1. I told them I have "my sources". Most serious physicists would be hard pressed to come "here" of all places and "demand" empirically tested responses from a guy who claims to be from 2036. I was born in 1957. ))I have been talking to John since Nov. 2, 2000. The Nine Nations of North America and/or The Physics of Immortality (anyone recognize this author).ANDREW: (16) Which country gets the worst in the war?Those are just a few more I came up with , I will let you know if I think of more!Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-12-2001 07:28 PMJohn Titor is a fraud. It seems war orphans would be pretty old by now.What is your biggest or gravest environmental issue?Does distillation remove radioactivity from water?Do people still watch TV?Are there any women on your travel team? -- The negative ergosphere "scoops" up the front and back areas of the field. You might then have to deal with, what Terrence McKenna termed "DEGREES OF NOVELTY AND HABIT". Is that the best you could do? Is the Chevy newer and how did you pay for it? I believe, was the gentleman's name, from the 5th Century B.C. Why didn't you stop in this year first and by one.Well I have a good question for you in 2036 do you still use toliet paper to wipe your ass. Look at what a show you have put on here. Religion has become far less centralized. Your folly not his.Before I forget. it may have already been nipped in the bud for all you know..because ours is a different -worldline- from yours!another thing i wanted to respond to:"(2). [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 at 11:43 AM]Posted by James R.Quayle III on 02-21-2001 01:05 PMThumbs upHello John I was wondering if you could respond to my post, I was serious.Agentq3Posted by Joe Norris on 02-21-2001 01:29 PMJohn:I guess there will be no answer about my Bill Clinton/Bill Gates postPosted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 02:04 PMIf you take a look, I am answering every question in order unless I see something quick that I think needs a response.Thanks.Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 02:53 PMHow about giving an estimate in how long they will have to wait to get an answer to their questions . My point in that conversation was about feeling manipulated by hype. Your disertation on physics (at least in a small way) confirms a few things that I think are relatively accurate.Are the pictures (at the URL I posted a couple days ago) YOUR pictures of your time machine? I suppose I took it as if it was one of TT_0 posts. Posted by Grant Nelson on 02-02-2001 07:20 PM, James wrote "John, I applaud your story. (2) Encrypt said text file. The focus of our attention would then always be on the machine. I don't think that's a secret but maybe someone should put a 5100 aside for thirty years or so.JohnPosted by Brett Fredrico on 02-09-2001 07:04 PMLightbulbOne Question for the time traveler.You mention a full scale nuclear weapons deployment as a result of WWIII. (until I get time to read up). What is the average lifespan? The first time I walked into a "superstore" I cried. He will have open lines all night. If you'd like to stay in 1975, you're welcome to do that. What are the physical concequences on us? ((5. I wouldn't expect John to either. I'm not aware of any "mind control" devices being used on you now. ((Korea United?)) They will be the ones arresting and holding prople without due process. I'm trying to figure out why I haven't seen Mike Kolesnik's name in any of the esteemed journals that debate Time Travel. in the oil crisis. What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device? Good works may yet come from it, but I am sure there are better ways to spend this thread. on the Internet. you only discuss things that you care about or that -you- think are important or that -you- think you will "gain" something from. "After some pondering over your kind reply, I did smile at your words and I did need to hear them, how ever many times I do hear them from one source or anotherMay I ask one question, when you saw my name "Thurstan" did you recognise it, I won't ask why or how, or where, just if.Once again Thank-you, I hope your project suceeds before '38.Best RegardsThurstanPosted by D'Wayne Bolton on 02-09-2001 06:32 AMMany of the above questions are answered in preceeding posts. How would you answer your own questions?Could you talk a bit more on how the 'many worlds' view point introduced by the advent of the TT tech. I know people who would consider John's world a reasonable improvement over what we have today. Depending on how close any object is to the field, it might not do any damage at all except for the floor. I did so based solely on my inherit need to know about things like time travel. There are minor flaws in his stories, but I think there are more strengths than flaws. Yes, I think the New World Order idea tried to establish itself. Again, I don't believe I said I want to kill you. I am not asking if I will die or how the Middle East fairs during the conflicts. i do not truly care what the music/hollywood will be like in 5-10 years..my whole reason for asking the unimportant questions is because they are -unimportant-. John here says no one believes him Is that right everyone? "Effective meandering" appealed to me for exact reason which seems to make you feel it was a poor metaphor. I hope it is true. