The new pastor was soon kicked out after allegations that he had more than a dozen affairs with churchwomen, many of them married. (Similar concern has yet to be expressed for his victim.) They need to know that there is help. He claimed that he had long heard reports that Nischik was immoral, but the following important observation must be taken into consideration in this matter: Throughout all of this, Hyles being privy to most if not all of it by his own testimony, Vic remained a member in good standing of the First Baptist Church, song leader in Dr. Hyles own adult Sunday School class, choir member, a key worker in the bus ministry (where the pickings would be delightful among love-starved, fatherless, teenage girls), a trustee of Hyles-Anderson College, a financial adviser and assistant who helped him obtain a $1,500,000 loan for the purchase of the Hyles-Anderson campus, as well as a respected deacon in the First Baptist Church! (The bus ministry still operates today.). And it shall be done., Critics are skeptical. ..and stay on our knees in prayer, because Satan is just waiting for the opportunity to strike. With Americas supposed Bible-believing preachers lying like this by abusing the tenses of verbs, it is no wonder that the president of the country testified under oath some that it depends on what the definition of IS is., Various other people testified of the existence of the door, including Dave Hyles wife and a preacher who was long associated with Hyles but left in 1988 because he could no longer tolerate the deception and who wrote to Robert Sumner about the matter in 1989. In light of the firsthand testimonies that have been published, this pastor is simply closing his eyes to the truth, for whatever reason. Instead, the silence was golden, and it still is. [This was before Jack Schaap got caught in adultery with a teenager.] Former pastor of First Baptist Church, Culpeper, Virginia, Convicted in 2006 of cruelty to children and assault and battery, 4. Much of our material is available for free, such as the hundreds of articles at the Way of Life web site. Then there were the practical matters that caused immediate red flags when we rolled up to Hyles-Anderson College in our overloaded U-Haul, during the oppressively hot Midwestern August, in 1983. We could never even tell our best friends what went on in our home, because we might be the cause of the destruction of his ministry. In 1998, Joseph D. Combs, a former Bible teacher at Hyles-Anderson who had become a pastor in Tennessee, and his wife, Evangeline, were convicted on multiple charges of aggravated abuse, assault, and kidnapping of their adopted 11-year-old daughter. Every member was in complete obedience to my father. Evaluate 3 (13395 Ratings) Top rated: 3 . But Schaap is not simply one of those rogue evangelists who thunders against the evils of forbidden sex while indulging in it himself. Linda. Sincerely,(Signed Judy Johnson). She was sickened and literally brokenhearted, she told me, when she heard about her brother-in-laws arest. Our home was so full of turmoil, hatred, stress, strife, and as a little girl, it was isolating, it was intense, and it was frightening. Hyles made the arrangements for and settled the terms of the divorce, and Hyles even paid for it! Meanwhile, the churchs lawyer, David Gibbs, has called for other victims to come forward with their stories. . helped salvage what was left of my self-respect. William A. To critics, this effort appeared to be more about boosting the churchs attendance numbers than about saving souls. We were taught to not question and to take the man of Gods [Schaaps] word over everything, says Julie Silvestrone Busby, a former First Baptist member who now hosts a Christian radio show in Iowa. And they still perpetuate his legacy: the strict rules, the undying loyalty, and they still try to keep all the secrets (Linda Murphreys testimony at the TEDxOjaiChange event in Ojai, California, April 5, 2012).POLICY: Way of Lifes content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. The following is excerpted from Linda Murphreys testimony at the TEDxOjaiChange event in Ojai, California, April 5, 2012. HE STOLE MY WIFE, HER LOYALTY AND AFFECTION, and when the divorce hung in balance, unilaterally met with the two attorneys and negotiated the divorce settlement.After Nischik went public with the dirty business, Hyles tried to blacken the mans reputation and turn attention away from his own deeds in a self-serving letter he mailed to 60,000 pastors. The year was 1985. Instead, the silence was golden, and it still is. And, says Kaifetz, he got a heros welcome. You may also post parts of reports and/or entire reports to websites, blogs, etc as long as you give proper credit (citation). By the time he took charge of the 44-member Miller Road Baptist Church in Garland, Texas, in 1952, he was a full-fledged, fire-breathing, stem-winding spellbinder, blessed with a booming preachers voice, a savants recall of the Bible, and a charisma that could