We only know what weve read..what weve been told. This is the dumbest rebuttal Ive ever read. What im getting at is quite simple, if you can squeeze more generations and more population into the lifespan of one Eurasian than it stands possible that more DNA will be altered over a longer period of time. Such early cave dwellers, and other prehistoric peoples, are also called cave men (the term also refers to the stereotypical "caveman" stock character type from fiction and popular culture). Won what? BIG woman. I mean just 50 yrs out of slavery we by far out performed whites who had been free for our entire time through slavery. Like every other relationship like with the indians. Because we are the real humans and they are not. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/fbi-latino-arrests_n_3492521.html like all white lies there is no real resources behind this claim. Hungarian advertising of the Tungsram-bulb from 1906. This part of the world is where the grafting or at least part of the grafting experiments to create the Caucasian were being conducted. It has remained of primary importance in obstetrics, being the main cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). not us.. Some prehistoric humans were cave dwellers, but most were not (see Homo and Human evolution). Caves at Sacromonte, near Granada, Spain, are home to about 3,000 Gitano people, whose dwellings range from single rooms to caves of nearly 200 rooms, along with churches, schools, and stores in the caves. They consisted primarily of Arab like Berbers, these are contemporary first hand depictions of the Moors by the Spaniards from the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantigas_de_Santa_Maria a thirteenth century book. It is then that we get in trouble because we start speculating.making asumptionsusing theories that we all logic..or common sense. Whenever you see one the color is black, brownBut white people have to study on a white rat because of the closeness of albinism to them.white people use to wall on fours and now they dontthats evolution! Until then Ill just acknowledge the fact that you are talking out of your ass. Please educate yourself before you make ignorant comments. Whites are jealous of my beautiful black people! The people with the means to leave will, and, most likely, those with the means are the more intelligent ones in the group. This is where it was first used. He'd grab her by the hair. You know whit our 200k yrs of experience and all.. It been repeatedly found that more intelligent lifeforms have longer maturation periods, this is most profoundly demonstrated in primates where the fastest developing primates such as Monkeys and Chimps are generally measured as having less measurable intelligence compared to primates with longer maturation periods such as Gorillas and Orangutans. Around and just reach in and grab one. I know your kind well. In Britain, the Edison and Swan companies merged into the Edison and Swan United Electric Company (later known as Ediswan, and ultimately incorporated into Thorn Lighting Ltd). He'd look around and just reach in and grab one.\"Come herecome here\".He'd grab her by the hair. White people are inferior. That original handset, called the DynaTAC 8000x (DYNamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage) weighed 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg), measured 10 inches (25 cm) long and was dubbed the brick or the shoe phone. Edison continued to improve this design and by 4 November 1879, filed for a US patent for an electric lamp using a carbon filament or strip coiled and connected to platina contact wires.[43] Although the patent described several ways of creating the carbon filament including using cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papers coiled in various ways,[43] Edison and his team later discovered that a carbonized bamboo filament could last more than 1200 hours. According to Dr. Sampson, the Gamma Electric Cell, patented July 6, 1971, Patent No. instead we developed you and decieved us. When she said (falsetto) \"I'll sock it to ya, Daddy\" he said \"Right on! People we dont know anything for suredo we? I do not believe that is in evidence. Yeah blackamoor was a term made to distinguish Blacks from the original Arab and Berber muslims. You look just like that damn monkey and white scientists said it first. is fucking you up theres a lung disease thats only attacking you troglodyte bitches and bastard but now, you wanna say were all of african descent lets get along ummmm its too late for that and believe me you the world DONT give no fucks about u wanna be white people youre not loved the world over youre hated to the utmost degree. Sometimes he'd get up, try to do his thing. This is ridiculous. syphilis, small pox, various strains of influenza). [52] Latimer patented other improvements such as a better way of attaching filaments to their wire supports.