Discusses multiple meanings of landscape and approaches to landscape studies. Identification of individual groups? [5], This is a high energy coastal environment characterised by erosion, high wave activity, exposure to prevailing winds and a long wave fetch. The sandy beach is the junction of land and ocean. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. (b) Explain the formation of either coral reefs or mangrove coastlines. Knowledge and understanding of other processes that may link to the formation of one landform of coastal deposition - human activity, erosion that provides the sediment People try to protect some areas from erosion but this can have negative impacts as well as positive. AO2 AO1 (b) Examine the success of one management strategy used to manage the impacts of coastal processes on human activity. "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange 3.6 billion People live near or around a coast. Find out ways you can #thinkocean. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the variety of time scales outlined in the specification over which coastal processes operate - seconds, seasons and millennia. New York: ASCE, Coastal Zone 89, pp. Knowledge and understanding of the link between processes of transport and one landform of coastal deposition https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3880-1_175, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3880-1_175, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials Science. (20) Assess the extent to which predicted climate change will present challenges for sustainable management of a local scale environment that you have studied. -Relief, (a) (ii) Suggest one social impact that could have resulted from the high energy storm events shown in Figure 1. the extent to which there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity transportation of sediment Candidates could also consider other factors that affect coastal processes and landforms e.g. erosion of sediment from beach Additional cited references were provided by members of the steering group. Human Protection, management and conservation of dune systems - replanting . [15]. There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Asheville, NC, USA, Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Coconut Creek, FL, USA, Davis, R.A. (2019). examination of supply of sediment - some places have greater inputs of sediment from rivers, cliffs etc magnitude of process increases with time - waves operate over minutes whilst flood cycles operate over years Richard A. Davis Jr. . -Retail, (b) Discuss the view that the impacts of human activity on coastal environments are mainly negative. (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to analyse changes in wave height for the three mangrove forests. Humans also impact the land around or near the coast. (eds. 2. This may include: 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Are intervals of key good? [10], AO1 Candidates should be able to show the knowledge and understanding of the sub aerial processes of coastal weathering (the breaking down of rock in situ). PubMedGoogle Scholar. examination of coastal configuration - more deposition taking place in heads of bays, spit formation Regional changes in temperature and precipitation are having impacts on people and ecosystems. CERC (1984) Shore protection manual, vol 1. Suggest one reason for the variation in the importance of wind erosion. Recognition that the role of marine processes can vary for the same landform between locations. It is also possible to accept dunes, salt marshes and tidal flats. Identification of individual groups. In many areas, factory fishing has destroyed local fish stocks, leaving too few adults to breed for the future. (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to compare the shoreline changes shown at Location 1 and Location 2. Another impact on the coast is pollution. The growth of the Meat Free Monday movement is great for our Ocean. Around the world, many projects are now seeking to restore marine habitats, such as mangrove and seagrass. Davis, R.A., 1989. - Sub-aerial processes are a combination of weathering as mass movement. whether the reduction of impacts of human activity has been successful 20622077. Candidates demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the extent to which coastal processes (and their associated landforms) impact positively on human activity. Remind students that many human activities not associated with the marine environment can also affect ocean ecosystems. [5]. -Transport, Weybourne only has landslides Bays (b) Examine the role that wind plays in the development of a coastal sand dune. The Defra and UK Research and Innovation-led review in collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory and Exeter University, showed that Brits spending time by the sea reported increased happiness, better general health and were more physically active during their visit, compared to visits to other types of environment. - lack of groundwater Human Activity & Coastal Landscapes. Check out Adapt the A-level & GCSE revision timetable app. the transport and deposition of sediment may provide opportunities for the extraction of sand and gravel Identification of landforms with little description may get into Band 2, 11 (b) Examine the role of sub aerial processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. [5], The development of the coastal landscape can be seen from both an erosional and depositional viewpoint. description of suspension, saltation and traction with link to grain size The increase in the use of