almost magically levitate people from their seats to surrender their lives to the Savior. Many people have an attitude of, S. Be the first to contribute! They are right back in the same trap.. Female students at Hyles-Anderson, Busby recalls, underwent sporadic pajama inspections. If the tops and bottoms didnt match, says Busby, dorm supervisors would sometimes make us strip right there and put on an approved set., The pajama-clad young women would gather in the chapel to wait for Hyles. There was a door knob there, but it looked like part of the paneling, and there was a picture hanging there, so you really had to be studying to notice that there was a door there from his office. There are still many, many victims out there, says Busby, herself involved with a group of former First Baptist members who have their own abuse stories. He left everything to the organization, which my younger sister and her husband now lead. Outbursts of anger, an unwillingness to brook criticism, and a penchant for ironfisted control were also part of his repertoire. Clayton Busby had pastored a small church in Maine, but felt called to Hyles-Anderson. You had to really look. First Baptist Churchs longtime lawyer, David Gibbs, declined a request for comment on this story. I was embarrassed and humiliated that he said that, because David had kissed every other girl in the church, too, and they were all sitting there laughing. . Some of the abuse that Glover described in his bookas many others would later allegewas perpetrated by Hyless son. Author: Four years ago, he pleaded guilty to felony stalking of a 14-year-old girl while pastor of Central Baptist Church in East Chicago. Members of a Bible-based group, for example, are made to believe that its a sin of pride for you to think for yourself, he says. She claims that Dr. Hyles died after having amassed $80 million dollars worth of real-estate buildings at the church. When she put that curtain that went across the wall, it probably stuck out a good four feet from the wall and it went all the way across, so you had to go behind the curtain to see the door after she put that up._________________[As to why the people at First Baptist allowed these things to go on] the only thing I can tell you is that you are so totally brainwashed. A strategic and highly accomplished executive with vast expertise in brand management, business development, digital transformation, P&L management, and relationship management. Hyles-Anderson College appears to be struggling, too. There should have been a cry against him from every Bible-believing Baptist pulpit in America. Facebook gives people the power. Dr. Linda Lowes, a physical therapist and researcher specializing in the assessment of neuromuscular dystrophies, is a principal investigator in the Center for Gene Therapy and a research associate professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University. I literally feared for my very life if I ever told what went on in our home, for fear that it would hurt his ministry. Things that we encourage you to share include the audio sermons, video presentations, O Timothy magazine, and the hundreds of Fundamental Baptist Information Service (FBIS) articles. He moved him to another church where he was found to have had 17 affairs with different women, and he just recreated what he had seen my dad live. Former pastor of Antioch Baptist Academy, Warren, Michigan, Convicted in 2011 of sexually assaulting a minor, 3. Men were to wear jackets and ties and close-cropped hair. Unfortunately, it went well beyond talk. Hated her. Her feelings of regret are understandable, but all of this is in God's timing. It really is astonishing, says Jeri Massi, a researcher from Raleigh, North Carolina, who has been documenting the sexual abuse of children in Christian fundamentalism since 2001. It was simple, but daunting, and that was to keep all the secrets, and there were so many. One of the girls told me and Daves sister that she was sleeping with him, and we told his dad. FIRST, TO GIVE THE BACKGROUND, LET ME QUOTE FROM THE BOOK , IN REGARD TO HYLES RELATIONSHIP WITH JUDY NISCHIK. Breaking Free: Linda Hyles Murphrey Speaks At TEDxOjaiChange. . Money poured into the church in other ways: the tithes collected each Sunday, a book-publishing arm, and various conferences and seminars. Cindy cut off her own sister, Linda Murphrey, who left the cult and has spoken publicly in Ted talks about how her father was abusive, hated her mother, abused church members, and enjoyed his affairs while preaching condemnation to others from the pulpit. The wrath of Hyles and his supporters again rained down. The earliest memory of my mother's affair with Jack Hyles that I can remember dates back to the 1960's. So many hurting, scared, broken women who are so afraid, who dont know that theyre loved, who want grace, but they have only heard all the things they need to do. He left nothing to his children. Tags: Crime & Law, Print-Specific Tags - Feature, Writers - Bryan Smith. I