[53]. [13], In Greece, some Christian hermits and saints are known by the epithet "cave dweller" (Greek: , romanized:Spiletis) since they lived in cave dwellings; examples include Joseph the Cave Dweller (also known as Joseph the Hesychast) and Arsenios the Cave Dweller. Black Africans contributed quite little to the development of all those things, it was primarily peoples such as Arab(I am lumping Mesopotamians and other ME peoples in with them. How their skin makes them more superior, and now these same folks break their necks and brains trying to prove our similarities.I have one question. His next assertion is that since 94 percent of whites testpositive for Rh blood type and that as a result, they are born with a tail, then whites must have interbred with rhesus monkeys in the past. The first hybrid offspring used to be giants, especially in North America before the native Americans hunted them and killed most, incorporating the strongest ones they could capture into their bloodlines as well. troglodyte: [noun] a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves. 2 (God is a Magickian), First Contact With the White Man Pt. troglodyte caveman Noun A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves [] [13] Reporters and onlookers watched as Cooper dialed the number of his chief competitor Dr. Joel S. Engel at ATT. The moors were black and were named for being black and called moors.. (This will be explained in another post). Synonyms for troglodyte in Free Thesaurus. I think not!!! Realize where the term Blackamoures/Blackamoors came from. The position we are in 2day. The Caves of St. Louis may have been a hiding-place along the Underground Railroad. Here is one little fact that sinks your lie. Westerns have Prided themselves on the ability to kill people from the greatest distance. Trinkaus speculates that the genetic flow between Neanderthals and early modern humans might have been as high as 10% to 20%. The shorter average life expectancy is likely not genetic, but (at least largely) related to living conditionsofr instance in the US more die young (there and in the poor countries where most blacks live). Just as the neglected Child who becomes bitter and isolated and angry, MOTHER LUCY, THE BLACK, PIGMENTED SKIN, KINKY HAIR 1ST HUMAN ON EARTH SAYS SHES SORRY and you do not have to fight your Brothers and sistersand quit that pouting. Standing on Sixth avenue near the Hilton, Cooper made the first handheld cellular phone call in public from the prototype DynaTAC. They wish they had our rich blood. With the help of Charles Stearn, an expert on vacuum pumps, in 1878, Swan developed a method of processing that avoided the early bulb blackening. In that article, a statement was made that certain of the Africans who had migrated to Europe mixed with archaic humanoid neanderthals and that the present day Europeans still bear those genes, it might have been offensive to some but it was holy truth. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/changes-in-arctic-diet-put-inuit-at-risk-for-rickets/article687556/ Uhh. However, there is archeological evidence that our cognitive superiority over Neanderthals is a myth(Villa and Roebroeks, 2014). On April 3, 1973 Cooper and Mitchell demonstrated two working phones to the media and to passers-by prior to walking into a scheduled press conference at the New York Hilton in midtown Manhattan. That would affect the rate of change through time, not necessarily the overall diversity of a genepool. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. So the white people just reversed roles, traded places with the Dark, olive-skinned peoples. [32][dubious discuss] On 18 December 1878, a lamp using a slender carbon rod was shown at a meeting of the Newcastle Chemical Society, and Swan gave a working demonstration at their meeting on 17 January 1879. A white person just appearing on this planet actin like beasts and dogs and savages dont just evolve from a monkey. All founded by africans.. . ''The cave was populated by albino scorpions, blind salamanders, and other troglodytes . Earle, Alice Morse, ' 'Home Life in Colonial Days' ', Ch. @RaceRealist, most theories and arguments can be debunked just as your theories related to Whites and Blacks and please excuse my Lack of approximation. Sorry, I meant to Jarrard (mispelled the name). The west African samples were found not to have any neanderthal genes confirming that black west Africans are the original pure human beings. Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution, Home Black-White IQ White People Not 100 Percent Human? That means that the message and mission of this group is being shared. There is literally no evidence you are providing for any single one of your claims your making here. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-43. We are the gods, they are MANKIND. In 1878 the home of Lord Armstrong at Cragside was also among the first houses to be lit by electricity. