Both of her brothers were heavily into drugs by the age of 10 and dealt with serious mental illness throughout their lives. Patients would be subjected to messages repeated hundreds of thousands of times, as they were kept in their coma for up to a month. I'm sure that they loved him very much and knew him in a very different way. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all senior partners in the company. Duncan: Talking about him, it should be easy, but sometimes it's sort of emotional. Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, 17t. Ben: So its fitting that, today, most of what people hear about the CIAs search for mind control also seems to come from fantasy and popular fiction. Duncan Cameron: This is a picture of the whole family. Duncan: I'm Duncan Cameron. Thus, this group would have to be studied and controlled as a contagious social disease. Marian Cameron. Hij is getrouwd met (Niet openbaar), ze kregen 1 kind. The second part of the technique was inspired by something called the Cerebrophone, which was essentially a "learn-while-you-sleep" recording device. Cameron Cemetery. That would have been the cultural environment in which people like Sidney Gottlieb grew up. He warned that government institutions should take measures against such potential liabilities. sister. Click here for the donation page. You talked a little bit about this but what was the impact on the family when some of this news started to come out about the CIA and some of the treatment and stuff like that? [citation needed]. Joseph Rauh (from the transcript): But as far as you know now, neither you nor your brother or sister or mother have *any* papers left that are not sort of public documents? Duncan: I have no recollection whether there were any papers relating to any of the--. Today, we're talking to one of the only people who will stand up for Dr. Cameron. Duncan: Thats my recollection, that any documents that related to patients were destroyed. After his treatments patients were unable to function; they had been reduced to a state of infancy. Cameron believed firmly in clinical psychiatry and a strict scientific method. Lloyd has continued to fight for recognition, recompense, and an apology. If you haven't heard Parts 1 through 4 yet, you can find them here, here,here,and here. Amory: Duncan has a very different picture of his father, a whole bunch of them actually. His work had led him to the belief that mental illness could be "cured" like, say, a broken hip might be rehabilitated. The psychiatric community could have questioned his methods, but they remained silent. That right there is getting into some shady territory, but the promise of a $10,000 grant the equivalent of just over $100,000 today had to be pretty tempting. You have been subscribed to WBUR Today. He had patients. Amory: And I think you may have given a deposition for that. These became the basis of a new social and behavioural science that he would later institute through his presidencies of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Skip Ancestry . Ewen Cameron made the hike with Duncans younger brother, James. Cameron stayed there for seven years and was made physician-in-charge of the Reception Unit of the Provincial Mental Hospital. [22], During the 1950s and 1960s, Cameron became involved in what has later become known as the MKUltra mind control program, which was covertly sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)[6] and which eventually led to the publication of the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. Shes a member of SAAGA, or Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse. His goal was to standardize his treatment, and once he did it for schizophrenia, he believed he would open a "gateway through which we might pass into a new field of psychotherapeutic methods." Ben: Her dad couldnt afford childcare, so soon after Marians mother went into the Allan, social services took Marian and her two younger brothers away because there was no parent to take care of them. Duncan: I think the furthest I got was to his office. We shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry we did it.". And there some of them were high risk ones. . I mean his father was a very prominent psychiatrist, so destroying rather than preserving personal papers of someone of that prominence is a very unusual thing, especially for a family member to have done. Jim Turner: The most salient point that I recall is that Camerons son told us that he'd taken his father's private records and had destroyed them. Duncan: Well, I think he was always fascinated in the future. If he had a choice he would have kept living forever. They were destroyed. Cregg: What do you know about mind-control experiments? Results were telling: They became super sensitive to the sensory stimuli they did receive, and then, things started getting really weird. This is Part 5. That was the case for people like Phyllis Goldberg. In some cases, applicants couldn't prove the conditions they currently lived with were a direct result of what they went through at Allan, and in others, they were treated outside of the time frame. And he was searching for ways of doing something about them. In some cases, the same phrases reappear all through these. As the CBC notes, it's sourced pretty heavily from Cameron's work, and talks about things like "deprivation of sensory stimuli, threats and fear, pain, hypnosis and narcosis," and the source of their research? But the government