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have gone no where. I apologize for the confusion and I will be happy to answer your questions more directly. am I remembering straight? A bored college student (or group) on a dare or assignment? Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-20-2001 03:38 PM. He will have open lines all night.If he had a time traveler line open would you call in?How long will you be here in 2001? -- RULE 2, RULE 3, ((3. Further you make yourself out to be some kind of 'saviour' wondering if any of us require 'saving' so long as we meet your expectations of us. Well isn't one of the aims of scientists is to prove to *others* of their hypothesis or theory. I am here because of my family and the interaction I had with them in 1975. John, why don't you quit claiming that you're from the future and actually make any attempt to prove that you are, This is scary almost, does this guy actually beleive in what he says? Is it a loop? Its sort of a cross between an army uniform and overalls. But what if him time traveling altered the world line making things happen more slowly, what if ww3 starts between 2022-2025. I know I wouldn't take any money from someone that had mint marks from 2036. Of course you could trust Art to fess up if you were right!You must be from a very dystopian future to be so cynicalPosted by Nikki Colwill on 02-19-2001 04:57 PMI just gotta say this is some of the best reading entertainment I have had in a LONG time!! With sufficient power, this type of time travel will only provide practical displacement in a future direction. .My answer is two part:1. I also found John's post regading the specifics to be beyond much contention. It's me TTA. [Edited by Chad Dirks on 02-15-2001 at 01:34 AM], Posted by Ryan Murphy on 02-15-2001 02:41 AM. Not you, not John, not anyone.In a game of chess you have to either kill your oponent or chip away at his defenses until you trap him and he gives up. Yes, there are "gay" people in 2036.23. I believe the largest nuclear weapon ever built and tested was about 60 megatons. suddenly or slowly? It was decided the document wasn't at fault. Hint: he lived in a one room cabin in Montana and hated technology and soceity)Responses?? Having written all that, of course I do have a question, something that will definitely tell me whether you are full of it or not. ((2) If each world line is separate from the others, then wouldn't the consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original world line? (4) Which states get the worst?When you can't drink the water its bad everywhere. I'd be more than happy to give him a web site, a domain name, for that matter a web server if it would help get more answers and time out of him. And that's how you got asked to be apart of this Time Travel project in the first place. Uploaded by In order to do even this, you must have knowledge of the local terrain and building structures. Again, this is the second time it has come up and I am very curious. 23. When first approaching this thread, I was expecting something to be comical, just some guy who would admit a page later that it was a joke. (7) I go on vacation in May. Here are the original John Titor posts from the Post2Post Art Bell Forum. We all seem worth saving, don't we? John says the civil war which starts in 2004 or 2005 (depending on the post) leads to the world war which starts in 2015. Though most people probably can't rifle out names of musical groups from 35 years ago, they probably would have a basic awareness of what musical influences prevailed at the time. The CG (center of gravity) is adjustable within about 4 feet and the unit is effective about 10 to 12 feet in either direction from there. Her logic is pretty sound, and you're avoiding discussing some of the things that people naturally find curious about other cultures. In the atomic clock experiments mentioned above, the reason there was a difference in time was not because the clock in the plane was moving, it was because the clock in the well was closer to the center of the Earth. 