A worldwide conference of all medical and health officials who objected to these protocols must be convened and all of the principal players in this farce must be brought to justice. These studies prove that there is no way our hospitalists were unaware that people would die using the protocols that were deployed during this debacle. Is there any way to detox at a cellular level after receiving the Covid19 vaccine? 5https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8725339/ We explore how therapeutic nihilism swept across the globe to cause catastrophic harm in our book Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalizations and Deaths while Battling the Biopharmaceutical Complex.[x]. THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox joins Dr. Harvey Risch. If the people cannot legitimately expect the courts to review the cases before them, how can they. But I included the chart here so that you would know what a valuable resource it is. Why a particular doctor is or is not listed. Such trials usually take 3-5 years. Tens of thousands of patients have successfully used the prior LDA system to locate Lyme and TBD resources. I begged my PCP to prescribe me IVM & hydroxychloroquine after watching many videos with Dr. Vladimir Zelenskyy, God rest his soul, who never lost a patient to Covid with the protocol he shared with the world. The paper is already available at the National Library of Medicine and is set to be published in the American Journal of Medicine. Publications, books, video, talks Read More On-line infectious disease journal convenes panel with LDA President Pat Smith, ILADS doctors, in open discussion on the Lyme disease controversy, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. A National Non-Profit 501c3EIN 22-3123551PO Box 1438 Jackson, NJ 08527 Fax: 732 938-7215, Mission: Research, Education, Prevention & Patient Support, LDA Doctor Referral System Terms & Conditions and Guidelines. Many of the doctors listed are often referred to as Lyme Literate Physicians/Doctors (LLMD). Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan Kelly, both expert industrial hygienists, join us at the top of the program - they are calling "Catch me if you can." Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for educational, general information, and entertainment purposes only and is never intended to constitute medical or legal advice or to replace the personalized care of a primary care practitioner or legal expert. In an exclusive interview for InfoWars, Dr. Peter McCullough, who has been very outspoken about the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine, gave more detail about the vaccine dangers and about the overreach of the entities involved in the vax rollout. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2020. So, I help it clean house by fasting: I stop putting food in it and only consume water. published an article in the American Journal of Medicine, August 2020: Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection. You have the absolute right to decide your course of action. Dr. . by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). Check to find information for parents, teachers, educators, children: December 13, 2016, Leake J, McCullough PA. In bed for 3 solid weeks!! Beyond these principles the remainder of the McCullough Protocol can be stylized to the patient and their particular history and symptoms with the goal of ameliorating the intensity and duration of symptoms and by that mechanism, reducing the risk of hospitalization or death. Dr. McCullough, thank you for confirming the prophylactic measures that my mom once used to stop the spread of colds and flu among her six kids, rinsing with diluted hydrogen peroxide and Listerine. Title: Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH COVID-19 Treatment Protocols Author: LDAhelp Subject: Lyme Disease Association Created Date: 20230301030426+00'00' Dr. McCullough's Treatment Protocol. Dr. Peter McCullough could not be silent when he saw what he referred to as a "great void" in the national conversation about early treatment and prevention of the coronavirus from the beginning. underlying lung, heart, or kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, or These blunders are reprehensible and public health agencies, hospitals, clinics, and urgent care centers should review when and how they have incorporated nasal and oral hygiene into their recommendations for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19chances are many still have not employed teaching materials or formally recommended this to their patients. Patients were followed with PCR testing Dr. McCullough, a professor of medicine who developed a globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol, also emphasized that there have been many unnecessary deaths as a result of policy decisions made at various levels of government. ( LifeSiteNews) - In a recent interview with LifeSiteNews editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen, Dr. Peter McCullough, one of America's leading physicians on the early treatment of COVID-19, listed. Aspirin is now the main blood thinner used in the Omicron variant. Living as a Black Conservative is not for the faint of heart. The video above, 1 featuring cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, is packed with sound logic, data and action steps