fertilisers for agriculture and warming ocean waters has contributed to eutrophication of the Ocean in certain areas of the world. The content will depend upon the management strategy chosen but there are a number of threads that are worthy of credit: The adding of sand from other places to these beaches in mass quantities means that the sand forms steep drops into the ocean in relatively shallow water. Where areas suffer from high levels of erosion different protections strategies are implemented to protect the coastline. The impacts of this scourge will last a lot longer. The pattern of loss and gain over space should be identified with confident use of x and y axis data. Physical AO2 Candidates will need to demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding in order to examine the role of marine processes in the formation of their chosen landform. ), Coastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Geoarchaeology. Climate change and rising sea levels are likely to lead to flooding by salt water during winter high tides, which could threaten the pastures. These activities may have direct or indirect effects on our changing coasts. Presence of soft rocks - some places may consist of rocks that are made from less resistant minerals or bound together with soft cements For some coastal regions, such as the Pacific coast, a large part of their sediment is supplied by rivers. Fishing nets get dumped all around the world because they have escaped or they have been cut off. Used to compare different areas, and they are a useful visual aid as they can show differences clearly Climate change. (20 marks). The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: for each of the above points allow support from resource for 1 development mark in each instance. In: Pye K, Allen JRL (eds) Coastal and estuarine environments: sedimentology, geomorphology, and geoarchaeology. - parts of mangrove furthest from low watermark have less erosion (1). the impact of mass movement on economic and/or social activity, 19. (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to describe the links between time, space and process. Line graph [3], Allow 1 mark for identification of a valid social loss such as homelessness, loss of possessions, trauma, injury etc. Most candidates will identify the spit and address the processes responsible for its formation. fixation of dunes Ask students to generate more examples. Part of Springer Nature. Human activities on coastal management Hard engineering management involves using artificial structures, whereas soft engineering management is a more sustainable and natural approach to manage . 5. the extent to which modification of processes operating in a coastal environment has been successful An examination of temporal changes in the role of erosion, 18. A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the strategy chosen but a conclusion is not necessary in order to reach the top of Band 3. [3], - presence of unconsolidated sand 7. Overstrand/Mundesley have the widest variety of processes [5]. -Vegetation, knowledge and understanding of the operation of the management strategy Why does your favorite beach seem to be disappearing? (a) (ii) Suggest how lithological factors have influenced the development of the cliffs shown in Figure 1. Encyclopedia of Coastal Science pp 530535Cite as, Part of the Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series book series (EESS). Sand dunes act as a natural barrier against coastal storms and beach erosion caused by strong, destructive wind and waves. [2], political issues Use of colour in key The Evidence Statement was reviewed by a steering group of experts from Cefas, Defra, Marine Management Organisation, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, University of Aberdeen, University of Exeter, and University of Hull. the cost and benefits of the selected strategy. Great news for a joined up global effort to protect the Ocean. Examples could be stacks, arches, and wave cut platforms but credit any relevant landform. * The sand dunes on the beaches. The plot shows rates of shoreline erosion (red) and deposition (yellow) over 79 years at Fire Island. The whole of the east coast of the USA used to bloom with trout. Location 2 shows less fluctuation in rates of erosion All storm water drains in Victoria are linked to the sea. They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. Human impacts along the coastal zone are numerous, widespread in kind, and typically detrimental to . Changes of boundaries, ie choropleth. isostatic subsidence (slowly/over a long period of time), 19. The Great Barrier Reef is under threat from a range of pressures with a major one being deteriorating water quality due to pollution from adjacent land use. Recognition that other processes can also play a part in the formation of the identified landform e.g. The content will depend upon the landform(s) chosen and may include: Cliff lines Ancient Tribes like the Khmer were introducing fish to the lake Tonle Saple for food for hundreds of years. meltwater moves to oceans https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials Science. This means there is less available dissolved oxygen for native sea life, which can negatively impact biological processes. Describe how a reduction in energy may lead to sediment sorting. lying. [3], Comment on workings of coastal system - inputs/stores/flows/outputs Write the values for A, B and C in your answer booklet. The content will depend upon the impact chosen and may include: There are 4 key areas which have affected the coastline: Its common in parts of the UK for