvenir hunters were cutting off bits of the lynching ropes and ripping bark off the hanging tree, but relics from their actual persons locks of hair, bits of clothing, blood wiped off skin would be far more valuable. The letters and reporter notes are archived at the Gaye LeBaron Collection housed at Sonoma State University. A report current in Santa Rosa during the day, and printed in newspapers published outside of this city, said that the body of Terry Fitts was interred privately, with only a few persons knowing where it was placed. Wine lovers aren't the only ones that get to have fun in Santa Rosa. Asked if he planned to impanel a grand jury, he replied: I cant call a session until I have evidence to put before them., After the inquest, charges were also dropped against poor Dorothy Quinlan, although she was never accused of anything more serious than having bad taste in men. Less than three months after the men were hanged, Sheriff Boyes hired Harry as a full-time deputy sheriff and Superior Court bailiff. Don came from an Alexander prune growing family like the Petrays, Youngs and Lattins discussed in this story. Nobody spoke against it. A few hours past dawn in the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, John Dennison stood beneath a cluster of oak trees with the rest of the Tombstone Trio fellow. The vigilantes had enjoyed enthusiastic inside help from jailhouse deputies. The ladies rest room is fitted up attractively, and is conveniently located near the front of the building. They based their belief on resemblance Boyd had for a family by the name of Riley who lived here a score of years past and who conducted a restaurant. The public snatched up postcards of the lynched gangsters being sold in San Francisco and the fellow who bootleged the photo earned approx. Not a word of the lynching was sent to the aged woman, who had written to Warden J. J. Smith making inquiries as to the whereabouts of her son. THE BEE GETS PHOTO BY AIRPLANE Hoboes, yeggs, idlers and hangers-on about the city are to be arrested and given the stiffest sentence that the law will allow, said Chief Matthews Tuesday. Mr. Patteson is a well known mechanican [sic] and has had much experience in garages and machine works here. It is worth diving into the transcript of Bernards tape recording, including the parts of his testimony that LeBaron didnotpublish in her lynching columns. Santa Rosa Homes for Sale $683,937; Petaluma Homes for Sale $869,631; Rohnert Park Homes for Sale $653,202; Sebastopol Homes for Sale $1,024,191; Windsor Homes for Sale $750,507; Healdsburg Homes for Sale $1,012,455; Mrs. Frank C. Newman, who had been elected president of Rural Cemetery Association in April, 1922, ordered the sexton of the cemetery to take it down a month later. There wont be one word said. He resigned from the Army and moved back at the end of Feb. 1920, about nine months before the lynching took place. Petray and Jewett started a little pursuit themselves, with the result that in about the time it takes a watch to tick, they had the two celebrators safely tucked away in the back seat of Youngs machine. These community events are where we start the conversation.. News reports from the time are sketchy and often contradictory, and there are numerous reports and theories on what happened. LeBaron promised not to reveal the vigilantes identity until 10 years after his death, and she locked the tape recording in the vault of the Sonoma County Library. As it turned out, Clarence H. Barney Barnard lived to be 108, dying in 2008. SAN FRANCISCO POLICEMEN IN LYNCH PARTY, IS REPORT. The Chronicle reported, On all sides were heard the remarks, They got what was coming to them, and Good riddance and a saving of money for their trial. All seemed to join in unanimous approval of the ghastly procedure. Practically the entire day was spent in this manner and Hoyle said it was the first step he would make in carrying out his official duties in connection with the case. Around 3AM Phillips and Welti lowered the bodies to the ground and loaded them into the ambulance wagon. They drilled again on Wednesday night and made a final run-through on Thursday before leaving for the county jail in Santa Rosa. LeBaron and her editors could have told Barnard, Stop talking! The vessel is en route to OMSLL - EGSUZ, sailing at a speed of 12.9 knots and expected to arrive there on Feb 27, 16:00.The vessel SANTA ROSA (IMO: 9430363, MMSI 219086000) is a Container Ship built in 2011 (12 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Denmark. Then there was the plan by Santa Rosa authorities to conceal what happened to the bodies out of concern for grave robbers. Wineries & Vineyards. Young recognised them when they hailed him and brought them to the county jail without warning of his intention. The two hopped off on Mather Field at 1:22 p. m. and arrived at Santa Rosa at 2:30 p. m. after encountering a heavy fog at intervals. It was even planned where each car was to park. This is a postscript to the series on the 1920 lynchings in Santa Rosa, THERE WILL BE PRICES PAID and covers one of the conspiracies of silence following the murder of the gangsters: The mystery of what happened to their bodies. . Lessons Not Learned From the Pentagon Papers, The US Navy is More Than Just Broken, Careerism is Tearing It Apart, Sensitivity Rewrites: The Cultural Purging of Roald Dahl, The Biden National Security Team Must Get SmarterSooner, Building Direct Democracy in an Atlanta Forest, Truth, No Matter What: Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality is a Crime, How Howard Schultz Made Starbucks the Poster Child of Corporate Abuse, Letter from London: Meeting at Maison Bertaux, Why Much of the Global South Isnt Automatically Supporting the West in Ukraine. Further strength is given to