agency backing his experiments at the Allan did find a way to make use of his methods. Stephen Kinzer: In the end, Gottlieb was forced to conclude that there's no such thing as mind control and that everything he had done had been for naught. ", Why MKUltra's Top Brainwashing Scientist Was A Real-Life Nightmare, "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron. The guilt of her baby's deadly staph infection stayed with her, and when she became pregnant with her second, and the CBC says she went into Cameron's care in February of 1960. If we can succeed in inventing means of changing their attitudes and beliefs, we shall find ourselves in possession of measures which, if wisely used, may be employed in freeing ourselves from their attitudes and beliefs in other fields which have greatly contributed to the instability of our period by their propensity for holding up progress, In Cameron's book Life is For Living, published in 1948, he expressed a concern for the German race in general. Ironically, his lasting impact would be on how to destroy the human mind, not how to repair it. So I think in a certain way they believed that what fiction writers could come up with, somebody could actually make real. The program is widely believed to have been partly funded by the United States Central Intelligence Agency as part of their top-secret MKULTRA program. Cameron would analyze what conditions produced the stronger worker, what would be the necessary conditions to replicate this personality and to reward the stronger while disciplining the weaker. Duncan: He loved hiking. Those who are privileged to know him, even briefly, will not soon forget the warmth and kindliness of this understanding man.. Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Scotland in 1901. And that seemed to us to be a highly questionable action for someone to take. Amory: Marians mom died three ago. Amory: Duncan knows how to be very careful about what he says. A stronger personality would be able to maintain itself in heavy industrial situations, he theorised, while the weaker would not be able to cope with industrial conditions. Ewen Cameron experimented on people right up until he left the Allan in 1964. In 1963, the CIA published the Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation manual, and that's exactly what it sounds like guidelines on how to get people to talk. Here, patients were exposed to a range of RF and electromagnetic signals and monitored for changes in behaviour. I wasnt destroying documents. "He was this miracle psychiatrist," she said. The lawsuits were dismissed, even though it was later shown . Case of Gail Kastner: The shock treatment turned the then 19 year old honours student into a woman who sucked her thumb, talked like a baby, demanded to be fed from a bottle and urinated on the floor. At that point her affluent family abandoned her and she lived in poverty. ", And what about the CIA, who had approved and funded the research in the first place? If I put you through this program, within 24 hours to 48 hours you'll be in a diagnosable psychotic state. Ben: The manual was all about how to obtain information from quote resistant sources. It went on to become the basis for the Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War. [10] There he met A. T. Mathers, Manitoba's principal psychiatrist, who convinced Cameron in 1929 to move to Brandon, the second largest city of Manitoba, Canada. Patients were tested in the Radio Telemetry Laboratory, which was built under Cameron's direction. Ben: Even though Cameron never gave the CIA the keys to control peoples minds, he did give them the tools to break peoples minds down experimental drugs, recordings on loop, sensory deprivation. He died of a heart attack while climbing a mountain in the Adirondacks in 1967. And so even all these years later, it's part of my life. Ben: But we also asked about something else, that he was a little uncomfortable talking about: Orlikow vs. United States, the 1980s lawsuit that ended up giving $750,000 total to 8 of Camerons victims. The CBC says the CIA recruited Dr. Ewen Cameron a few years into MKUltra, using the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology to approach Cameron and tell him that he really, really needed to apply for one of their grants. Cameron began to explore how industrial conditions could satisfy the population through work and what kind of person or worker is best suited to industrial conditions. Ben: Duncan says his father was so busy that he didnt see much of him during their time in Montreal. ", "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron,". Marian: It's become so embedded in our narrative, in our pop culture, without people really understanding that it happened It was real. Marian Read: So for me, the importance of all of this is to get it out of the shadows of pulp fiction, you know Amory: This is Marian Read. Ben: Duncan Cameron was 10 years old when his dad became the Director of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal. Amory: But Cameron was publishing articles and giving speeches about his work throughout his life. Amory: Immortal Technique is rapping about it: Ben: But for those who have had to deal with the fallout of MK-ULTRA on a personal level, the fact that the program rarely gets discussed outside the realm of pop culture can feel discouraging. The idea that people needed to sit down and talk about their problems was the old way of doing things, and Cameron was living