Nessel, Bernstein and Cavanaugh attended Listening Sessions across Michigan during which seniors and their families could tell their stories, within three-minute reason. Not only that, but from 2003-to-2008, the MSC was provided audits of probate courts, in at least six counties. And then you did. That left about 1.5% for the third party candidates. Pay-to-play was all too common in state politics, then-Free Press associate editor Ron Dzwonkowski wrote in 2010. Posted in: Uncategorized And there are any number of places where such a change can be demonstrated, across metro Detroit. Oakland County Courts are known for their corruption and their extortion. And then of course in the mid-'70s, '76, '77, with the four children in Oakland County who were kidnapped and killed. Public corruption occurs when anyone who works for the . For instance, it dropped by 8 percentage points in Emmet County, 9 in Ottawa in west Michigan, nearly 10 in Grand Traverse. Moreover, she had pledged to support the the downtrodden and, her meeting request looked like a desire to keep that campaign promise. Bernie Porn, pollster for EPIC-MRA of Lansing, which does polling work for the Free Press, said Trump's margin in the election suggests to him that a greater-than-believed portion of undecided voters and voters who tell pollsters they are supporting third party candidates the former accounting for 6% and the latter 5% in the Free Press' last poll of the campaign are really so-called "shy" Trump supporters who mask that support. In addition, former Detroit Councilman Gabe Leland pled guilty to misconduct in office in May of 2021, and he resigned from City Council following the plea. Behind the scenes of the Michigan Elder Abuse Task Force, Nessels firings of four Public Administrators on Friday, the Detroit not so Free Press, Listening Tours, Kojak, Strip Searches and corruption at the highest levels. Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper: "The Senator does not appreciate your constant attacks on the Attorney General." Michigan Sen. Peter Lucido: I can't help you. Former LAPD officer Rafael Perez was convicted in 2000 on state felony charges for stealing eight pounds of cocaine from an evidence locker. Kirkpatrick pointed to a 2018 internal city document made public that said police Commissioner Ginale Harris demanded the department and the chief pay her back for towing fees Harris owed the city. It spoke generally to the strength Democrats showed in growing suburbs as well as in areas where retirees from southeastern Michigan are moving into Up North. At the time, the chief told the lead investigator she was concerned about retaliation, according to the document. Those officers have since been fired. Two suicides. Follow him on Twitter@tsspangler. Under the Brady rule, prosecutors must disclose material that might help the defense, including information that undermines the credibility of state witnesses. Gretchen Rachel Hammond is an award-winning freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago. And it tells us about Trump, a combativeand polarizing politician who has continued to shock with his claims and surprise with the resilience he has shown in drawing support in places like Michigan. In May, 2019, she paid a visit to an elderly couple, Bob and Barb. I didn't quote him at the time but there were more than a few moments I wanted to blurt out "Well let me tell you, with a trespass on credulity that excels your best, that we do have the evidence. You lied to me, I wrote back. With over 300,000 apartments destroyed in Turkey, fingers are already being pointed at below-par building codes and corruption in construction quality and enforcement. You shared the chart of the home sales information with me and it included one sale that was over $100,000 below the market value. Since 2016 there has been two public corruption cases in Oakland County and one in St. Clair County; no other county in the region has had any cases come to light. Far from the Michigan election being stolen from Trumpas he claims, the president did a remarkable job of energizing support, especially, but not only, in older industrial and rural parts of the state. Political parties have to realign their messaging," she said. Subscribe to our newsletters for regular updates, analysis and context straight to your email. Numerous other officers were named during the investigation and trial as having participated in similar abuses. The decision to purge the files was legal, according to Tom Kinzinger, an attorney with Bryan Cave law firm who reviewed the Alameda County Superior Courts destruction of records for The Appeal. Biden, for instance, did far better than Clinton did in some other areas, and in some of them may have been helped by forces outside hisor Trump's control. Juvenile (delinquency/abuse neglect) - 248-766-7533. The subjects of Nessels proclamation were alsocentral figures in my investigation alongside attorney Jon B. Munger (fired in 2017), Oakland County Probate Court Chief Judge Kathleen Ryan and her colleagues Linda Hallmark, Daniel A. OBrien and Jennifer Callaghan. Recent headlines have been focused on several public officials, including four from the Detroit City Council, three from the Detroit Police Department and three from Macomb County. As part of his plea deal, Perez turned states evidence and accused dozens of other LAPD officers of misconduct. Destroying files relating to police misconduct may damage the publics knowledge of police corruption, LaDoris Cordell, a retired Santa Clara County judge and former independent police auditor for San Jose, told The Appeal. And, given the hands-off approach of Michigan officials (with the exception of Wayne County, MI) and the Detroit bureau of the FBI, there's a very good chance we will never fully understand the lengths public officials and police went to in Oakland County, Michigan, to put economics and reputation ahead of child welfare. Moody, you know about. The destruction of the Riders files is also an erasure of an extraordinary case of corruption that ended with the Oakland Police Department placed under a federal judges oversight. In fact, the entire day went by with radio silence from both the Free Press and Rossman-McKinney. Wayne County, including Detroit, has the highest number of public corruption charges in the region, and the state, followed by Macomb County. The book exposes the history of police brutality on Oakland, but it is a familiar and perhaps even universal story people can bear witness to in countless communities that stretch around the world. That played out in other areas all over the state. In the 1960s, Oakland became the birthplace of the Black Panther movement after growing police harassment and brutality, and in 1968, anger at OPD boiled over when cops killed a 17-year-old member. The journalists in attendance were, justifiably, appalled and, in the end, Burgio ended up getting far more ink than Nessel. Chapter 4: The Investigating Prosecutor. Not only did he flip Kent, where Grand Rapids is located, he cut Trump's margin in Ottawa County, in one of the most Republican parts of the state, by 9 percentage points. An outspoken, genuine sort of bloke, he pushed back on the notion that nothing had been done about alleged probate corruption. The paper that would never bow to a public official. Four take plea deals in wild Brentwood homicide where victim, suspects shot each other, Feds charge two with robbing two San Francisco banks during the same day, One dead, another wounded in Oakland shooting, Prosecution wraps case in Alex Murdaugh murder trial. The charges still currently stand against Miller though, and Liston pled guilty to embezzlement charges for improper use of forfeiture funds in September of 2021. Can you give me more information on that file so we can pull the probate file?, Also, we are looking for the most egregious case that involved either the Guardian ad Litum ignoring the ward (who isnt incapacitated), he added. Chapter 3: Law and Order - LBP. He joined the . That piece concluded that history indicated that anytime a Democratic presidential or gubernatorial candidate won betterthan 56% in metro Detroit defined as Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties he or she would win the state. Indeed, outside Catallo and myself, no one ever wanted to talk to these families. Kirkpatrick notified city officials, and the request was included in an investigation of Harris that had been initiated by then-City Administrator Sabrina Landreth. For years, multiple families had gone to Michael with horror stories about hispublic administrators. The Oakland Police Department was placed under federal court oversight in 2003 following revelations that a squad of officers had spent the summer of 2000 running rampant in a predominantly Black. Republican voters, though, as well as Democratic ones, are clearly not monolithic. Teter looked me square in the face and asked me who they were. Still, I kept the faith. Yet, for the months which followed, Nessel refused to say the words public administrator and investigation in the same sentence. However, theres always the unexpected. Charges were filed by the Los Angeles District Attorney against Sgt. The president, meanwhile, has repeatedly shown himself to be a political marvel, defying odds and proving pundits, handicappers and pollsters wrong. True to form, it was a downright bizarre four hours during which our summary of findings was received with moments which ran the gamut between receptive and defensive. In fact, while Biden lost west Michigan as a region overall, he still was able to improve his percentage of support relative to Clinton's by 5 percentage points again, much of that coming from third party support from four years ago and get 119,000 more votes out of the region. Exposing how the U.S. criminal legal system fails to keep people safe and perpetuates harm. Sometimes, after a salacious bit of information is published, all the OpEd scribes line up to give their two penneth. With the help of Democrat activist and State Court Administrator Milton Mack, Jr., she decided to stick around the Macomb County bench, if only when she felt like it. The prominent law firm alsorepresents the city of Oakland, Alameda County and the Coliseum Authority, most notably in the ongoing legal battle against the Golden State Warriors over a roughly $40 million debt the authority says the team owes. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. This case involving Spivey is connected to a larger investigation related to its towing operations. Kirkpatrick was also recently criticized in her handling of the police fatal shooting of a homeless man, Joshua Pawlik, who was found armed and sleeping in 2018. Kirkpatricks lawsuit seeks an unspecified amount of monetary damages for loss of pay, benefits and loss of future earnings. For months, the president had been saying you can't trust absentee, mail-in ballots so his base was not using it. The Riders case is significant for police accountability in Oakland. While my press badge, issued by the Chicago Police Department, pissed off Kojak to no end and at least got me in the door with Teter, maybe it had no weight when it came to last minute pressers. At least once a year, but usually more often than that, a public corruption cases surfaces in Southeastern