that have the potential to turn the pandemic around if only more people would listen. Tardif JC, Bouabdallaoui N, L'Allier PL, Gaudet D, Shah B, Pillinger MH, Lopez-Sendon J, da Luz P, Verret L, Audet S, Dupuis J, Denault A, Pelletier M, Tessier PA, Samson S, Fortin D, Tardif JD, Busseuil D, Goulet E, Lacoste C, Dubois A, Joshi AY, Waters DD, Hsue P, Lepor NE, Lesage F, Sainturet N, Roy-Clavel E, Bassevitch Z, Orfanos A, Stamatescu G, Grgoire JC, Busque L, Lavalle C, Htu PO, Paquette JS, Deftereos SG, Levesque S, Cossette M, Nozza A, Chabot-Blanchet M, Dub MP, Guertin MC, Boivin G; COLCORONA Investigators. Rarely do doctors need to prescribe heparin or other blood thinners unless a large blood clot is identified. Video on His Treatment Publication: October 11, 2020, see video of Dr. McCullough providing a critical update: Ambulatory Treatment of COVID-19. A group of Houston nurses have hired him as a so-called "expert witness" in their appeal against a vaccine mandate at Houston Methodist. Front Line Doctors Ivermectin Protocol for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 (November 2022), 12 Natural Treatments for COVID Long Haulers (2023). PMID: 34051877; PMCID: PMC8159193. If you missed that we have included the video below where you will find answers to . Treatment Publication: Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H., Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center, et al. Similarly, the transgenic rodent mutation (TGR) assay used to show the safety is suitable for the detection of point mutations, insertions and small deletions but not large deletions, and It does not seems to detect pre-mutagenic lesions. Holiday special, save $10 with code HBN>. They almost killed me when I was a kid. Yes, that means that the syndrome can be treated without antiviral agents as reported by Dr. Barrientos in El Salvador and Dr. Chetty in South Africa. Principles are 1) nasal solutions should be comfortable and not sting with sufficient dilution, 2) sniffed far back into the sinuses and then spit out through the mouth (often causes coughing or mild choking), done at least twice per nostril per session, 3) oral gargles should be for 30 seconds and then spit out. Please join us to protect the Supreme Court: The Totalitarian Wolves Are Licking Their Chops, Diabolical George Soros Is Using Ron DeSantis to Assure Our Worst Nightmare Prevails, Subterfuge by way of Trains, Laptops, and Needles:Rep. Jim Jordan on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Abuse of the Lawmaking Process on COVID Issues, All for Political Gain, The Constitutions Grant of Independent Power to States Against Invasion, DOJ and US Treasury Not Working With Congress on Hunter Probes, Simple Solutions to Save Lives, Faceless FTC Bureaucrats are Fighting and Suppressing It, Research Continues to Pour In, Leaving Millions of Vaccinated Susceptible to Serious Diseases, Pushing COVID-19 Shots in Pregnancy: The Greatest Ethical Breach in the History of Medicine, 10 Letters Legal Strategies for Vaccine Injury Accountability, Blood Damage Explains Many Harmful Impacts of COVID Vaccines, Early Treatment Suppression and Nasal Hygiene with Nathan Jones & Dr. Peter McCullough, Here is The Data to Prove The Shots Dont Work!, Dilute Povidone-Iodine Nasal/Oral Washes for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19, Steps to Take Before Hospitalization & COVID-19 Treatment Guide, Risks of Vaccines for Those Recovered from COVID-19 Krammer, Raw & Mathioudakis, Foundations of Good Health, and Its Not Pharmaceuticals, The Biden Scandal Gets More Bizarre and Dangerous by the Day, https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(20)30673-2/fulltext, https://www.imrpress.com/journal/RCM/21/4/10.31083/j.rcm.2020.04.264, https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8725339/, https://www.ijirms.in/index.php/ijirms/article/view/1100#downloadTab, https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/dosage. Patients at negligible and low risk can self-manage with viricidal nasal washes and the OTC Bundle which includes zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, famotidine (at four times the package dose80 mg a day), and its reasonable to include aspirin 325 mg a day. [i] Nathan Jones on Nasal Sprays, America Out Loud, [ii] Truth for Health Foundation, Nasal Oral Washes for COVID-19, [iii] Dr Peter McCullough, Oral Nasal Hygiene for COVID-19 on America Out Loud. Dr Peter McCullough: Nasal Spray and Mouth Gargle to stop COVID? | Feb 26, 2023 | Education, Faith, Politics. Those websites are not under the control of America Out Loud or its brands. That is the history of Western culture post WWII in a nutshell. However, America Out Loud takes no responsibility for, nor are we, and will not be liable for being temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties beyond our control. "The big story to come out of this era, won't be elections and pandemics, it will bewhere was the mainstream media in America? It would also behoove us all for me to mention that four of the six items listed by Dr. McCullough are available through Dr. Zev Zelenko's Z-Stack protocol. As I've written in "#MERCKyBusiness - IS "THE CURE" WORSE THAN THE DISEASE? After eight days, he felt well enough to go for a jog. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin Combined: A syne. For this reason, I keep both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in my house and you should too. of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs), Chairman: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Ranking Member: Sen. Gary C. Peters (D-MI). Everyone is familiar with nasal and oral swab testing for COVID-19. Grifn and M. Baguelin and S. Bhatia and A. Boonyasiri and A . Peter McCullough, MD. I always make sure people that are ill have access to that so they can have a quick reference when they are sick and not thinking clearly. Treatment. Dr. Peter McCullough is a world-renowned expert when it comes to the early treatment of COVID-19. Use promo code "Freedom" if you do decide to purchase it. Some conservative reporters obviously missed the mark in interpreting Soross recent commentary on the top forerunners for the GOP presidential primary race. [iv][v] Each protocol varies the intensity and classes of drugs based on style and phase of illness. McCullough PA, Alexander PE, Armstrong R, Arvinte C, Bain AF, Bartlett RP, Berkowitz RL, Berry AC, Borody TJ, Brewer JH, Brufsky AM, Clarke T, Derwand R, Eck A, Eck J, Eisner RA, Fareed GC, Farella A, Fonseca SNS, Geyer CE Jr, Gonnering RS, Graves KE, Gross KBV, Hazan S, Held KS, Hight HT, Immanuel S, Jacobs MM, Ladapo JA, Lee LH, Littell J, Lozano I, Mangat HS, Marble B, McKinnon JE, Merritt LD, Orient JM, Oskoui R, Pompan DC, Procter BC, Prodromos C, Rajter JC, Rajter JJ, Ram CVS, Rios SS, Risch HA, Robb MJA, Rutherford M, Scholz M, Singleton MM, Tumlin JA, Tyson BM, Urso RG, Victory K, Vliet EL, Wax CM, Wolkoff AG, Wooll V, Zelenko V. Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19). The nasal mucosa is a barrier for entry and if functioning well, allows little penetration of virions into systemic circulation where for example a monoclonal antibody could work. This becomes all the more concerning since there is evidence the Chinese were funding the UPenn Biden Center on Security, the Biden Think Tankclearly a misnomerwhere records were also stored, unsecured, and since Joe became President, anonymous Chinese donors have poured millions into that university, and Biden Inc. is still in business! I generally follow the McCullough protocol for COVID treatment. The evidence that was utilized from the medical literature was broadly considered searching for drugs that had signals of benefit and acceptable, well-characterized safety profiles. Stand with Dr. Peter McCullough. I am 70 years old, and my mother is long passed away. 2 days ago 4https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf With the contemporary Omicron strain, the symptoms are milder, and the risks of hospitalization and death are markedly diminished compared to earlier strains. There are more concerns that I've raised. [vii] Dr. Peter McCullough Full Highlights | Senator Ron Johnson COVID-19: A Second Opinion, January 24, 2022, [viii] Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, Jun 27, 2022 Texas Senate HHS Testimony, [ix] Public Law 114255 114th Congress An Act To accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st century cures, and for other purposes. Single-Sex Bathrooms Based on Biology is Not Discriminatory, Calling Out the Naysayers Holding COVID Criminals Accountable, Anti-Racism Professor Banned at Christian University. the. At no time, nor in any event, will we be liable for any loss, or damage, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss of data or profits arising out of, in an association of, or connection with the use of this website. When COVID-19 arrived in March, he felt a duty to find a treatment for the disease. Patients have the absolute right to reject medical treatment and seek a discharge, even if, There are no studies demonstrating the clinical benefit of COVID-19 vaccination in COVID-19 survivors, and there are three studies demonstrating harm in such individuals. Med Sci Monit. Our bodies are plumbing systems that have to be flushed like toilets that are overflowing. Fazio S, Bellavite P, Zanolin E, McCullough PA, Pandolfi S, Affuso F. Retrospective Study of Outcomes and Hospitalization Rates of Patients in Italy with a Confirmed Diagnosis of Early COVID-19 and Treated at Home Within 3 Days or After 3 Days of Symptom Onset with Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Treatments Between November 2020 and August 2021. Listen on iHeart Radio Dr McCullough has been a constant voice of reason and hope since mid 2020. It is a guide to how to react if you become ill. Its Time To #ArrestKatieHobbs and Fast! in which 606 COVID infected patients were randomized to 1% povidone iodine, or I know it depends on co-morbidities, and general health info. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. InfoWars.com. PMID: 33387997. The Joe Rogan Experience, a podcast hosted by actor and comedian Joe Rogan, interviewed cardiologist Peter McCullough in December 2021. He has been censored and attacked for doing so. In a December 4th, 2021 interview with Rebel News, Peter McCullough MD The first three days of illness are the golden window for effective care.5 For high-risk patients, it takes about 4-6 drugs for 5, 10, or even 30 courses, depending on age, medical problems, and severity of illness. Many have asked which solutions, mixtures, and frequencies should be used? For very high-risk elderly patients with significant medical problems, for example, oxygen-dependent cardio-pulmonary disease monoclonal antibodies can be given as a one-time infusion preferably on days 1-3. How listed doctors practice or any other aspect of the doctor-patient relationship. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Dr. Peter McCullough, vice chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, and the most prolifically published academic physician in his field of heart and kidneys in history, has testified several times lately that there is a shocking suppression of early treatment for COVID-19 in medical literature. COVID19 . For detailed descriptions of products and solutions please visit one of several websites to get this practical information. The opinions expressed on the website(s), and the opinions expressed on the radio shows and podcasts, are the opinions of the show hosts and do not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs, or policies of anyone or any entity we may endorse. December 13, 2016, [x] Leake J, McCullough PA. And what he is doing now is contributing to this schism to the best of his dark. I have never taken the flu shot or the covid shot, in fact none of the recommended shots for someone my age. 25. Were prehospital drugs continued via medication reconciliation once hospitalized? Contact the provider to confirm. which was based on his Nobel Prize-nominated Zelenko Protocol), Be Alert: Acute Abdominal Pain and Distension Could Be Due to Blood Clots, https://lakesuperiornews.com/Arts/Magnus-Theatre/dr-peter-mccullough-on-the-omicron-variant-and-how-to-prevent-severe-covid-infection, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8026810/, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0145561320932318, Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson Early Treatment Protocol, 0.6% Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray(0.6%) - 30ml - ePothex Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas, USA. After 48 hours of fasting, the symptoms have cleared up 80% because the bodys plumbing system has been flushed out. Cardiologist Peter McCullough says he believes health officials did not pursue early treatment options because they did not want to discourage Americans from being vaccinated. [i] Everyone is familiar with nasal and oral swab testing for COVID-19. Dr. Peter McCullough Full Highlights | Senator Ron Johnson COVID-19: A Second Opinion, January 24, 2022, Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, Jun 27, 2022 Texas Senate HHS Testimony, Public Law 114255 114th Congress An Act To accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st century cures, and for other purposes. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. (Amazon), Amazon Basic Care Premium Saline Nasal Moisturizing Spray, Pre-hospital use of Corticosteroids in COVID-19, Miraculous Recovery of Hypoxemic COVID-19 Patients with Ivermectin, Paxlovid (Pfizer) vs Ivermectin vs Molnupiravir (Merck), Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol (December 2022), America's Frontline Doctors Early Treatment Protocol and Contact a Physician 2023, How to Make Povidone Iodine 1% Nasal Spray, Find a Doctor to prescribe Paxlovid, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Early Outpatient Treatments, Quercetin and Zinc: Zelenko Treatment Protocol, FLCCC I-CARE COVID Treatment Protocol for Outpatients (2023). 1,2 The concept was that there are three overlapping phases of SARS-CoV-2 infection: [ix] One of the greatest crimes of all-time has been the systematic suppression and oblivion to early therapy over course of the crisis. Here the CDC reports 19.3% of adults have taken one of the outmoded injections. ", the mutagenic investigation that was conducted by Merck was extremely problematic. He has been censored and attacked for doing so. Once you are on a ventilator, the risk of death may be as high as 90%. by Rich Kozlovich | Feb 28, 2023 | Global, Politics. His name is Dr. Peter McCullough. underlying health conditions.. In the event that theLDA Doctor Referral System contains no Lyme or TBD resource listings in a given area, the closest possible option(s) will populate based on the location entered and specaialty/ies selected. Credentials: Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H. [ii] Many have asked which solutions, mixtures, and frequencies should be used? As a general rule, day 1-3 is the golden window for initiation of early treatment, 4-6 agents are required, and the duration of therapy can be as short as 5 and as long as 30 days depending on the circumstances. Front Line Doctors Ivermectin Protocol for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 (November 2022), 12 Natural Treatments for COVID Long Haulers (2023). The 57-year-old physician used the protocol of hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, aspirin, and vitamins that he and over 20 of his colleagues have published for the early treatment of COVID-19. Thus, the McCullough Protocol starting in 2021, featured the upfront use of nasal washes and oral gargles using viricidal agents. Along that road, the totalitarian wolves are licking their chops, biding their time to pounce on the throat of the unsuspecting lamb. Lancet Respir Med. Use of directly applied therapy is far more effective than swallowing pills or capsules or receiving an intravenous infusion. 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