in an era where things were getting more and more automated. So you can see that the work of Ewen Cameron, filtered through Gottlieb, definitely informs the interrogation techniques, if we want to call them that, that the United States has been using on its prisoners in Guantanamo and in black sites around the world. ", So, they went back to a 1983 court transcript, where Duncan was called to the stand to testify about what happened to his father's documents. Although society had established sanctions against the spread of infectious diseases, Cameron wanted to extend the concept of contagion to chronic anxiety. Our username is. During those years, Cameron began to expand on his thoughts about the interrelationships of mind and body, developing a reputation as a psychiatrist who could bridge the gap between the organic, structural neurologists, and the psychiatrists whose knowledge of anatomy was limited to maps of the mind as opposed to maps of the brain. In 1946, Cameron introduced the practice of the day hospital, the first of its kind in North America, permitting patients to remain at home while receiving treatment at the institute during the day, thus avoiding unnecessary hospitalization and allowing the patients to maintain ties with their community and family. He tried a variety of things, including multiple electroshock therapy sessions a day and massive doses of drugs including LSD. You can see other fellow humans. Theres no clear approach to the summit only overgrown pathways. [27] Such consequences included incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents. Death: June 18, 1958 (52) Immediate Family: Son of Sir Ewen Allan Cameron and Rachel Margaret Cameron. It is at this juncture that he became interested with how he could effectively manipulate the brain to control and understand the processes of memory. Ben: Hebb did an interview with a film producer in the 1980s, saying, quote, Cameron was irresponsible criminally stupid. Amory: This is from The Adirondack Daily Enterprise, is the name of the paper. Even as he wrote about Cameron's "warmth [which was] never allowed to appear as intimacy," he wrote about a pretty big blind spot: Cameron had apparently hired a few assistants with "psychopathic personalities.". Ian Donald Cameron is geboren in het jaar 1932 in Blairmore House, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, zoon van Ewen Donald CAMERON en Enid Agnes Maud LEVITA. Which suggests it was for purposes of, not closure, but of not wanting information to come to light that was in the papers. He wanted to know if it was possible to wipe a person's mind and reinstall a new personality. Photo by Courtesy of Julie Tanny For the first four years of Julie Tanny's. The insecure man "They are the driven crowds that makes the army of the authoritarian overlord; they are the stuffing of conservatism mediocrity is their god. [30][bettersourceneeded], In 1980, the Canadian investigative news program The Fifth Estate interviewed two former patients of Cameron's who were among several of his ex patients who were at that time suing the CIA for the long term effects of Cameron's treatment. Amory: Theres a reason that all the photos of Ewen Cameron are from more than 50 years ago. There is no incontinence, there is no mutism, and we are continuing this intense treatment of her until we get complete depatterning.". Kinzer: If Cameron had failed to find an effective means of mind control despite carrying out the most reckless experiments, in which he was willing to take any kind of a grotesque step in an effort to find that key, this must have helped feed Gottlieb's conclusion that the whole thing didn't exist. Amory: Marian was 5 years old when her mom was admitted to the Allan for what she thinks was postpartum depression. Thank you! The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events A Five-Part, FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Childrens Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability, Copyright 2023 Alliance for Human Research Protection, 1950s1960s: Dr. Ewen Cameron Destroyed Minds at Allan Memorial Hospital in Montreal, Law and Mind Control Mind Control Through Five Cases, Vera Sharavs documentary Never Again is Now Global now available. In this manner, somatic causes could be compared. Cameron never got his Nobel Prize in fact, he died not long after leaving Allan Memorial Institute. Here in the hospital Cameron could observe how the psychiatric patient resembled patients with other diseases that were not psychiatric in nature. In other words, they really must have seen that there was something wrong and crazy. The sick were, for Cameron, the viral infection to its stability and health. Amory: They bounced around between foster homes and orphanages for years, experienced emotional and physical abuse. But none of us trained in psychiatry. "Now, that was a foolish mistake. He began his career as resident surgeon at Glasgow Infirmary, but in 1929 moved to Canada to work in the Brandon Mental Hospital. Camerons techniques have no therapeutic validity whatsoever; they were comparable to Nazi medical atrocities. Ben: Sure. He began to develop the discipline of social psychiatry which concentrated on the roles of interpersonal interaction, family, community and culture in the emergence and amelioration of emotional disturbance. Genealogy profile for Major Donald of 4th Chief Clunes "Old '45" Cameron Major Cameron . At the heart of MKUltra, says The Guardian, was the broadcasting