Crowded Coasts to be used as a term, Many people who work in London can no longer afford housing there, so some commute in from coastal towns and cities (Brighton). New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 87, pp. [5], Expensive overall So the beach bums and the sea life may continue to enjoy one of the most beloved landscape for generations to, A big problem in Cape Cod is beach erosion. This has been successful in reducing the amount of sand that is drawn out to sea. Erosion of the 12 apostles (only 9 left) has nothing to do with humans, where dramatic oil spill near coast ruins beaches, does have to do with humans. The metals required in our laptops, phones and batteries can be found on the seafloor but what damage will we do? Candidates may make arguments, using evidence, to show that positive impacts on human activity outweigh negative impacts or conversely that negative impacts outweigh the positive. Discussion of the implementation and success of management strategies to mitigate the impact of negative human activity, 13. examination of how human intervention e.g. 16 (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to describe variations in the processes of coastal retreat for different places in North Norfolk. An examination of other time scales subaerial processes of weathering and mass movement including landslides, slumps and rock falls. The most important of these changes occur on the beach and typically are related to erosion of the beach. As floodwater carries material from the eroded . Damage to housing shown on photo how the strategy modifies process Strength of winds - some places may be affected by strong winds whilst others may be sheltered St. Donat's Bay The relative importance of different sub aerial processes in the formation of one or more identified landforms Shows any visual changes over time of the environment AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the processes of coastal transport and one landform of coastal deposition. Farmers have to maximise their income by using whatever land they can. Erosional bays AO2 Candidates demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding through an examination of the role of sub aerial process in the formation of one or more landforms. . Despite the negativity surrounding the current state of our Ocean, the good news is that its not too late to turn things around. Once developed, communities make an effort to protect their beach homes and coastal businesses. Examine the importance of different time scales in the formation of one or more coastal landforms. AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to assess the relationship between human activity and positive impact. Overbuilding and extensive paving of shorelines can result in destruction of habitats and disruption of land-sea connections such as sea-turtle nesting spots. spatial scale of process increases with time - micro scale over minutes whilst macro over centuries More businesses are becoming involved in circular economy models this means that more materials are reused, shared, repaired, refurbished, remanufactured and recycled; thereby creating a closed system and minimising the use of new resources. Timescale of data both decrease/show erosion Well send you a link to a feedback form. West coast has limited number These processes could be sub aerial and/or marine, transport or depositional processes. (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to describe variations in the percentage of properties at risk from coastal erosion and flooding. The need for extra grazing is putting pressure on wildlife. Coastal regions are highly vulnerable to the impacts of human activities, land cover change, sea level rise (SLR), and climate extremes. melting of glaciers Ability to pick out anomalies? the role of physical objects at the strand line Knowledge and understanding of other processes that may form selected erosional landform - transport, deposition Addresses the impacts of humans on landscapes and landscapes on humans, including themes such as resource management, degradation, sustainability, and meaning. AO1 Coastal zone 89. Answers need to link elements of content below to formation of the reef - how they are related to the development of the reef. These impacts have shifted inputs and outputs and lead to positive feedback loops in many parts of the world. Candidates may refer to how the impact of coastal processes may change over time. The report also warns that in the coming decades, climate change and extreme weather has the potential to jeopardise sensitive marine habitats, demonstrating the importance of the UKs network of Marine Protected Areas. Enviromental organisations have tried there best to limit the amount of man made deveoplment on coastal lads and many schools, Preserving coastlines is important for the economy and the environment. How do humans use the coast. "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange knowledge and understanding of the reasons why a management strategy is required such as erosion of coastal dunes by tourists, destruction of coral reefs, erosion as a consequence of the use of groynes knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the management strategy which could include physical structures and operations Candidates may make arguments to show the balance between positive and negative impacts between or within located areas e.g. Answers may conclude that seasonal processes have a major part or variable influence on the development of selected landform(s). They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. Human Impact on Coasts. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of one landform of coastal deposition [15], AO1 Our applications were (lying, laying) in front of the file. Click to reveal answer. In Stauble, D.M. -Meander, Stability of Dunedin and Hurricane Passes, Pinellas County, Florida. Knowledge and understanding of coastal processes that lead to both positive and negative impacts on human activity. [15], AO1 Human activity can have varying impacts on coastal environments. -Mouth, Wave cut platforms Clear links should be made between the processes and the formation of the landform itself. The Human Impact on Coastal Landscape. Understanding of the link between processes and the formation of the selected erosional landform Give your answer to 2 decimal places. Stacks This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Photographs: Coral reefs are especially fragile marine ecosystems and are suffering worldwide from reef-based tourism developments. Vegetation can consolidate sand dunes, 16. You have rejected additional cookies. These different zones correspond to mapped variations in the geology at Fire Island. Exact location? [2]. Location 1 has most decrease/erosion and greatest range Key scales? Groynes have been eroded away Allow 2 marks for development of the loss with comment on aspects such as magnitude, sections of society etc. Location 1 have steeper decline/rate of erosion Behind the sandy beach is the primary dune. sequestration is a nature-based solution to environmental problems caused by climate change and has a significant positive impact on the planet and human well-being. Cliffs provide inputs into beach Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Examination of the role changing over time weight of glaciers causing compression [4], - Wave cut platforms: 896952 This leaves the sand dunes more susceptible to erosion causing blowouts and disrupting the succession of vegetation in the area. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the factors that contribute to high energy/erosional landforms, with the knowledge of the processes involved in their formation. A Defra study shows that exposure to marine and coastal environments has positive effects on human health and well-being. ASCE, New York, pp 116, Davis RA Jr, Barnard PL (2000) How anthropogenic factors in the back-barrier area influence tidal inlet stability: examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida, U.S.A. Reading: Human Modifications of Coastal Processes. the development of bays by erosion can provide shelter for shipping, 8. crenelated cliff top indicating retreat Positive impacts could include the management and conservation of environmentally sensitive areas, the protection of areas of coastline from erosion as part of a shoreline management plan (SMP), where there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity or where there is a perceived improvement in the aesthetic character of the coastline Both approaches seen above are acceptable. Having said this, physical factors also have significant impacts across coastal landscapes. [15], AO1 Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in But if we add humans to these beaches what do we get. (a) Use Figure 1 to describe two distinctive landforms of this coastal landscape. 3. (b) Discuss the view that coastal processes have a mainly positive impact on human activity. Overall, there are many ways whereby human activities have caused problems for a broad spectrum of coastal environments. The government is also considering the recommendations of a recent review led by former Fisheries Minister, Richard Benyon, which found that there is a case for higher protections in some marine areas, with a total ban on all human activity to allow wildlife to flourish. Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned, ensuring tiny pieces of plastic cant enter the Ocean food chain. ASCE, New York, pp 20622077, Lynch-Blosse MA, Davis RA (1977) Stability of Dunedin and Hurricane Passes, Pinellas County, Florida. The work was completed between 9 April 2019 and 23 August 2019. As our population approaches 7 billion people, the effects of human activities on the ecosystem, including the water, air, land and the life that we share the world with, are almost immeasurable. The relationship between humans and their environment is a topic that engenders much debate. This means there is less available dissolved oxygen for native sea life, which can negatively impact biological processes. The relationship between humans and their environment is a topic that engenders much debate. Between the barrier beach and the main coast is the Great South Bay. The cost of this over the years is well into the millions and although replenishing the beaches with sand is helpful now, it is hardly a long term solution (Fox). Getting these measures right is not easy and requires transformative, multidisciplinary research, with an aim to support sustainable and responsible ocean stewardship for the conservation of the environment and to ultimately improve lives. This means that all our day to day rubbish that we drop or leave on the park bench ends up in the sea. Davis, R.A., Jr., and Barnard, P.L., 2000. Types of Wetland Impacts Human Impacts Suggest how sub-aerial processes could account for the differences in shoreline retreat. or development of example, 20. This may include such aspects as coastal locations, shape, magnitude 9.4 Coastal landscapes and processes (The Earth's crust is modified by . A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the landform(s). Concerns arising from the pollution of coastal and marine waters from land based sources are well established. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Or without humans. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of one strategy used to manage the impacts of human activity on coastal landscape systems. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Part of Springer Nature. Credit one mark for use of data to back up/illustrate each comparison, up to max. A geographical context for the management strategy Do the unofficial footpaths have a detrimental/positive affect on species, . AO2 Introducing fish could cause other native fish to have to leave there home or to fend for their home. Accept any valid coastal processes but more than one is needed for Band 3. Aeolian transportation is when the wind transports sediment. AO1 Aspects of the photograph addressed can be development of shape, position and process. knowledge and understanding of other processes that are part of the development of the landform such as weathering, marine erosion and mass movement There are several reasons why the coast at Holderness is eroding so quickly: Bridlington is protected by a 4.7 km long sea wall . (b) Explain why wind is important in the formation of coastal sand dunes. Physical weathering/disintegration by such processes as freeze-thaw action, salt crystallisation, and wetting and drying. How anthropogenic factors in the back-barrier area influence tidal inlet stability: examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida, U.S.A. [3], Presence of unconsolidated sand - some places may have more sand dunes which are more prone to wind erosion In the 1940s seawalls and groins and even some small jetties were built to protect the properties on the beach. This is called an erosional coastline. You have accepted additional cookies. e.g. The beaches you frequent during the summer may seem to be getting smaller and smaller every year. South West Wales has limited number 14. Chemical weathering/decomposition including solution and carbonation. By the time new sand was brought to the beach in 1991 to replenish what was eroded, there was hardly anything left. The price of good farmland has risen sharply, from 2400 per hectare in 1995 to 30,000 in 2015. deposition where wind speed falls behind obstacles (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the pattern of wave energy. Possible approaches may include: the relative importance of wind The variety of intertidal organic life encourages biological weathering. Shows distribution clearly? In: Stauble DM (ed) Barrier Islands: process and management. New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 77, pp. Beach erosion is widespread and causes significant problems for both the use of and protection by beaches. (b) Suggest two reasons why the rate of deposition varies along a coastline. The human impact on the environment is the sum of all activities and behaviors that create both positive and negative changes that affect the Earth's sensitive ecosystem. Sediment starvation caused by river and coastal management is one effect of human activities on the coast. The government has taken steps to expand its Blue Belt of marine protection for Britains overseas territories and its own coast, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones, protecting species and habitats such as the rare stalked jellyfish and blue mussel beds. - Cliffs: 962928, 13. (6). Headland has developed Bar charts, cumulative bars and pie charts 21. magnitude of process changes with spatial scale Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landforms that are linked to this scale and their link to process 15. Answers may conclude that longshore drift has a major part or variable influence on the development of selected landform(s). (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to suggest how mass movement is influencing the development of this coastal landscape. larger waves have more power A lot of the seawalls and groins were buried in order to form the new beaches. debris fan at foot of the cliff Spartina alterniflora is considered an invasive species that has affected the biogeochemical circle of carbon in coastal wetlands around the world. the movement of sediment may keep harbours clear and accessible An examination of the role of other processes 92 67 AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how aeolian processes form coastal sand dunes. Coastal sediments 77. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understating of one management strategy. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how erosional, and other valid, processes produce landforms. Sands and gravels eroded from the shores of coastal bays maintain the beach as a natural barrier between the open water and coastal wetlands. scars on the cliff face The swash zone is the area of wet sand, caused by the incoming wave. Springer, Dordrecht. Relevant responses may include: AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the factors that influence the development of selected landforms with particular reference to geology. Feel and make deductions or theories of shorelines can result in destruction of habitats and disruption of connections... Lack of groundwater human activity & amp ; coastal Landscapes on economic and/or activity... Create your own unique website with customizable templates but what damage will we do to marine and businesses. And/Or social activity, 19 recognition that the role of marine processes can also play a part in development. Use Figure 2 to describe variations in the context of the selected erosional Give... 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