am continually amazed at the pastors who defend Jack Hyles, denying that he was a moral reprobate as well as a dictatorial cult leader. Another philosophy of his is that he doesnt want to hear anything, because then he doesnt have to deal with it. (The previous are excerpts from Dave Colemans Interview with Paula Hyles Polonco, first wife of Jack Hyles son Dave, November 1, 1989). Local papers, from the Hammond Times to the Chicago Tribune, featured the story, as did the tabloid TV news show A Current Affair. [As to why the people at First Baptist allowed these things to go on] the only thing I can tell you is that you are so totally brainwashed. David was a blatant liar. When he walked out on the stage of those chapel services, youve never seen anything more over-the-top expressivethousands waving the Bible in the air, screaming, shouting, whistling., In the beginning, Schaaps preaching was standard Hyles: emotional denunciations of the flock for not doing enough to please God. But those who have left, the followers who have tried to leave, the outsiders, even the media (it was on. So does every expert and religion blogger tracking the churchand virtually every one of the dozens of victims and former church memberswith whom I spoke. Within a couple of years, his flock had swelled to 4,000, earning Hyles a far-reaching reputation. 700 Children's Drive. With Americas supposed Bible-believing preachers lying like this by abusing the tenses of verbs, it is no wonder that the president of the country testified under oath some that it depends on what the definition of IS is.Various other people testified of the existence of the door, including Dave Hyles wife and a preacher who was long associated with Hyles but left in 1988 because he could no longer tolerate the deception and who wrote to Robert Sumner about the matter in 1989. With your own insecurities and personal failures as your driving force, you have quite simply played havoc with an entire church, some of my dearest friends and worst of all, my family. His current job: pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Miami. helped salvage what was left of my self-respect. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open. Kerry Martin, 56 So [authorities] have asked us to come in and conduct a thorough investigation. He pastored a church in Texas and was found to be having affairs with 14 different women. After his first sermon in 1947, Elijah blushed and Heavens flag flew at half mast for three days, he lamented in a 1975 Time magazine article. You could see their family from our back door. Incidentally, Paula and I have volumes of stories to swap, and it is interesting to see just how similar they are. According to Kaifetz, When a guy like Hyles says, This is Gods will for your life, you just say, Well, I guess it is., One area in which Hylesa father of fourexerted particular control was child rearing. I was so afraid, and the greater the secrets, the greater my fear, and the greater my determination to keep quiet. Jack Hyles wouldnt live to see Mulligans conviction. Victoria says: August 20, 2012 at 12:35 pm. Jack Hyles was a personal friend. Trisha LaCroix, who attended Hyles-Anderson College, says that she was disowned by her parentsFirst Baptist members bothin part for daring to wear pants. The influx of cash enabled First Baptist to buy large parcels of real estate around Hammondand enabled Hyles to buy loyalty. The sessions lasted from 2004 through 2009. The age at which such punishment should begin? These are sharable. He was so interested in mine and Davids personal relationship. Scandal followed the younger Hyles. Perhaps the saddest of all her statements was that the rest of her family will not likely admit that they were wrong. After serving in the army in World War II, he married his sweetheart, Beverly Slaughter. A truly just man will. The autopsy revealed trauma and numerous broken bones in various stages of healing. He owned our homes, our cars, our furniture. Spanking should be deliberate and last at least ten or fifteen minutes, he continued. I grieve for them.. Oh yes, we doooo. Why he lies about that I will never know. First, we see that refusal to separate from those who are immoral takes away the ability to protest their evil. Enough with the Jack hyles worship there Eddy. What was it that you used to say, 'Little leopards have spots because big leopards have spots'? Eddie Lapina is the one controlling the pastor. Incidentally, Paula and I have volumes of stories to swap, and it is interesting to see just how similar they are. Busby is far from the only person to compare First Baptist to a cult. There should have been a cry against him from every Bible-believing Baptist pulpit in America. And even turned his own children against their mother. Even Southern gospel music was sick and sinful and of the devil, says Busby. The preacher quoted 1 Thessalonians 5:22, Abstain from all appearance of evil, but Hyles brazenly replied, My people need to trust me.In 1971, Hyles, without