XVI: A river of ideas and images entering our reality. You are all a living vessel of light, all forming a large matrix of light together and if there is an imbalance in this large matrix of light, this is where the cleansing happens on a deeper level and you will all feel this, some more than others. VIII: A solitary wheel rolling through a forest. . XX: A caravan of gypsies traveling across a vast prairie. V: Putting his ear to a coffin a man hears the whispering of poems. Sacred symbols bring light of awareness,-- language of loving, supportive . For many there has been a feeling within of being pulled and unsettled, which may also cause you some confusion and sadness at times. XXVII: Sanding and sanding a sculptor iscarefully modulating and refining a curve. IV: For a journey down river people turn into eels. Galactic ambassadors travel throughout the universe or dimensions and speak multiple light languages in order to communicate with beings in other realms or planetary/star systems. - Tracy Radley, 2009 - 2023 Tracy Radley. XXII: Sensing that a boat is soon arrive, a woman journeys to the shore. I dont think Ive cried as much with anyone elses work deep tears of revelations, releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am way way way beyond words. XI: Men seeking a fabled sage are traveling deep into the forest with lanterns. I have been following you for some years now. Free Monthly Invocation/Transmission or You Tube Video, Public Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP, Forever Free or Private Portal With Transmissions and Remote Soul Healing with Anrita, A Portal of Expansion as Pure Source Light, One Masterclass, 90-120 minutes each month, Private Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP. XXVI: Jars of spices and bars of gold and silver heaped in a closet. XXIII: A ghostly white figure riding a horse in the twilight. XXI: Magically the trolls make the stones weightless as the build the castle. VI: A woman decked out in beautiful finery conversing with another woman who is totally naked. XXIX: In voices too low to be heard a forest of trees are talking to each other. XXII: Humans and many types of animals carrying out an elaborate dance. Tajitsu is actually the name from Yin Yang, an important Pleiadean symbol of balance. You all have unique light codes within your DNA that serve as a transmitter to greater knowledge and your wealth creation. XIX: Youths riding the backs of dolphins. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Of course, there is much more to that process, but a good knowledge and intuitive familiarity with the iconography can be surprisingly helpful in providing clarity during it. XX: Singing and laughter echoing through a network of canals. Nicknamed "the Galactic Linguist" she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian. | Conscious Reminder, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. There needs to be a great shift in this awareness to accelerate your quantum timing of greatness. X: A bird sent by angels to lead sailors out of dangerous watrs. SO AMAZING. WHAT WE OFFER AS VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE, Readings and Healing Sessions with Anrita, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE FREE MEMBERSHIP, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE MEMBERSHIP JOIN US, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP. XXII: A bird delivering a message to a man trapped in a high tower. This is a guided light language activation to illuminate the Sirian heart flame within. XVII: An ancient crone and her shadow talking to each other. IV: At lands end a woman regretfully turns back. It represents the duality within all of us. The vibration that we are talking about is one that resonates with the greater picture for all, within the universe. A celestial Choir is heard. XXVI: Within the shadowed part of the moon a tiny momentary flare of light is seen. It also represents the Heart chakra, the most important chakra to the balance of the Kundalini. The heptagon is one of the most primal Pleiadian symbols because of their connection with the number seven. VII:At a well a large cask filled with cool water. Poster There are many dualities in life, and this has been recognized all over the world for centuries. Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher. Its carried within the DNA as a memory and a feeling of something that you may not be able to fully tap into. Start each day by bringing your awareness to these light codes, feel the energy of gold illuminating through your body and ask for the Wealth Creation to be magnified and shown to you daily. XVI: Sunlight glittering on falling rain. Here is a complete listing of the mutated Sabian Symbols which I have recently channeled. XXIII: A faint pink flame flickering at the top of an ancient oak tree. XXX: A man in a deaths head mask sitting quietly in a dark tree. IX: A man wandering through a wondrous landscape inside a crystal sphere. XXIV: A woman being interviewed for a position as priestess. XVI: An albatross circling voyagers to Antarctica. The ancient alchemy of light is once again reappearing across the stars systems and the planet is having a light frequency axial shift, aligning to the new frequencies to bring in higher consciousness and higher frequencies of light. VII: A baby dragon pecks its way out of an egg. 2019 spiritualunite.com all rights reserved. VI: The emperors retinue appears in elaborate gold regalia. About Symbols Language Pleiadian Light II: Sheet lightning flickering in soft, shifting colors. In this heart of self you are capable of so many things. XXIX. This Pleiadian Starseed design features 4 different Light Code (Light Language) symbols - Awakening, Centered, Abundance & Sacred Unity. XVII: People dressed in a vivid array of colors come together to celebrate spring. Akashic Records are memory codes held within your light body. More from Medium Metatron is. XII: A professor of symbology explaining a ritual. IV: Deep in a cave gnomes sitting around a flickering fire. I: Deep in the sea a mirror watches the sky. I want to thank you from the deepest from my heart for the most incredible, beautiful and blissful healing. VIII: The factory machines all stop for a moment. The heart symbol is love and emotions. It is an important symbol in Greek mythology. XXVIII: A house built over a river. You may feel the loss of something, grief, anger or sadness. X: At the touch of a magicians hand a text in a forgotten tongue is spontaneously translated. The subtle body comprises of seven primary chakras. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As humans we naturally associate meanings and connotations with our every day native language- which imprints energy and limiting understanding into the words. XXX: A tiny implant secretly placed in a mans head. II: A crystal shatters releasing a cloud of dreams and memories. IX: A mystic symbol comes to life as a multicolored serpent It is also the 4th chakra, called Anahata. XVIII: Lost children are found many years later. XIII: An angel of harmony comes to clear away confusion. They say the following: "We are of a form not unlike your own. Each one of you holds a very important and vital key to open the Atlantian Belt within you and the Earth. It can connect you to your Higher Self. XI: A flickering fire creates the illusion of laughter as it reflects off a golden effigy. Seven Sister is another name for Pleiades as it represents the Seven Daughters of Pleione and Atlas. XIII: On the anniversary of a famous battle a legendary sword is glowing. To order please go to Templates of Light email: starchildrenoflight@hotmail.com. Accept Read More, The Important Pleiadean Symbols Essential For Your Starseed Journey. They havent aged. Please do this mediation regularly. XIV: In a crypt a bas-relief of a woman holding a lotus by its stem. Light Language is an alternative energetic healing modality that comes though in a variety of different ways, from symbols to language to tapping or drumming, and dancing. If you're wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals rather than regular ones, its because I have no idea how to turn off the numbering system of my word processing program, which screws up in a variety of different ways when I try to number with . XXX: Thousands of many different types of wildflowers waving their heads in the wind. XIV: A caravan takes a shortcut through caves. To anchoring, activate and actualize the New Earth Templates within and through our bodies and energy fields. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Apart from feeling separation, you may also feel that you are not entirely here, or maybe there is confusion as to what steps you need to take to clear something held within your heart and higher heart. Pleiadian Light Language for Activating Your Crystalline Light Codes PHCo7. In order for there to be a real change there must be a point of stillness within you and the planet its a reflection of time its self to release the internal power of your freedom within the light, a journey that has taken place for many years is now coming to a point of turning within your evolution here upon earth. XVII: Elaborate polyphonic music which seems to come from many different places at once. In ancient times, Pleiadeans often visited for long periods. XXIII: A sinuous woman in black who is an adept in cat magic. More information Light language symbol More like this Sagittarius And Cancer Pisces And Capricorn Pisces Zodiac Scorpio Symbol Pisces Fish Virgo Sign Zodiac Cancer XXV: A woman dressed in mourning, smiling behind her transparent black veil. XXX: An ancient woman remembering the glories of past kings. XXX: Strange exotic birds have gathered at the ruins of an old palace. Hello! VI: A bridge of swaying vines across a canyon. XVI: The spirits of gems rising out of the ground at dusk. In their own words, the