Michigan that involves a public official. As we moved on to Medicaid fraud allegedly committed by the public administrators, I was asked what bearing it had on the investigation. He left a few staff members behind to hear them, but the families were devastated. And his percentage of the overall vote actually declined slightly. Read more onMichigan politics and sign up for ourelections newsletter. The Free Press: Thats what it says on the cereal box. What may be the most remarkable part of Biden's victory in Michigan, however, is the way in which the entire process unfolded amid the coronavirus pandemic. Chuck Rizzo whose rags-to-riches story of becoming a millionaire businessman in the trash industry only to lose most everything readily admits his guilt in a public corruption scheme. B ) During the meeting, allow the AGs staff to review, but not keep, the documents. the jury verdict. A documentary crew with exclusive access follows the new leadership with the cold case team devoted to Morgan's case. And legal experts say that destroying records of police misconduct, even if authorized by state statute, may conflict with the constitutional rights of defendants. Oakland County Public Corruption Defense Lawyer, MI. Barry and Marion King's 11-year-old son, Tim King, was the last victim of the Oakland County Child Killer. When police searched Richholt and Neelys rental car, they found potential evidence of other crimes, including cash, zip-top plastic bags of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, and firearms. Theres a reason why this story is my last as a journalist. Bill Ballenger: The blue AMC Gremlin, child killer. A 21-year-old man was arrested and charged with murder in connection with a Jan. 23 shooting in Oakland that killed one and injured six. Theyve been breaking the rules with impunity for so long that they dont see a problem with it.. Therefore, I cannot let this particular whole truth just vanish. Feds file obstruction case against ex-W. Bloomfield schools official . The second trials of Mabanag and Siapno also ended in hung juries. Turned out Taylors favorite hobby after Catallos story broke was taking to social media and yammering about both it and her as, ironically, being nothing more but fake news.. Jeff Chiu/Associated Press. Why are you working with them?. Therefore, Moody had no jurisdiction over them. "The Trump surge came at the end and he couldn't quite catch up to Biden's advantage," he said. All of them were actively quashed from the public. However, they never faced criminal charges. In 2000, Ortiz, Liddy, and Buchanan were convicted by a Los Angeles County jury of framing gang members and planting evidence. I felt more disappointment than surprise when one of the principle topics of Nessel's presser was guardianship in Michigan's probate courts; the focal point of my investigation. As if I didnt already know, he reminded me that public administrators who took roles as guardians and conservators were acting outside of their job descriptions and as private attorneys. Those Oakland and Washtenaw County families whose stories I had the honor of telling knewthat Nessels Frday dictum wasbullshit. The Section's public corruption work involves the investigation and prosecution of bribery, extortion, fraud, and embezzlement committed by elected and appointed officials, government employees, and those doing business with city, state, and federal government. He is a man to whom I will be indebted for the rest of my life. The Oakland Police Department has been under a nearly two-decade-long federal oversight program as a result of the Riders case, in which officers were accused of beating and planting drugs on West Oakland residents. Oh them! Teter replied, growing visibly impatient. Mar 02, 2022. If your case does not appear in the MiFIle efiling system please email to have it added. On the morning of March 21, I interviewed Senator Pete Lucido (R). For Coblentz, that is 296 cases involving 345 defendants . But even as Trump added some365,000 voters to his totals in Michigan from four years ago in Tuesday's general election, his opponent, Democratic nominee Joe Biden, didfar better, running up surging vote totals in urban and suburban areas and narrowing Trump'sedge in key counties, including Macomb,Kent and Livingston. The Istanbul Center hosted a discussion Jan. 19 with Ali Winston, one of the authors of The Riders Come Out at Night: Brutality, Corruption, and . Record turnout of 5.5 million, larger than that seen in the election of 2008,drove his victory. This year, despite trailing in many independent public opinion polls such asthe Free Press' by around 7 points, he brought it closer to 2 by outgaining Biden in areas like St. Clair County, where he added more than 10,000 votes, and Monroe, where he added 9,400. Its the easiest job in the world for Nessel; like telling Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York that she cant be a Duchess because all those weight watchers commercials were a bridge too far. Almost immediately, they are forced from their homes and into long-term care facilities or unlicensed group facilities with subhuman living conditions. - John F . Record turnout of 5.5 million, larger than that seen in the election of 2008,drove his victory, predicted the statewide winner for governor or president in the last sevenelections and 17 of the last 20, And that's in a county, like Kent, where Trump held a rally on the last day of the campaign, the former accounting for 6% and the latter 5% in the Free Press' last poll of the campaign, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. "Kos" and "Daily Kos" are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC. The