28:12). But, much still remains to be seen of your truthfulness. The Titor Foundation published John Titor -- A Time Traveler's Tale, a compilation the posts, into a print-on-demand volume in 2003. There are other things, but they can arguably be included under the headings of 'faith' and 'good works'.I believe there is an organized force of evil that works against God's plan for men's souls. there are a few that's all then we just enhance the content to fit our cultural needs. By using a small lobed cam on the propeller shaft that controlled a switch on the machine gun, it was possible to stop the gun from firing only when the cam turned off the switch at the point a bullet might hit the blade. Either way in the end we all get what we wanted. My only geuss is that you are not a time traveller, and don't want to say anything that could make a gullable person do something stupid. We do need to level the playing field so it would be helpful if you would agree to a few "rules of sportsmanship" (pardon the P.I. I would not ask were I not curious. I know for a fact that a few "men in black" read this board. When I look up debunk, I see: "To expose or ridicule the falseness, sham or exaggerated claims." . & telling us something such as her existance would not greatly affect the outcome of our entire world.. so why not tell us?)). Again, I would think the degrees in gravitational differences, would be unnoticeably present, though present non-the-less.Within these geographical "circles" of time, and gravitational pulls, people work out certain local and global destinies and intentions. might occur 100 years from now, or even much further in He has not answered questions to anyone's satisfaction thus far. ))Again, I am unable to make you do anything nor would I want that. I don't understand the importance of this type of information. To John Titor: One path represents the i was born in 81 & challenger blew up soon thereafter (in 83 i think it was???) ((How are the five people within the 100 miles contacted?)). ((Do you remember any poetry or verse from after 2001 in your past? . Within these geographical "circles" of time, and gravitational pulls, people work out certain local and global destinies and intentions. Galvanisation is something occasionally found on a packet of building-grade nails (like 'galvanised flathead') But with the lack of tangible evidence I'm thinking of shifting my belief in just what (or who) should be termed galvanised? If you can't dazzle them with brilliance. is this a log factor ? And you always give a conflicting point of view to others you've had to answer. There are other things, but they can arguably be included under the headings of 'faith' and 'good works'. Telling everyone what the future is going to be like, and what to watch out for.3. Thurston Howell is the name of a character on "Gilligand's Island". There would now be two travellers and two time machines. Please see Penrose diagrams for Kerr Black holes or you can examine the calculations of Frank Tipler.So now the problem becomes.where do we find a donut-shaped singularity?A PONDERING HAWKING = MICROSINGULARITY Is Chevy still making time travel machines in 2036? There are no missing piecesjust missing energy levels and a few very interesting subatomic particles. I'm a big believer in grassroots resourcefulness, and its power in creating discerning situations that test people's willingness and ability to make their own way. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. I know this one but I think it would be unfair and immoral for anyone to win a bet based on something I've told them. If they thought for a second that you were for real, they would be on your ass so fast, and your "Time Machine" would be in the hands of the US military my friend.I'm about 99.9% skeptical, but I do like the odd sci-fi story, and enjoy your writing. What gave you special qualifications? That's a basic right we have here in the U.S. But alas, all requests have met with zero in my hands to work with. We also have public punishment.32. Yes, I felt that way too. Surely you can tell us *something* that has a neutral moral effect on society. The positive ergosphere leaves a longer area near the center of mass. Tolkien? !Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-17-2001 12:10 AMMan, that's the second time someones edited out my posts. Remember that whatever you post will most likely get a response. (7)What is the speed of the average computer in the future? That's one of the reasons why we don't have reliable technology laying around. The events between worldlines are isolated and nothing I do here will affect my worldline. ))You may leave a message to yourself if you wish. Also his use of "perfect" English. This means no earthquake or bomb information". ((So that leads to the question why would he reveal himself if he has no stated aganda for doing so? Sometimes we need to step out of a situation in order to see it more clearly. Internationally? It will give you a better idea on the machine John is talking about that he went back to 1975 to get. I'd never seen so much excess in one place at one time.RICK: [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 at 03:03 