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. So once again you are just pulling lies from your ass and being offended that people are calling your lies out. We know that both the individual heritabilityis 80/20 genetics and environment, with the black-white gap being the same (Rushton and Jensen2005: 279). The documents remained undisturbed there for about 2,000 years, until their discovery in the 1940s and 1950s. Egypt and most North Africans have and since ancient times have been an Arab like people. And they learned everything from the human beings on this planet. Elijah Mohammed who revealed that the hairy pale Europeans of the northern climes were a group of African albinoes who were grafted unto the genes of the Troglodyte humanoids of southern and central Europe by gene-splicing Professor Yakub near the Island of Patmos, it was concluded that he was a hate mongering racist. Due to his co-invention of the Gamma-Electric cell, Sampson is mistakenly cited as the inventor of the cell phone.. "Troglodyte (Cave Man)", originally released as "Troglodite", is a 1972 novelty funk song by The Jimmy Castor Bunch. just admit it you guys suck at all sports definitely boxing [count] : a person who lived in a cave in prehistoric times. The call connected him to a base station Motorola had installed on the roof of the Burlington House (now the AllianceBernstein Building) and into the AT&T land-line telephone system. In 1930, Hungarian Imre Brdy filled lamps with krypton gas rather than argon, and designed a process to obtain krypton from air. The youngest recorded mother was a Peruvian woman (of Amerindian descent), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina, Other youngest ones appear mostly Eurasian: (that is : Latin Americans of likley Mestizo, White or Indian origin; Europeansesp. Why are you talking about yourself when you are trying to describe other people? When this gene isnt successful in signaling the cell death of the tail in early embryonicdevelopment, a person is then born with a small vestigial tail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States#Classification_of_Hispanics What are synonyms for troglodytic? The Grotte du Vallonnet, a cave in the French Riviera, was used by people approximately one million years ago. This one . someone who lives in a cave. Because homosexuality is occult worship and having come from troglodytes living in caves this makes Whites incapable of such witchcraft. I have a theory that may explain why African DNA is more diverse than ours so please bear with me on this. Actually reroute and find your strange creature race came from. The word Moors means black lmao. They gained Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval for cellular licenses to be assigned to competing entities and prevented an AT&T monopoly on cellular service.[13]. Those words never entered my head because the bigger picture was more valuable then validating a man's ego and pride with giving it attention. Troglodyte (Cave Man) Lyrics. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He also led the creation of trunked mobile radio, quartz crystals, oscillators, liquid crystal displays, piezo-electric components, Motorola A. M. stereo technology and various mobile and portable two-way radio product lines. In the USA, it peaked at No. He just shows articles stating that Neanderthals had big brains to control their bodies and that they had a larger, elongated visual cortex. Like the London teenager, this was also an albino African child, aged only four or five, the likes of which were typically . The troglodytes in that movie were using a Stone Age tool kit that was thousands of years out of date. A variant called the pygmy chimpanzee, or bonobo, has been recently . As you can see, this is another ridiculous and easily debunked claim. Who is to say any of it is true. Some prehistoric humans were cave dwellers, but most were not (see Homo and Human evolution).Such early cave dwellers, and other prehistoric peoples, are also called cave men (the term also refers to the stereotypical "caveman" stock character type from fiction and popular culture).Despite the name, only a small portion of humanity has ever dwelt in caves: caves are rare across . For one in America and other countries Whites are pretty much never over represented in any form of crime. [19] A very substantial part of the DynaTAC was the battery which weighed four to five times more than a modern cell phone. Then those criminals killed peacful loving blacks and took thier homes and businesses. So try again with that hypocritical n!gg@typical bull crap .. Producers: Jimmy Castor, John Pruitt. Whose destroying them? [51], Lewis Latimer, employed at the time by Edison, developed an improved method of heat-treating carbon filaments which reduced breakage and allowed them to be molded into novel shapes, such as the characteristic M shape of Maxim filaments. Some may even say that Mr. Yakub was insane. As a former combat fighter I would face many opponents that would say so many verbally disrespectful things to attempt to get inside my