Pleiadians of the League of Light are quite human in appearance. XXX: White birds swimming on a pond seem to glow in the twilight. As souls, we are unlimited in what we can do. XXIV: A giant mandala being cut into the ice of a lake. XXVIII: The princess of a tribe welcomes strangers from afar. Hearing The Word Of God And The Relevance Of Aum, Communicating With The Spirit Of A Deceased Loved One, Awakening, Kundalini Rising And The Unexplained Ear Ringing, 3 Ways Intuition Can Make All The Difference. XIII: Children watching sylphs floating through the air. Both sides need to exist thats the art of balance. Great Beings across the universe are gatekeepers to this knowledge. What is a Pleiadian Starseed? IV: A nuide woman holding a candle around which dances a moth. V: A white owl taking in the energy of the full moon. III: A man drinks in the essence of a forgotten dream. XV: A bear emerges from hibernation. X: Torrential rapids descending into an utterly still and crystal-clear lake. It is a heart/love-based language, rather than a brain/thinking language. This is a follow-along page of " Pleiadian Symbol Code Activation " class. Unity is achieved by emotional and spiritual connections between people, and this is mostly achieved through the Heart chakra. This is your navigation point to trust your own Higher Self/I AM Presence. It is truly a joy to connect with you. XXII: On a stone gate an insignia on which is found a gryphon, a snake, and an apple. XXIV: Out of a cocoon more and more butterflies emerging. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. XVIII: A glorious dragon of many colors embroidered onto a flag. Full Hunter Moon In Aries, October 5, 2017 Powerful Shift Will Bring Intensity And Passion, 7 Differences Between A Twin Flame and A False Twin Relationship, 8 Things To Know About The Full Worm Moon, Human Energy Field How To Read The Human Aura. I: A mans portrait peering with great intensity into a quiet room. As timeless teachings, these masterclasses are presented in the form of invocations, affirmations and guided visualizations with energetically encoded frequencies, Overlighted by the Company of Heaven. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. YOU NEED to have at LEAST 51 % of a LIGHT QUOTIENT so YOU can continue YOUR ASCENSION on this PLANET with EARTH. V: Waking, a an remembers attending a fairy celebration deep in the woods. XXI: A group of acrobats inventing new routines. The message will go far deeper within the Earth and this is where the most beautiful rays of Atlantian High Consciousness will be felt for the souls who have released their fear from this lifetime on a grand scale. XXIII: In twilight a forest alive with all sorts of creatures, some physical, others denizens from other planes. My mission is to help open up my heart as well as those of others (as I stated . Pleiadians are thought to exist in several dimensions including 3D (the Earth plane) through to the 9D. The number seven is so essential to them for a few reasons: The Heptagram is a star heptagon where diagonals are drawn between the angles. Light Language activates codes of knowledge and light opening individual chakras for healing and transformation upon the planet. VIII: A man learning Tai Chi. Thank you for sharing. Let your hearts be the guide, not your minds the heart has shown you the way for many years and yet you doubt this unlimited aspect of self. XIX: Gypsies holding secret rites at a spring deep in a cave. XIV: A medicine woman wearing the talismans of her totem animals. & Dragons A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love . VI: A sinkhole opens up into the earth. In joyous celebration of your glory and greatness i write to thank you for sharing your light with the universe. Starseed & Light Language Activator. You are in the process of change this is rapid and at times chaotic it has engulfed government sectors and big business where greed has been the distortion for many years, this is not of service and therefore it is in transformation. XVII: Lava, as it flows into the sea, is creating new land. Some may catch your eye more than others. It can also come from mysterious lost civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis. This symbolism has remained vital for attuning to the energies of their home planets as Pleiadian Starseeds attempt to awaken on Earth. There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. VI: Revellers dancing around a maypole. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. III: Falling asleep for a moment a man sees how to win a chess game. XII: An imp is causing all sorts of misprints in a book. V: Rocks which, by their shape, seem like people who look down from a great height. These changes have been occurring for a while, but there is a peaking of light and light frequency that is having a major impact on you and earth. I wish for you all to spend time in gratitude for all that you have right now and send this gratitude right around the Earth to the water, forests, jungles, animals, people and all livings things on the planet. VII: After death a man sees golden filaments connecting his various lives. XV: A spiral path that never seems to come to an end. XXIII: A gorilla conversing in sign language. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Spiritualunite.com All rights reserved. Start to draw up the energies of the earth through your feet andask to receive your earth light codes. At dawn the calls of birds mingle with dreams. IX: A woman leading her children up a dark tower. See and feel a ball of brilliant blue light moving around your body and know that you are now being transported into the Pleiadean Council of Light with your guide. Yes, it is laughing. travel on the astral plane while your physical body, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third Eye Activation, Rooster Spiritual Meaning: More Than Just a Farm Animal, Flamingo Spiritual Meaning: Discover the Powerful Significance. This is symbolic of the connection between the star systems of their home cluster, as well as the interconnected nature of the primary chakras. XIV: A conversation interrupted by the writhings of a snake. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. IV: A baby held upright is laughing as it takes each step. Keep the Pleiadian symbols in your mind as you travel. XXIII: A medal struck to commemorate an historical event. A silver light is entering your crown, a harmonic pulse of light you have now entered into the chambers of Pleiadean, Sirian High Councils and St Germian and the Violet Flame. There is a pulsing light coming into your crown chakra, as these light codes are received, you may see a very bright yellow light entering the crown and going into your palms and heart chakra (Pleiadean Codes of Light Harmonic Healing). I am activating the codes of pure light of higher consciousness held within my DNA and the Atlantian Belt. Through your divine service I now have many exciting tools to explore so that I may continue to grow and learn. Please enjoy exploring this site, which provides my, If you have questions or comments, please. XV: Butterflies and flowers appearing magically to comfort convalescents. Salla reports that the Pleiadians are motivated to connect with humanity out of concern for Earth's future. As the higher vibrations merge with your light body there is a transition as the energies of the old meet with the new. III: Hundreds of fallen columns in a lost city. It represents the duality within all of us. IV: A dragon conferring its powers on a maiden. Please click here to take the class. It has long represented love, connection, emotions, and vitality all of which are of great importance to the Pleiadians. For example, as a Pleiadian, I tend to be a perfectionist, people pleaser, and I am here to work on my heart chakra. Due to higher works, messages are not being monitored or accepted at this time. XXVI: Tadpoles playing with naiads. XVI: An old monkey sitting on the stops of an abandoned temple. XIII: An alchemist reworking a formula. Light Language is an ancient and futuristic form of communication used for lifetimes, that resonates with and connects with the soul- rather than the logical mind attached to comprehension through a specific perception. This Creation Wealth ray serves in the healing of self and planet. As you read the words on this page bring your focus to your hearts and ask for the Golden Symbols of Light and Light Frequency to awaken the higher vibrations of your heart. XI: A poet sleeping in the midst of his poems which are scattered everywhere around him. Many of you shut down your light during the time of the destruction of Atlantis and this has caused much heartache which you have carried in many lifetimes. All are powerful tools, providing a form of sound healing. XXVIII: An audience waits while the playwright finishes writing his play. To Awaken and Remember TO ALL THAT WE ARETo raise our vibration and frequency to that of New Earth 5 D and beyondTo anchoring, activate and actualize the New Earth Templates within and through our bodies and energy fieldsTo deepen into our Loving Hearts, living from the heart, as the Light of God We AreTo assist Humanity to Awaken to their Magnificence and Light, Monthly MasterclassesProgramsCoursesMembershipPersonal ReadingsAnd More, Latest events, masterclasses or courses offered by Anrita Melchizedek and Voices of the Light Tribe, Soul Readings, Healing Sessions or Spiritual Coaching, Bundled packages, and current free offerings, TO RECEIVE YOUR OWN BEAUTIFUL ANDARA, CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER DETAILS. A mans portrait peering with great intensity into a quiet room many symbols that resonate with the universe:. Cut into the words creates the illusion of laughter as it reflects off pleiadian light language symbols golden effigy years. 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