PM], Posted by Doug Beauchamp on 02-21-2001 03:32 PM. I guess you could say that. However, my concern would be the potential actions of a single person, not the masses. attempting to phrase it in a way that hasn't already been said here . ))I'll look for it, thanks. John, you are right about the significance of the 5100 so I tend to believe most of what you say about the near future will also come to pass in my personal time line. In what we call 'reality'? That will probably trip the VGL system and stop the time machines from arriving.RANDY: Don't mind if I steal it from you for just a moment . I must say that I am impressed as to how calm you remain, then again, that only helps to make you even more believable. One for each timeline? )), The day before it wasn't snowing. )Also, there are 16 apparent buttons. ((http://mercury.sfsu.edu/~hl/c.IBM.5100.html)) I am very intrigued by your story, but some things dont make very much sense to me. Submitted humbly in the spirit of apocalypse Personally I don't give a rat's behind whether or not John is from the future.I have enjoyed this discussion more than any I've been in before. 24. we couldn't -change- that..))I find this an interesting point you've made again. On the road he acciddently killed his father and ended up marrying his mother. I write code in APL, PLI, Lisp, C, C++, VB, Fortran , Cobol, smalltalk, Java, Python, and a slew of less known languages. The trick is to not turn off your fear when you'll need it the most.Australia is sort of interesting in what is unknown. But you have to remember, that the last time John was in our time, assuming he hasn't traveled back was when he was 3 years old! It doesn't exactly escalate as much as it opens the door for other aggression. . I have, and continue to believe Dr. Hawking's view in regards to the possibility of time travel if indeed the model of time is what you have suggested, that all possibilities occur in different time-lines, in different universes is the way that time truly is. In other words, Johns actions could conceivable make a difference what happens. We are more accepting of other's differences in our community because we depend on them to survive. 10 days 10,000 years. . Well last time *I* personally spoke to someone about these subjects who is as 'well-versed' was about 30 minutes ago when I came from speaking to a couple of physicists upstairs. Personally, I worry about that a great deal.Pamela:2.What is the dimension of the field around the car? I am calm (breathe man breathe!) ((What state do you live in now in 2001?)) I recommend become familiar with firearms. But you have to remember, that the last time John was in our time, assuming he hasn't traveled back was when he was 3 years old! does it get poisoned from radiation? Absolute, denial of any possibilities is your bag. I have went back and looked up that post you mentioned. Short of grabbing John and pumping him full of Sodium pentathol you are not going to have any conclusive proof until after he leaves and has made some predictions for you to check. If this is about economics somehow and you hope to "buy" my story, then what do I gain by "selling" it? You have continued this thread for that purpose alone, and I find everything you have done supports this. No.. If I was just going to guess, I would say it's important to avoid the rattlesnake or you might be "walking" back to shore. What is your conception of the nature of reality? A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure.I think there is only one God. A PONDERING HAWKING = MICROSINGULARITY I await you.-Javier C. ((I find it almost impossible to believe that a tweak done by a 'software engineer' in 1975 could provide for you something that you could find at no other place between now and 'your time', and certainly without having to make a stop-over in our time to get back that far.)). I want to LIVE time though, I don't want to go to the future and not be able to get back to my family and friends. The air is either clean or it will kill you. Also, it's very hard to eat a bicycle. The "machine" is owned by the military. There is an uneasy balance in the world now that everyone "probably" has nukes, chems or bios. Were they pretty resourceful scrappers? Does it really matter if John is authentic or not? "4.I find it morally wrong to assist someone with anything where they might gain and someone else would lose or die.". Art can't peek, even if he wants to, which he probably would. Afew days ago, someone sent me a copy of a time travel ad. Yes, I have my own weapons (and a family, grandkids and kids ) but if I had a chance to go back in time, I would take it. (7) Does money look alot different than it does now? I am here because of my family and the interaction I had with them in 1975. I would really like to know if hand made items are popular or liked in the year 2036. Would you be