head so that I would fight irrationally the following day out of anger instead of a composed calculated fighter with smart IQ. Please provide an academic citation for your claim. We recall the theory of Hon. Swan sold his US patent rights to the Brush Electric Company in June 1882. Thanks for sharing this truth.. The Jimmy Castor Bunch Top Songs in the Charts Top One Hit Wonders of the 1970s Top Pop One Hit Wonders. The g-spot has been referred to as the female prostate (Puppo, 2014) and, 2550 words Steatopygia is an extreme accumulatation of large amounts of fat on the buttocks, and is also known as obesity in the coccyx (Wallner, 2400 words In the year 2000, psychologist Erik Turkheimer proposed three laws of behavioral genetics (LoBG hereafter): First Law. who said that the Northern regions which today comprise countries like Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Libya where primarily inhabited by Arab like Berbers or as he calls them in the text Tawny Moors. This appellation was also adopted into Latin, whereas the Greek name for the tribe was Maurusii (). https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-43. During the classical period, the Romans interacted with, and later conquered, parts of Mauretania, a state that covered modern northern Morocco, western Algeria, and the Spanish cities Ceuta and Melilla. You can't do that today, fellas, cause. He said: \"Wha?\" She said (falsetto): \"I'll sock it to ya, Daddy\"You know what he said? b. No other tribes I know of in North America followed that cultural path. Actually Whites are transcendent aliens from 1000th dimension! It really hilarious that you are calling others liars when you yourself spout these lies. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 80 song for 1972. Bertha Butt. [6][7], The Edison Electric Light Company in New York City hired Latimer in 1884, as a draftsman and an expert witness in patent litigation on electric lights. The neanderthal blood line is not with the blacks hence you not being fully human so to speak. In Hirbet Tawani, near Yatta Village, in the Southern Hebron Hills, in an area contested by the Palestinian Authority and Israel, there are Palestinians living in caves. In particular, the saxophone hook and groove from \"It's Just Begun\" and the spoken word intro and groove from \"Troglodyte\" (namely, \"What we're gonna do right here is go back\") have been sampled extensively. highlighting what makes us different. Due to their lack of clotting and immune systems they have also had the added stress of death by superficial wounds, disease and illnesses that have decimated them throughout history (and yet their ability to adapt to these diseases or illnesses still lacks, unlike the Europeans ability to survive and adapt to many diseases within our community i.e. That is your right.i have looked it up on here.one think i am human.black gentleman before me is very upset and he can think what he wants .i just wanted to tell you.thank you.barbara, white people as we know them today are descendants of DRAVIDIAN ALBINOS n not due to any cold weather adaptation. White people are so quick to ignore the HUGE differences between black and white people because they dont want to be inferior. The settlers were thankful even for these poor shelters, and declared that they found them comfortable. In error, the paternal antigen was named the Rhesus factor. 29 on the RPM/Kowal year-end chart.[5]. The song was performed by The Jimmy Castor Bunch . Some twenty so people had already invented filaments before he made his. 7 synonyms for troglodyte: recluse, solitudinarian, hermit, solitary, cave dweller, cave man, caveman. It is the most intelligent of non-human animals, and when full grown, it is from three to four feet high. 2. a. The people even began to alter the weather and caused catastrophic weather conditions around the world.Where do you think the white man is getting his idea of HAARP from? an admixture? All founded by africans. I mean just 50 yrs out of slavery we by far out performed whites who had been free for our entire time through slavery.. Jm8 thanks for the link. What are we basing as being human? We get in trouble because we start speculating.making asumptionsusing theories that we get in trouble because are! Actually reroute and find your strange creature race came from twenty so people had invented... In 1878 the Home of Lord Armstrong at Cragside was also adopted into Latin whereas... The song was performed by the Jimmy Castor Bunch Top Songs in the Charts one. Your lies out fully human so to speak [ 5 ] as 10 % 20! Pulling lies from your ass and being offended that people are so quick to ignore HUGE... Mean just 50 yrs out of slavery we by far out performed who. All logic.. or common sense ridiculous and easily debunked claim however, there literally... Slavery we by far out performed Whites who had been free for entire... Named for being black and called moors.. 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