of videos of American POWs from the Korean War condemning their own country and lauding the benefits of Communism. His occupation was occupation. [7], Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Bridge of Allan, Scotland, the oldest son of a Presbyterian minister. Heres journalist John Marks. He is largely known today for his central role in unethical medical experiments, and development of psychological and medical torture techniques for the CIA. It has to do with another of his Adirondack hikes that changed the Cameron family forever. Take a guess. father. John Marks observes, Ewen Cameron did not need the CIA to corrupt him. The Guardian talked to Alison Steel, Jean's daughter and one of the many family members trying to shine a light on what was done to their loved ones without their consent. And how his work lives on. His focus on children included the rights to protection against outmoded, doctrinaire tactics, and the necessity for the implantation of taboos and inhibitions from their parents. Joseph Rauh Jr. was one of the attorneys that represented the group who filed lawsuits in the mid-1980s. Then we brought them down I think it was probably during one of my infrequent jaunts up there I brought them down in my car, and I then took them over and deposited them at the American Psychiatric Association. [1] In papers published during this time he linked RNA to memory. Cameron decided that Germans would be most likely to commit atrocities due to their historical, biological, racial and cultural past and their particular psychological nature. (Rubenstein LS. She's the exception, though, and the CBC says that 2020 saw others like Lana Ponting, who was just 16 when she was sent to the sleep room hoping that year, it would finally be their year, thanks to a class action lawsuit filed in 2019. And this is a picture up with my brother, Stuart. According to The Guardian, it started with playing tapes designed to tap into the reason the patient sought help in the first place. By literally wiping the minds of his subjects clean by depatterning and then trying to program in new behavior, Cameron carried the process known as brainwashing to its logical extreme., The dehumanizing nature of his methods were published in premier medical journals without any complaints from other psychiatrists; Cameron read papers about depatterning with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists; and they rewarded him, electing him president of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations. While more is known about the experiments of Dr. Ewen Cameron than about some of the other MKUltra projects, there's still a lot of information missing. Think of all the books and the movies that are about mind control. Part of Camerons plan for his patients was to wipe their minds clean, to make them forget their past, so they could move forward. People Projects Discussions Surnames . Amory: Hey, Dad, let's get out of here!, Duncan: I can remember doing that several times. And here I am looking much younger than I am now. Toby Ziegler:In the '50s, it was the CIA mind control research program begun in response to the Chinese attempt on U.S. prisoners. [33] The son of one of Cameron's patients noted in a memoir that other than Ed Broadbent and Svend Robinson, no Canadian MP brought up the issue in the House of Parliament. He never got one. These experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the Institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postnatal depression; many were permanently debilitated after these treatments. So we reached out to one of the most comprehensive archives in the world: The Library of Congress. On March 12, her records show she was considered "depatterned": She could no longer stand, speak, could barely swallow, was incontinent, and required treatment by an obstetrician for severe bleeding. [14] Hess later confessed that he had faked the amnesia. Hij is overleden in het jaar 2010 in Near Toulon, France. Old '45" Cameron Major Cameron (1663 - 1718) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. And he was a fast driver. From 1939 to 1943 he was professor of neurology and psychiatry at Albany Medical College, and at the Russell Sage School of Nursing, also in the Albany area. . Amory: Jim Turner was one of two prosecutors on the case. She never did get her children back. Amory: He remembers his dad working a lot during this time, which, definitely tracks. He was always interested in the future. He studied Medicine at the University of Glasgow and obtained his degree in 1924. . from the University of London in 1925, and an M.D. Dr. Morrow, says The Washington Post, had applied for a fellowship in psychiatry with Cameron. Yeah so it was sad. In his analysis, culture and society played a crucial role in the ability for one to function according to the demands necessary for human survival. Agnes was born in 1844, in Richmond Victoria Australia. Josh Crane Twitter Producer, Podcasts & New ProgramsJosh is a producer for podcasts and new programs at WBUR. She was gonna go out there and do something. A series of other research scandals in the 1960s resulted in stricter regulation of research practices and a more stringent code of ethics. The lawsuits were dismissed, even though it was later shown there were a higher-than-usual number of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, presumably to increase Cameron's subject pool. About 55 families of victims who underwent medical experimentation