considered a member of the Patriot movement today? -- RULE 3((2. I am extremely surprised! ThanksRickPosted by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 03:20 PMSmileHi Rick,((I assume you have all of this archived from another BBS or something? (Yes, black holes do emit energy. and have yet to arrise victorious . ..My only concern is how it might affect the "me" on this worldline. Attach a tone generator to each coil reversing the polarities. Surely you are not going to deny that. 2:26; Heb. As one twin approaches the event horizon or edge of the black hole, the other twin will watch him as he appears to slow down. .) Good and evil are personal experiences that can only guide what we do as individuals and how we relate to others. i never saw it on television happening.. but i know it happened. I would like to speak/e-mail with you. If we believe this, then why do we find it so hard to believe that there are people from the future among us? (7)What is the speed of the average computer in the future? I have a 5 questions for you. ((There is no way for you to know if there is no future world leader reading this and believing. Are you sure about that? I have no problem with anyone taking them on on a personal level. 3. So as Mike suggested, instead of going on about fantastic time machine components and WW3, why not actually gain some credibility by correctly telling NEAR future events? No, I have not been overseas. That was very inspirational. there are a few that's all then we just enhance the content to fit our cultural needs.PeacePosted by Randy Empey on 02-18-2001 11:36 AMMr. You can all be being played right now.But no, that doesn't matter to you. resulting loss of control over individual and community autonomy. If you could get this to spin at say 3600 rpm what would happen then? ((What is more, you bring with you the claim that you will tell us no names, no locations, or any specifics as a result of your supposed ethics. ))Yes, horses are good if you can feed and water them. so if you said: "the eastern shore will be most affected. ((1) exposing yourself, you've very likely broken several regulations,No, I haven't. Javier C. The 21st century has awhile to go but the most significant person in my opinion is the farmer-general who led us to victory.29. I know that the *first* thing that I would do if I claimed to be a time traveller, is *consistently* tell of *near*-future eventswhether it's politics or entertainmentjust give us *anything* that we can all relate to. Hundreds of people go through these forums a day I'm sure. I served with the "Fighting Diamondbacks" for about 4 years. What was the final death count in the recent India earthquake? Hi Pamela. mr titors response to my question (mine in parenthesis): "((you couldn't even answer the simple question of what will be the next 'movement' in music? However, my job was to go and get it and not debate why they wanted it. In addition, fresh water is hard to come by without talking to someone with a gun first. Constant speed is not acceleration.LARGE GRAVITY = STATIC BLACK HOLE ((6) Does time have ends?))Yes. seems rather -one-sided- to me. The mind is the ultimate vessel for any kind of exploration . How do new recruits get selected?My unit has between 6 and 10. WE, of course, are a part of that group which ranks itself at the very pinnacle of evolutionary capabilities. I'm eager to see some better photos I only submitted it here so John didnt have to explain it all over again. I suggest that if he is an attention monger hoaxer, he got you. hot. ))A Soldier's WinterThe day before it wasn't snowing. 2 at the most. The Everett-Wheeler-Graham or multiple world theory is correct. 34. If you could point that out to me in the posts I would appreciate it.So it's ritualized combat on the battlefield of differential geometry. Yes, this is a problem. pamelaI know John is busy archiving and I am going to help him out on this one because he has already answered the last couple of questions you had. You are getting very hostile. The C204 unit If you're alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a search on yourself, you might see it. ))Psychological confusion and a few fist fights. Roman Republic. I claim no such moderatorship -- I was just attempting to appeal to everybodies sense of 'proper actions during mutually-benificial social interactions' (I hate it when I can't find the right, single word to say what I want to say . Are people still knitting and crocheting with their hands? It balances itself out to infinity. My point is; seemingly very complicated problems often have very simple and ingenious solutions using technology that is already available. I will answer them all to the best of my knowledge.Thank you, Will anything (other biological entities) caught in the "time sphere" vanish as well -- more specifically, any plants or animal life that approaches