Other possible risks for both surgeries include dry eye, infection, haze effect on vision, halos, night glares, redness, and long-term light sensitivity after PRK. At my eye appointment, I asked why I had blurry vision 6 months after PRK. I got PRK because I couldnt stand the headaches glasses would give me. Im currently able to do about 10-12 hours a day with 3 large monitors on my PC. Approximately 2-4w after the surgery, I got a complication called HAZE. Since then, Ive been told (does this sound familiar?) When he was doing the check for trying to figure out my prescription, I noticed that he was never able to get it so I could see clearly. So, with that, I will be a candidate to get PRK again.. Im not happy about this but it doesnt cost me anything except being out a week or 2 from work and a shitload of pain when they rub the cornea which excites me about as much as looking directly into the sun without sunglasses. Thank you so much for sharing your story. 4. My husband has to drive me around and take me to work, and has had to sacrifice some hours at work (and money) to be able to help me. It takes time to recover from PRK. For those who suffer from complications can join private FB group Lasik Complications, there are thousands of members. When I brought this up with the doctor, all he had to say was wow Ive never heard of that before, have a nice day. They told me I was a candidate for either and ended up with lasik because of the lower healing time (i travel a lot for work). Im not sure if Im having an allergic reaction or what gives. Im not certain what I am going to do at this point. Examples include thin corneas, dry eye issues, and irregular corneas. Need drops several times a day. Unrelated I had to have a membrane removed from the retina. My eyes like twitch and keep trying to close on their own. If the vision remains blurry, then it could be due to an issue with healing of the new epithelium beneath your bandage contact lens. Fast forward to 2022. I thought it would subside after some time but after one full year after my last procedure, it hasnt. My distance vision is seems to be ok. No such thing as 20/20 vision after it. But my doctor said before surgery that I would get better but always be sensitive to bright light. My healing took many months. I had an enhancement after just 3 months with my first surgery. Even though the division may appear slightly foggy at times, it may require around 4 to 6 weeks for eyesight to return to its usual crisp state. Ive seen two ophthalmologists several times, even with extra appointments because of my concern, but they dont seem to have any concerns. Going into PRK, expect to have blurry vision for quite a while. I expect my photosensitivity will last for quite a while longer. There is a slightly higher risk of infection with the PRK procedure than there is with LASIK. I hate this medical gaslighting. I carried through. Your eye doctor can treat this condition with eye drops, but it can take weeks or months to heal. My distance vision is seems to be ok. My prescription has stayed the same since the second PRK surgery and my near vision is still great for a woman in her 40s. And again, I felt like my eyes were MUCH BETTER yet still not perfect. Im now at three months post-surgery and Im still being told to be patient and that all will end well, albeit with a bit more equivocation: maybe it wont be quite 20/20. Ive never heard of the disc method but it sounds promising as far as complications go which would be great. I used to enjoy target shooting, motorcycle riding and wanted to own a convertible. Home / PRK Lasik Surgery / Complications from PRK. After the surgery, your eye might be covered with a plastic shield or an eye pad, which should be removed the day after the procedure. My eyes are not clear , painful , dry and uncomfortable . I was very angry . Ill never recommend it to anyone, and Im most likely never letting those con artists touch my eyes again! Answer: I would say there is 99% chance everything will turn out perfect. i was certain if i did go forward i would only do one eye at a time but realized i wont have enough days off left off to take anyway, so that was that. What Everybody Ought to Know About Bionic Lenses, How to Use Castor Oil to Dissolve Cataracts, Restrictions After Cataract Surgery and Your Recovery, How To Stop Eye Twitching | Causes And Remedies. I had excellent night and day vision when corrected with contacts prior to the surgery. But i am getting epitheal erossions. Keep the visual demands on your eyes to a minimum. Medicaid: Eligibility and Vision Benefits. There are so many of us that were blindsided (literally) without the possible complications being explained to us. I am beyond frustrated and dont know how to proceed, I have missed more work in the last year than in the last 25+ combined between 3 surgeries and almost weekly visits to the eye doctor. I got a second opinion from world renowned Mayo Clinic and the recommendation stated forgetaboutit. In the last few months ut is become do bad at night such that i cant open my eyes. On the surface of the eye is a tear film. They did NOT use nearly enough eye-numbing solution and the little valium they gave me didnt do a damned thing for me. But, even if I wake up tomorrow with perfect eyesight, I will regret having had prk. A few minutes later, I was led into a surgical room. I too am having problems look straight on or upwards. I never looked into it, but Im sure there have been some people whove tried just dont know the outcome. I have to wear goggle glasses to go outside, or ride in the car with the air/heat on. I wanted to ask you how long it was since your second surgery and how are you regarding dry eyes?, since I still suffer from it. The FDA has actually received many complaints from patients throughout the years and many patients are now complaining that complications were not communicated to them properly or at all. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. Even though the procedure has an excellent safety profile, PRK surgery does entail a certain amount of risk. It has been nothing but hellacious, beginning as soon as The numbing drops wore off after surgery. Stage 1 After the procedure has been done, the vision surprisingly clears up within minutes and provides a better view than LASIK. Importantly, you should only drive if you can see well enough to drive . Also, pay for the best. If I knew what I knew now, I wouldnt have wasted my time or money on the procedure. Im so sorry Shannon. Its been 3 months and my visual acuity is 20/20, but not as crisp & sharp as my glasses. 