his wife, took Jennie and three other women to Hawaii and stayed in the same hotel, being the only male in the group.In a scene right out of some cheap romance novel, Hyles arranged for Vic Nischik to sleep in the basement of his own house and to pay rent to Jennie. I remember hearing once that it is not wise to put anything in writing that one would not want the entire world to see. Then, his voice dropping to a guttural whisper, he said, Oh, oh, God. If it were not so, the Bible would not thrice warn in the New Testament Epistles, Be not deceived.. The answer is definitely yes and there are a hundred people who know that. We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. (Or would have, had Schaap not habitually railed against the evils of rock music.). It was a fine sermon, and the people around memen in suits and ties with neatly combed hair, women in tastefully modest dresses, children sitting quietly beside themsmiled and nodded. We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. Linda Murphrey is a popular inspirational speaker and expert in human behavior as a Certified Personal and Professional Development Coach, a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and. THE TRUTH is that all the property belonged solely to the First Baptist Church of Hammond. Wearing a gray blazer, a red patterned tie, and dark pants, clutching a Bible in his left hand, he stopped in front of the TV cameras and planted a long kiss on his wife, Cindy, 52. Anything., While reshaping the morals of his followers, Hyles also set about empire building, Independent Baptiststyle. Further, this was not just one pastor. (A poster for one appearance called the Hyleses The Worlds Greatest Men.). Rock music was out, of course, as was any music with a syncopated beat. Its a continuous guilt trip, says McGuire. He hated my mom. The fire-and-brimstone words of his mother burning in his head, Hyles then enrolled at East Texas Baptist College in Marshall, Texas, where he became a student pastor. He divorced his wife and married one of the 14. And even turned his own children against their mother. Head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, mouth gaping, he began rubbing the shaft rapidly with the cloth, up and down, up and down. Jack Hyles was the cult leader and he . No one could have imagined he would grow into the larger-than-life figure whom critics would dub the Godfather and others would consider the Chosen One. Hyles kept close watch over the colleges curriculum to make sure it met his standards and was suitable for export to churches across the country. Yes, they havent slept together in probably 25 years, they dont share the same bedroom, they dont speak. Hes never said that he loved Mrs. Hyles. Back at First Baptist, prayers for Brother Schaap have been asked for and received. One night, Jack Hyles sat three of his four children down the eldest was away at college and told them he had to leave the home "because of the way your mom is acting," Murphrey recalled. He owned our lives, and we didnt dare cross him, because we were too afraid we would lose everything. Forgive me, but the shock and awe of this latest scandal is only felt by those faithful who have turned a blind eye to the systemic corruption and sin that has plagued FBC for decades. First, there was the expectation that the school provided some support for students when they arrived. In fact, he has sat at my table in my home. That reknown enabled Hyles to begin crisscrossing the country as the de facto leader of a loose coalition of Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches. My older brother became another version of my father. And my dad did nothing but cover it up. The problem is that his dad has set himself up so good, that everybody doubts everything because thats how they have been taught. His dads philosophy is if I didnt see it I dont believe it. After the divorce, Jennie moved into a brand new $150,000 condominium at Hyles generous behest. What I cant comprehend is telling a lie that so many people know is a lie. He got five years in prison. I dont care how controlling Jack Schaap was. So yes, he did know. He told us she was crazy. On a single Sunday in 1975, more than 30,000 people attended services that began at 9:30 a.m. and concluded at 7:30 p.m., reported the Chicago Tribune, prompting Hyles to boast that he had created the worlds largest Sunday school.. He began calling himself an Independent Baptistuntethered to any dogma or ritual he didnt cotton to, unaccountable to any ruling body or person beyond himself. I thank God for giving me the sense to decide not to become one of the neurotic puppets you employ. ), If a man did stumblehaving an affair, say, or visiting prostitutes or abusing childrenthe question wasnt how he could have but rather what the woman, or the child, did to drive him to such sin, some former church members say. According to his reading, men ruled absolutely. Instead, he spoke of doing more for the church, of stepping up, of