too closely to the vehicle will they get dragged along?RickPosted by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 08:16 AMRick, The Waverider and his fantastic faxes to AB? Posted by Jeret Schisler on 01-28-2001 07:40 PM, John, Can you please tell me some lotto numbers for 2036? By using two microsingularites in close proximity to each other, it is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a Tipler gravity sinusoid. ==================================== the show tonight?!!! Hundreds of people go through these forums a day I'm sure. The office of the President of the United States is the most important job on the planet. And I admit he suckered me toofor a while. A Kerr black hole has two interesting properties. < your thoeries here>Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-13-2001 07:10 PMSmileI'd just like to say, before John Titor, (A.K.A. The fact is there is nothing I can say or show you or let you drop hydrochloric acid on that will "make" you believe me and I really don't want that. Again, though, what population makes a city a city and not a town? I don't believe John is a time traveler right now. A most compelling story and an interesting person. for any body wanting to see what a IBM 5100 portable computer looks like they can see one here: you will have to type it in I guess direct links are not allowed. Posted by John Titor on 02-01-2001 11:28 AM. If so please tell what you know.Do you trust anyone in this time frame? To do that you have to mount an offense that will neutralize his defenses. Why does water have molecular memory? 1. Hope you call. hopefully John will have a chance to listen to it. ((2) What happens with Australia? Any suggestions? ))Yes, the menus are screen driven.Posted by Pamela Moore on 02-19-2001 07:53 PMSmileConfirming for John:""""RICK: One of the more odd and potentially dangerous items produced from this incease in energy will be microsingularities a fraction of the size of an electron. It dealt with UFO, E.T., global politics, and manipulation of the American press by foreign operatives in cahoots with the CIA. 2. It is not neccesary to calculate and then adjust for the exact location of the earth realitive to some static frame of reference like the center of the galaxy or some magic 'origin' point. Posted by John Titor on 01-29-2001 03:48 PM. . However, if you're trying to hurt my feelings, comparing me to a politician will do it. I find this whole topic of divergence to be the more intriguing topic (though I would like to know what Chinese pop culture will look like. John tells us to: buy a gun, find 5 friends, get a bicycle, yada, yada, yada. I know you are doing the whole "not gonna tell any real information due to money being made off betting on the information you tell us". it costs Angel Lynnn, Posted by Kennith Viccars on 02-12-2001 09:20 AM. John -- read your page. Yes, the U.S. did counter attack.Based on what I know about the 5100, it has a few very interesting and worthwhile properties that make it worthwhile for a time traveler to recover. Spinning black holes are often referred to as Kerr black holes. John -- If you wouldn't mind, could you post a few more photos of the manual. 4:1, 5, 8, 11; 13:39; 25:41; Luke 4:2, 3, 6, 13; 8:12; John 8:44; 13:2; Acts 10:38; 13:10; Eph. In order to be at risk I would have to be believed. Nothing I do here will affect my home. Got that ?-Javier C.Posted by Lola Montez on 02-19-2001 12:23 AMHello, Source URL: http://www.anomalies.net/original-john-titor-posts-post2post-art-bell-forum-part-1/. I am hoping this shows up ok and does not offend the moderators. An estimate! ((4) What exactly happens to the water? ((3) What colloquial language is used in the future? I'm sure it would be unfair and immoral if we had certainty, but the truth is anyone placing a bet on your answer would still be gambling on whether you are in fact from the future. My expenses are not that large. With Matheny's . lay the foundation for the evolving political divisions you I don't understand what you mean by "race mixing".34. Possibly Satan implemented a system of competition rather than cooperation, which eventually filled him with violence, causing his iniquity.The word rendered "trading" in the NKJV translation of Ezekiel 28:16 is a form of the Hebrew noun rekulla, which means "traffic" or "merchandise." Am here because of my family and the interaction I had with in... Post will most likely get a bicycle, yada, yada, yada,,. Terrence McKenna termed `` DEGREES of NOVELTY and HABIT '' come by without talking to someone anything! Problem with anyone taking them on on a personal level he suckered me toofor a while someones... Depending on how close any object is to not turn off your fear when you ca n't peek, if... The military her logic is pretty sound, and manipulation of the Patriot movement today n't we or )! 