the theory that members of the mob were from San Francisco by the report from Coroner Frank H. Phillips, who reported that he met from 15 to 20 automobiles headed south on the highway while he was driving from Petaluma to Santa Rosa to take charge of the bodies of the three men lynched. The Captain anticipated there might be an attempt to capture them after the lynching via roadblocks, ordering some of the men to return via Coffey Lane or other roads; would a 40-something Alexander Valley farmer have maintained his composure if stopped by a patrolman and asked, why are you out this late with a shotgun in your car?. Within half an hour after the lynching occurred, The Press Democrat had two photographers on the scene, and shortly afterwards Ernest Ridley with a finished photograph of the three men was making fast time in a high-powered car to Sausalito, where a powerful launch was waiting to convey him across the bay to Meiggs wharf, the nearest point. Finally, there were related things that happened in the days (and years) that followed and must be mentioned to complete the history of these events. The landing was made at Mather Field at 3:40 p. m. From there the photographs were rushed to the engravers by Howard Meiss on a motorcycle. Ray told audiences the dog was 34 collie and one part wolf. By all odds the most sensational event that ever took place in the history of the county, it was treated by this newspaper accordingly. TWO BOY BURGLARS AGAIN JAILED; MUCH LOOT FOUND whose family has been connected with official life in this county for years. The number of wounds varied between 7-16, depending on who was telling the story. Both Santa Rosa newspapers published four extras on Dec. 10 with the PD claiming 11,000 papers were sold and the Republican saying their total was exactly 23,416. He deals in grapes and raises prunes and has a mind acute for getting on the happy side in marketing the fruit. Several of these masks were brought to Santa Rosa by a member of the Democrat staff, and are now on exhibition at this office. The late Sheriff Petray, killed by the San Francisco gangsters was a well-beloved Knight and extended the invitation to the grand lodge to hold their encampment in Santa Rosa at the 1920 meeting. Shortly after the boys left Sonoma Wednesday afternoon, Deputy Sheriff Joe Ryan received word to be on the lookout for them, and he requested Maynard Young to pick them up if he saw them along the road. Reviews on Cemetery in Santa Rosa, CA - Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, Santa Rosa Memorial Park, Calvary Catholic Cemetery, Chapel Of The Chimes Cem/Crema, Daniels Chapel of the Roses Funeral Home and Crematory, Windsor Healdsburg Mortuary & Crematory, Valley Memorial Park, Pleasant Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary, Shiloh District Cemetery, Sebastopol Memorial Lawn Cemetery But the Press Democrat was told there were no interments in any of the local cemeteries, including potters field, and no coffins were shipped from Santa Rosa by train. It was 1:15 in the morning when Dr. Phillips phone rang at his home in Petaluma. I am just beginning my investigations today and until I have taken several statements I cant tell whether or not the grand jury will be called., Apparently the mystery which involved the identify of the avenging throng was still buried from officials and as no trace or inkling of the men who participated in the hanging has leaked out doubt exists in the many minds if an official investigation will yield results, No Grand Jury Probe Expected At Santa Rosa, There is little likelihood of a Grand Jury investigation into yesterdays triple lynching, District Attorney George W. Hoyle said today as he began his formal inquiry into the mob action. If you are confessing to a crime, we are obligated to report it. But, they chose instead to commercialize the sensational confession, and county law enforcers did nothing in response after the story was published. B. Young took them into his car and proceeded to town. A few months later Phillips told the Press Democrat he was contacted by the supposed Australian mother of Boyd. At the cemetery the nooses were already knotted and securely anchored around the locust tree. V2p81dIn PHOTO ALBUM-VAULT: ** fc917.9461 A3, Vol. This is the fifth chapter in the series on the 1920 lynchings in Santa Rosa, "THERE WILL BE PRICES PAID," and describes events which happened later in the day of December 5.Just an hour earlier Sonoma County Sheriff James A. Petray and two San Francisco detectives had been gunned down while trying to arrest a gangster in Santa Rosa. Children decorated school auditoriums with colorful bunting before performing holiday pageants. Fitts will be buried by the family, but not in the family plot. If not, he will be buried In the Santa Rosa potters field. Location. Santa Rosa's stretch of Route 66 is forever memorialized in American film history in Steinbeck's epic novel, Grapes of Wrath with a memorable train scene, as a freight train steams over the Pecos River railroad bridge in the center of town. That a public subscription be taken up for the preservation and labeling of the locust tree on which Boyd, Fitts and Valento were hung, so that it will be a perpetual reminder to desperadoes, gangsters and gunmen that death is a certain penalty for such murderous attacks as that of Sunday, is the suggestion made from several quarters here this morning. The Standard Machine Works building was at 125 West street (now Healdsburg Avenue) and the vigilantes drilled in the garage section in back, where they did auto and tractor repair. After the end of the war he stayed in the service as personnel adjutant at the base there was no leadership experience apparent in his military record. 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