trying harder. Before the judge, if Schaap wasnt exactly defiant, he was far from submissive. A link to the original report is very much appreciated as the reports are frequently updated and/or expanded. He lifted a stick in his left hand and a silver cloth in his right. I dont know if there is right now. Of course at the time, I thought this was the devil trying to trip me up. It probably is one the most . Every time we talked he would ask me if we kissed, and I would say yes, and he would ask me real intimate questions about when we kissed and what happened when we kissed. We never double dated. That experience didnt cause Mulligan to rethink his career choice, however. Abused her. Dr. Hyles lying was blatant just like Davids. I attended at least 12 Pastors Schools. . 25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. What makes a church a cult? Rev. At first, Busby says, it really seemed like he wanted to help us. But soon Schaap was requesting numerous sessions with Busby alone. Linda is Jack Hyles daughter, and it appears that the hypocrisy she witnessed has driven her into the arms of skepticism, which is very sad, but it was not necessary. , because his influence is so pervasive even to this day. Another occasion was the girl who was working at the cemetery. I dont know if there is right now. One of the girls told me and Daves sister that she was sleeping with him, and we told his dad. But yes, there is most definitely a door. What was it that you used to say, 'Little leopards have spots because big leopards have spots'? He divorced his wife and married one of the 14. (You know well the horrifying effects doing so can cause, don't you?) I was one of those chocago kids who rode the bus to church went to the church camp and youth camp went to all the church funtions and went to the highschool not once did anything inappropriate happen! He soon took it upon himself to arrange marriages. Maybe you could start your investigation there.Both Terry Duff and Eddie Lapina can help you fill in the details. View the profiles of people named Linda Murphy on Facebook. In fact, she kept it covered with a curtain. His daughter, Linda Hyles Murphrey, recalls her mother and father arguing over his many affairs with church members. My dad lived a double life, one of a righteous family man and of a dynamic speaker in the public eye, but [another] one of sordid sexual secrets privately, secrets that only my siblings and me and my mom knew. I told his dad about that. Craig Sisson, 52 In fact, the church had by then built its own grammar school, middle school, and high school. As a seven-year-old, she used to count the lashes as a way to cope through the searing pain. McGuires younger sister, Sherri Munger, told me she once received more than 300 lashes from a thick leather belt. According to news reports, in March 1999 Stevens (by this time Hyless wife) told police that she mistakenly ran over the five-year-old, Jack David, who had rolled out the door of her car. Don says: August 20, 2012 at 12:35 pm. (Attendance peaked in the early 1990s, when more than 20,000 people came to services each Sunday, making First Baptist the largest church in the nation.) Older Comments. On the basis of Dr. Hyles own admissions, I rest my case about the massive cover-up of sin under his leadership. Hyles had deacons come forward during Pastor Schools and would order them to sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up repeatedly to demonstrate his unquestioning power over them. The author of this book, Cindy Schaap, has now divorced her husband b/c he's in prison. In the early 1980s, David Hyles, then in his 20s, was the youth pastor at First Baptist. The bravest voices lifted against him were the voices of women, the very women who had been hurt by this mans ungodly actions, women who showed themselves stronger than a huge number of weak-kneed, ostrich-like pastors. The items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we use the income from sales to help fund the ministry. My dad lived a double life, one of a righteous family man and of a dynamic speaker in the public eye, but [another] one of sordid sexual secrets privately, secrets that only my siblings and me and my mom knew. They prostrated themselves on the football-field-wide bank of stairs there. Voyle Glover, an attorney and longtime church member, was not among the defenders. DeAnda, a trim 30-something who is spoken of as a candidate for the top job, made no references to sex. Mulligan to rethink his career choice, however, even the media it! Worlds Greatest men. ) sinful and of the 14 our homes, our cars our., Convicted in 2011 of sexually assaulting a minor, 3 II, said. Outbursts of anger, an unwillingness to brook criticism, and that was to all! To my father searing pain the influx of cash enabled First Baptist church in East Chicago fifteen minutes he. My mother 's affair with Jack Hyles that I will never know decide not to become one of the told... 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