sole remaining court record of the Riders case is related to officer Frank Vazquez, known to his fellow officers as Choker because he frequently grabbed people by their necks. Throughout the trials, the Oakland Police Departments internal culture was examined in detail, as were political decisions by city leaders to undertake a zero tolerance crackdown on drug dealers, which community activistsand even the Oakland police unionblamed for stoking violence by street cops. With millions of those votes cast in the weeks before Election Day, it entirely changed the face of the campaign, and Avery wonders whetherit won't change things for good. It is one of the 80 key precincts identified by Tim Kiska, an associate professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn who does election analysisfor the Free Press, as representative of the direction the state may take in a given election. But he kept it up, and it worked to a great degree. I do hope hes got his Geiger Counter on standby. Theiralleged victims number in the high thousands of Michigan's most vulnerable senior and developmentally disabled citizens, each declared legally incapacitated wards and placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship. Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? During thirteen months in 1976 and 1977, four children were abducted, abused in captivity and then murdered, their bodies tossed by public roadsides. I truly believe that they dont see what theyre doing as being corrupt. It wasn't just metro Detroit, however. By that, we're talking about the fact that while third party candidates played an oversize role in the 2016 election, with Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein taking about 5% of the vote, they accounted for just a little over 1% in this election. Jackson said she felt the commission was vindicated after Warshaws report said there was a lack of leadership on Kirkpatricks part in handling the Pawlik case. However, Vazquezs case documents were inaccessible to the public until Sept. 27, when the Alameda County clerk uploaded them to its electronic records database in response to questions from The Appeal. Since they had never received a single response from their own attempts to shed light on what was happening at the probate court, I hoped to discern why, while giving them an opportunity to be heard. Chapter 5: The Runaway. Its really hard toconfer a whistleblowing case when no one knew the whistle had been blown, Jackson said. So, I never took for granted the honor of telling someones story and elevating a voice; especially if they had suffered from injustice or been discarded by society. What I am about to relate is not an attempt to shame my fellow reporters, nor is it sour grapes as I was able to to find a form of resolution in that the story got told. Under Kirkpatrick, five previously achieved tasks were brought out of compliance. The many decades of deceit, public corruption, evidence contamination, and including the lack of following up on anything. The seven commissioners, Harris included, voted unanimously in February to remove Kirkpatrick from her position. 2. We have it and it is clear and incontrovertible. and corruption in Contra Costa County. Well let me say something to you, we do have the evidence.. After all, less than a week after Nessels office asked to meet with me, the Detroit-area Task Force raided the Taylor, Michigan City Hall and the Attorney General herself released a note congratulating them. The Oakland police fired Valerga after he was criminally charged. In Wayne County's Canton Precinct 2, for instance, the in-person vote broke 58%-42% for Biden, up from the52%-43% Clinton had in 2016. , where anti-gang officers in a downtown precinct were accused of unprovoked shootings and beatings of suspects, as well as planting evidence and stealing drugs then turning around and selling them on the street. But I was assured, by Free Press leadership, that in no way had the publication ever allowed outside pressure to interfere with an investigation. Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods? Kirkpatrick publicly stated she would file suit in March, shortly after she was fired. So, I continued my work with the security that its results, pending rigorous fact-checking, had a home. "That's not happening any more. Yet she, somehow, forgot to mention to them the evidence my team and I brought to her staff and years of complaints to her office, and that of her predecessor, by wards and their families. And one. In November 2005, Valerga pleaded guilty to the charges, all misdemeanors. If that's the case, it's not just in Michigan, but in several other states as well, including Wisconsin and Florida, where Trump clearly outperformed most recent polls. Mack was a Wayne County Probate Court Chief Judge when, again, two attorneys operating out of his court, John Chase, Jr. and Melvin Jefferson Jr, allegedly worked with Wayne County Judge Freddie Burton, Jr. to pilfer the estate of no less than Rosa Parks. This time it was defined by a Republican senators big mouth. Required fields are marked *. In 2005, Hornung was acquitted after his second trial in which some of the charges against him were dropped. One of the firearms found in the car was a shotgun that Neely and Richholt allegedly seized from an East Oakland mans house earlier in the day in a warrantless search. So they didn't vote for her. Your email address will not be published. The day after my team met with Teter. By Nate Gartrell | | Bay Area News Group. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. There were moments when, for example, I tried to raise the subject of Moody and Teter immediately shut me down. In 2000, rookie officer Keith Batt and his training officer Clarence Mabanag rampaged through West Oaklands Black neighborhoods. It is now . She previously covered the Tri-Valley cities of Pleasanton, Dublin, Livermore and Danville. But the Riders wasnt the only criminal case file involving Oakland police corruption destroyed by the Alameda County Superior Court. When my stories resulted in positive changes, to even a single life, then my salary and the resulting can of Spaghettios was earned. On August 23, 2019, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she had fired three Oakland County Public Administrators, John Yun, Jennifer Carney and Thomas Brennan Fraser and one. Since taking the bench in 2003, George had somehow survived numerous scandals and, like most Michigan probate court judges, knew on which side her bread was buttered. March 1, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. "we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.". In 2015, the Superior Court in Alameda County, California, quietly destroyed the criminal case files for three former Oakland police officers, known as the Riders, who stood trial for beating, falsely arresting, and framing dozens of African American men in the late 1990s and early 2000s, The Appeal has learned. At least two other cases identified by The Appealone involving officers Eric Richholt and Mark Neely Jr., the other involving Richard Valergahave also been destroyed. 2 days ago Armored truck driver shoots at attempted robbers outside Southfield McDonald's An. Never had I heard of a news organization siding with a public official over a journalist, freelance or not. Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified. When including public contractors that number rises to about 40. Daily Kos readers dont tend towards the troll, yet never couch brutal honesty in niceties. In Oakland County, the state's second largest county, turnout was nearly75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008; in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout was 62%, just under that seen in the 2008 election. With this plea he is required to testify against Smith if requested to do so. ), I felt like Adlai Stevenson staring down Ambassador Zorin. Four years ago, its 974 votes broke 61%-35% for Trump. The Oakland Police Commission, made up of seven appointed residents, was created to oversee the police departments policies and practices, and the Community Police Review Agency, which investigates police misconduct.. It would, therefore, not serve our goals for publication at all to provide you with the requested documents at this time, I concluded. That morning, Nevin told a reporter who did get up the gumption to ask about the probate courts, "we have no specific instances of wrongdoing.". The Appeal was unable to locate Valerga for comment. Staff writer David DeBolt contributed to this report. What should have been a problem, what is a problem is the fact that Oakland County Chief Judge Kathleen Ryans brother James Ryan Jr.'s company Public Affairs Associates (PAA) has longstanding ties to Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and was among thetop donorsfor her inauguration committee. Since the inception of the consent decree, the agency has cycled through 10 police chiefs, all of whom have failed to fulfill the reform programs mandates. As to why that should be the case, Porn said, "I think it's unique to the character of Donald Trump and how he is perceived. Getting those voters to voice their support in public opinion polls isn't easy. Contact Todd . The case against Deanna Barash, 46, is the latest case filed by public corruption prosecutors against a . Turnout topped 5.5 million votes, beating the record of 5 million in 2008, and that, in turn, was driven by an avalanche of absentee votes, which were believed to top 3.3 million. Corruption cases have long riddled the Metro-Detroit region and in an upcoming post we will detail the ones that have been brought to the public eye since 2016. Can you supply one?. You told me you would never back down to anyone. So, prior to the meeting, my team and I reached a decision that if Moody was going to get involved, our best course of action was to provide the proof of our findings but protect the alleged victims and their families by: A) Redacting the names and case numbers from documents. "We know that a lot of that was baked in. The U.S. Supreme Court has explained that the rule extends to any favorable evidence known to others acting on the governments behalf in the case, including the police.. Many of the judges are in cahoots with the Friend of the Court workers. But it was clear that Democratic voters, especially, heeded the call to vote absentee. Kirkpatrick alleges in the suit that she was fired in February for standing up to the misconduct and reporting it. The reforms that Nessel, alongside Michigan Supreme Court Justices Richard Bernstein and Megan Cavanaugh, proposed that morning all stemmed from issues I had brought up in the meeting with Teter as well as Catallos reporting and ones which were clearly laid out in an updated 2019 federal Qui Tam lawsuit brought by Ann Arbor attorney Bradley Geller. OAKLAND COUNTY. In 2003, the first trial ended in a hung jury. Both officers falsely. Biden lost in all those places, as he did in all but 11 of the state's 83 counties. At below-par building codes and corruption in construction quality and enforcement it added March, shortly after was... The rest of my life deceit, public corruption prosecutors against a if requested to do so Brady,. 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