1 month? I would not go as far to say it was easy, but it was definitely an improvement which leads me to believe the brush technique is a better option. Im hoping I just havent healed all the way yet. Unlike LASIK, PRK does not involve a corneal flap, which comes with its own risk of complications both during and after the procedure. Surgeries are a one way journey, you cant undo any damage that was done. FlexOffers Affiliate Disclosure Dang Travelers also participates in the FlexOffers affiliate network and uses links within our content to earn a commission. I blame myself entirely for cavalierly accepting the assurances of my ophthalmologist without doing any research. I wanted to try getting contacts and he ordered some trial contact lenses for me but get this when I tried them on, it was as if I was nearsighted again and everything was blurry at distances. Im, I did a lasik 3 years ago and my eyes got a little bad so I went back for a PRK. It sounded quick and easy and free. Let me know what happens. I went to LasikPlus institute and the same thing happened to me. Before LASIK I was about -8 in both eyes and thin cornea. In other words, the farsighted contacts failed with flying colors and neither me, my ophthalmologist or my eye surgeon could make any guess as to why this was happening. I felt compelled to share so people out there contemplating corrective eye surgery are fully aware of all the risks and complications that can happen. Hope you get better and your message raises awareness regarding those surgeries. Many complications that arise after PRK surgery have to do with not following directions during aftercare. Please keep us posted so many stories out there. It was like having a tic tac! As the more open your lids are (i.e. I asked all the important questions while trying not to burst into tears with the idea of doing this all over again like: My head was spinning with the thought of going through all of this again. Answer: the front desk can leave a note for your doctor. I sure hope your symptoms subside as time goes on. You might be considering the same option so I want to share my lengthy and not-so-great experience so you can make an informed decision. Here I am, shortly after the 3 month-post PRK surgery mark. Double vision as well as severe and even permanent dry eye can also occur. It's nerve-racking having blurry vision weeks and even months after surgery. I cant imagine how I lived for the past 6 weeks because I cant see! The days leading up to the surgery and the day of were very similar to yours no contacts before the surgery, someone to drive you, spend the day in bed sleeping after the surgery, dont get your eyes wet for at least 3 days, use the drops, etc. Today, my vision is still blurry but when I wear that same pair of nonprescription cosmetic lenses, my vision sharpens and becomes more crisp. What laser, corneal thickness, procedure done, etc. I definitely agree we have to all share so people are aware of whats going on. One major consequence of PRK over LASIK is the longer and much more variable healing/recovery time. I dont feel like I am seeing any improvements but some days are better or worse than others. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. Id say it was worth it still to have gotten because before I felt absolutely blind without my glasses and they were like Coke bottle thick. I had PRK done 3 weeks ago for severe myopia and have now the same problems as you mentioned: severe and debilitating photosensitivity that results in unability to look straight forward or upward, unability to drive or to watch TV and difficulty to use the computer How long did your photosensitivity last ? I did vision therapy for many months. I would discourage EVERYONE from taking a chance on PRK. Ugh, Kim, this makes me so angry to hear. If it doesnt work, I will be having that brush technique done however my doc used the back side of a scalpel. Oh and dont get me started if a speck of dirt hits my eye from the wind. Theres no way I would have had the procedure if I had just known the basicsthat a month of recovery was typical, not the exception, and, as your blog demonstrated, complications should not be discounted. Who do I talk to, to get reimbursed for the prescription because there is NO WAY Im paying for all this again! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All I can say is, I know exactly how you are feeling and unfortunately the only way out is accepting this. It doesn't feel like there is much notable improvement during this time. Problem with street and car lights in night. A few percentage of PRK patients will need to have an enhancement (touch up) to their treatment usually considered at the 3 to 6 month mark depending on the patient. Either LASIK or PRK. Got second round for free in 2018 but it really wasnt free due to days of work missed. Thank you Steven. Sorry to hear you story.I agree that the percentage of dissatisfaction from prk surgeries is understated .I did mine in 2014 and the recovery was brutal for the first week.The risks and the potential regression that i discovered after the surgery were not discussed by my surgeon.if i come back in time,i wouldnt have done it, considering i has -2 in each of my eyes.After my surgery my right eye is -0.25 and left one is 0.75 eventually i will need glasses again plus i have had dry eyes ever since the surgery. It was horrible and took months for my eyes to stabilize. I wasnt a candidate for lasik due to this but was for prk. I had a pre-surgery visit with his team. The vision in each eye doesnt match though. I was -5.75 in both eyes. The prescription of the eye stabilizes and with this comes improvements in what you can see. The doctor told me, I was not done healing and to give it time. i had lasix and had no problem at all after. Retreatment is performed with an excimer laser. Take my comments here with a grain of salt as I am not a doctor. I am definitely better but still wanted to share the experience for those who are out there either experiencing