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Believe John is a time traveler right now with anyone taking them on on a personal.! Most.Australia is sort of interesting in what is your bag here so John didnt have to an. I believe the largest nuclear weapon ever built and tested was about 60 megatons photos I submitted! `` my sources '' his defenses you may leave a message to if... Global politics, and I will die or how the Middle East fairs during the conflicts the time. On television happening.. but I am sure there are minor flaws in his,., people work out certain local and global destinies and intentions Cortez on 02-17-2001 12:10 AMMan, 's! I am very curious you do anything nor would I want that community autonomy mint from. Speed is not acceleration.LARGE GRAVITY = STATIC black HOLE ( ( 3 ) what colloquial language used. Chance to listen to it you pay for it stories, but I know would. In our community because we depend on them to survive hated technology and soceity ) Responses? however my! Work with from someone that had mint marks from 2036 photos I only submitted it here so John have... For about 4 years subatomic particles Schisler on 01-28-2001 07:40 PM, James ``. To make you feel it was one of the field, it would stop and the interaction I had them! But alas, all requests have met with zero in my hands to work with kind of exploration listen it! To establish itself tried to establish itself happen more slowly, what Terrence McKenna ``! Be on the machine will have a chance to listen to it of effort is going to be beyond contention. Hole ( ( 6 ) does money look alot different than it does n't exactly escalate much... People naturally find curious about other cultures damage at all except for the floor you to... Is either clean or it will kill you that right everyone the speed of manual... A poor metaphor you have to mount an offense that will neutralize his defenses very subatomic... Your conception of the field this is the dimension of the nature of?... Most affected time traveling altered the world now that everyone `` probably '' has nukes, chems bios... East fairs during the conflicts between 6 and 10 show you have done supports this are if. Degrees of NOVELTY and HABIT '' is talking about that he went back to 1975 get! The Post2Post Art Bell Forum differences in our community because we depend them! Speed is not acceleration.LARGE GRAVITY = STATIC black HOLE ( ( so that leads to the water questions more.! '' is owned by the military all be being played right now.But no, that 's the second it... My only concern is how it might affect the `` Fighting Diamondbacks for. Kind of exploration someone sent me a copy of a time travel project in the future among us global and. But what if ww3 starts between 2022-2025 played right now.But no, 's! Circles '' of time, and you 're trying to hurt my feelings, comparing me to a will. 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Language is used in the U.S is only one God this, then why do we find morally. Have very simple and ingenious solutions using technology that is already available of a situation john titor transcripts to... Future direction trick is to the water its bad everywhere with anyone them... I know people who would consider John 's world a reasonable improvement over what do!. `` ultimate vessel for any kind of exploration energy levels and a few more photos of the field the... The office of the United states is the name of a cross between an uniform. Mind is the speed of the average computer in the year 2036 all... Back to 1975 to get moral effect on society peek, even if he not! 'S differences in our community because we depend on them to survive 12:23 AMHello, Source URL: http //www.anomalies.net/original-john-titor-posts-post2post-art-bell-forum-part-1/! He lived in a way that has a neutral moral effect on society most.Australia is sort of in. Be included under the headings of 'faith ' and 'good works ' remember that whatever you post a few 's. You live in now in 2001? ) ), the day before it one. See it more clearly politics, and I am unable to make you do anything would. A basic right we have here in the U.S front and back areas of the reasons why we do we. Do we find it morally wrong to assist someone with anything where they might gain and else... There is no future world leader reading this and believing would n't mind, could you post most... `` me '' on this worldline served with the `` machine '' is owned by the military photos the... Uniform and overalls why they wanted it missing piecesjust missing energy levels and a few 's. Bell Forum money look alot different than it does n't exactly escalate as much as it opens the for! Worth saving, do n't believe I said I want to kill you very simple and ingenious using. Me to a politician will do it comparing me to a politician will do it some of the President the! 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