in the 1950s and 1960s are suing for millions of dollars. Amory: But, Camerons extreme measures didnt result in a Nobel Prize or any mental health breakthroughs, which is why Harvey finds a certain poetry in his untimely death. The paper stated that German culture and its people would have offspring bound to become a threat to world peace in 30 years. Everyone who makes a monthly donation will get access to upcoming bonus content from the making of our series. You can try, The 1963 "Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation" manual, "CIA's Secret Brainwashing Experiment" (1984), "Brainwashed: The Secret CIA Experiments in Canada" (2017), Jim Turner and Joseph Rauh's lawsuit debrief: "Anatomy Of A Public Interest Case Against The CIA,", Send us a direct message on Reddit. AIan Cameron followed in the footsteps of his father and became a director at Panmure Gordon in 1957. And in a sense, that's what he wanted to do professionally. In addition to LSD, he experimented with various paralytic drugs such as curare and electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. [13], In 1945, Cameron, Nolan D. C. Lewis and Dr Paul L. Schroeder, colonel and psychiatrist, University College of Illinois, were invited to the Nuremberg trials for a psychiatric evaluation of Rudolf Hess. Kinzer: Later on, it became the basis for manuals that the CIA provided in the 1980s to police forces in Latin America that were known to practice torture. Scottish-American psychiatrist Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron led and conducted these experiments. Like in Nicaragua, where he was The New York Times Bureau Chief. That was in December of 1959, and according to the lawsuit (via the Consumer Law Group), Cameron diagnosed Morrow as having "nervousness and tension." He came up with the idea that if he presented the world and confronted the Germans with the atrocities committed during the war, the world and the Germans would refrain from repeated acts of extreme aggression. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Duncan: I started work at the State Department just a day or so before Kennedy was assassinated. While guys like Freud encouraged talking through problems, Cameron thought things like electroshock therapy and drug cocktails could be used to physically change the brain and get rid of the illness in question. Harvey: Here he is trying to reach the peak, trying to climb the mountain, reach this goal. Canada's McGill University has owned up to the part it played in MKUltra's Sub-project 68, and they say that it really started before Dr. Ewen Cameron even got involved. When then-CIA director Stansfield Turner testified about the program in 1977, he said (via the Smithsonian) that the bottom line was to develop "the use of biological and chemical materials in altering human behavior." According to "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron,"there was more to his work at the Allan Memorial Institute than just exploring the CIA's questions about brainwashing. Like Freud, Cameron maintained that the family was the nucleus of social behavior and anxieties later in life were spawned during childhood. He is largely known today for his central role in unethical medical experiments, and development of psychological and medical torture techniques for the CIA. Anyone with any appreciation of the complexity of the human mind would not expect that you could erase an adult mind and then add things back with this stupid psychic driving., Amory: The CIA also turned its back on Cameron. In the late 1940s, Cameron presented his ideas in a lecture entitled Dangerous Men and Women. Ewen Cameron was fulfilling one of the items on his life bucket list: to climb Street Mountain. Ben: Would you have anything that you would want to say to Dr. Cameron or his family? Not only was Ewen Cameron running the Allan Memorial, but he was leading psychiatric organizations, he was teaching at McGill University, and he was still seeing private patients. And they haven't been super successful. Esther Schrier who was a nurse at Montreal's Jewish General Hospital tragically lost her first child at just three weeks of age. He recruited psychoanalysts, social psychiatrists and biologists globally to develop the psychiatry program at McGill[12] From its beginning in 1943, the Allan Memorial Institute was run on an "open door" basis, allowing patients to leave if they wished, as opposed to the "closed door" policy of other hospitals in Canada in the early 1940s. He promoted a philosophy where chaos could be prevented by removing the weak from society. Montreal's CTV says that by the time she died in 2011, she had spent the last 20 years of her life as an "infant," unable to allow anyone near her head without a terrible reaction. He was there when his legal partner, Joseph Rauh, took Camerons deposition. [26] His "psychic driving" experiments consisted of putting a subject into a drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple statements. The National Post reports that in 1992, 77 of Cameron's patients were awarded an ex gratia settlement of $100,000, and that's all well and good, but claims made by more than 250 other people were rejected for various reasons. North America. Particularly because we put that question to him today. Advertisement. And one of these risks was the treatment that he was using. And people talk about the transmission of trauma through generations. 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