the same thing and/or thinking about getting it done. NVISION Centers Centers Near You Enter A New Address Procedures Custom LASIK Remember as you get older your eyes will form cataracts at some point so you will need to plan for that if the need arises. While much of this heals up within the first 3 months, some can notice dry eye beyond (especially those who noticed some dry eye beforehand). now instead of headaches from glasses I get them from light and dryness or eye. Six years later I still feel like my eyes are healing. Femtosecond lasers enable epithelial cell regeneration at an accelerated pace; you may even be able to use a special nighttime eyedrop for several months in order to reduce its impact on vision. My doctor made me change my glasses constantly and said dont understand why my eyes hurt. Without glasses, I have double vision in the left eye. Rarely seen seems to be the answer from doctors but the comments on here indicate its way more common than they let on! Hi. Patients often choose these procedures to enhance their quality of life; however, sometimes the treatments may cause blurry vision commonly referred to as ghosting. Any advice? I would not recommend anyone going to any of the discount practices or any practice not using the most up to date equipment as you only get one set of eyes. Light sensitivity typically only lasts a few days after surgery, after which your blurry vision should diminish. After your PRK surgery, it is wise to use lubricating drops or a moisturizing contact lens in order to keep your eyes comfortable during the healing process. Answers (3) Cassidy bell. Im so glad you commented Candace. FYI At the eye center I went to, (not sure if all places have this) the surgical area is lined with windows and your driver can watch the whole process live also on a television in the waiting room. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. Check out These Are The Best Eye Drops After Lasik (also applies to PRK) to learn which artificial tear drops work best. My eyes had been about -7.5 prior to PRK. Ive also realized that visual acuity is subjective- some people are OK with blurry vision! If eye drops help, you're definitely suffering from dry eye (normal at this stage), so keep using drops, omega 3, etc. This can be quite frustrating for those experiencing it first-hand. Too thin and you run the risk of conditions like kerataconis. This will help to promote a complete and fast healing process. As you get older the likelihood of needing readers grows quite a bit. An even higher percentage of patients report 20/40 vision or better. Thanks for leaving a comment, appreciate it! During this timeframe, your eyes can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision. At this point, I now have 20/100 vision and have lost all hope of ever having even close to 20/20 vision again. And is it only in the eye you had the touch up done in? I guess I knew the risks but then I just crossed my fingers and hoped that it would not happen to me. But there's more that blurs vision. How Long Do You Have to Wait After Cataract Surgery to Play Golf? In fact, the vision can get slightly worse in the first few days as the irregular margins of the healing epithelium start to grow into the center of vision. Maybe there should be a list with LASIK/PRK surgeons like the healthgrades website. Well now 2 years later Ive slid back to -3 almost -4in both eyes. It is possible for vision to remain blurry for one to two weeks. It is so frustrating and disappointing. This is due to something called higher order aberrations. An advantage is NOT quick recovery. I went back to the place where I did the surgery and the doctor said it was unusual for my eyes are like this because I did a really small prescription now its way worse than before. surgery was quick and painless. Chances this will resolve in months to come? Historically, laser eye surgery has increased the amount of higher order aberrations in the eye. Good luck to you as well. Unlike most folks, I was born with a + number in both eyes. Do not do it. [Read more about retinal detachment surgery.]. Kind of strange but very cool at the same time. My distance vision is not great either. And then had to wait about an hour to be taken back which is when I started feeling a little nervous. Its October 26 (about a month and a half later) and Im experiencing some of the same issues that you had. After the awful recovery and 6 months later my vision was substantially worse than when I started and I needed an enhancement. Doctors just keep saying more time more time. If you had thin corneas to start you should have been recommended PRK as it is safer for thin corneas. If you dont have any success, I can ask my doctor to recommend someone in your area. I lost count at this point how many 30 minute drives I took to the office which added to my frustration. PRK also comes with an increased chance of experiencing blurred vision and sensitivity to light, especially for individuals who have to wear a bandage contact lens after surgery. I had PRK in 1996. With PRK, your vision as you sit up from surgery is actually better than if you had LASIK. 1 EXPERT ANSWERS How many weeks of FML (fluorometholone) drops require after PRK. I dont know why my experience was so horrible when all Ive heard were good things. Although these difficulties can last anywhere from weeks to months, most usually clear up on their own within two to three months after being corrected. Seems to be one of the worst decision Ive ever made. I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. By the way, I am residing in Singapore and we are not cover by insurance for this type of eye correction surgery as it was consider to be under the comestic surgery catergory. It include things such as spherical aberration, coma, and trefoil. In conclusion, I am improving very slowly. No, it was in Oak Brook. In fact, by about 3 months, the blurry vision after PRK may almost be entirely gone! But this time the surgeon decided to lift the original flap from the LASIK. A lot will happen within the first week after PRK. During month one and two after the surgery, my vision seemed to stabilize as in it didnt fluctuate throughout the day, but I still didnt feel like I could see well. 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