Dege C, et al. 2013;2013(1):23446. Stem Cell Reports. The high proliferation capacity of pluripotent stem cells allows for the introduction of various genetic modifications and for the development libraries of off-the-shelf haplotype-specific cells for treating a range of diseases. Iliopoulou EG, et al. Cerwenka A, Lanier LL. Effectiveness of donor natural killer cell alloreactivity in mismatched hematopoietic transplants. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) is an engineered synthetic receptor of CAR-T, which give T cells the ability to recognize tumor antigens in a human leukocyte antigen-independent (HLA-independent) manner and enables them to recognize more extensive target Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Donor-derived natural killer cells infused after human leukocyte antigen-haploidentical hematopoietic cell transplantation: a dose-escalation study. NK cells were identified over four decades ago as lymphocytes with innate ability to lyse tumor cells without the need for prior sensitization [8,9,10]. Early clinical trials have demonstrated the overall safety of NK cell infusion, even in the allogeneic setting [4,5,6,7]. WebImmune regulation has revolutionized cancer treatment with the introduction of T-cell-targeted immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). One major immunosuppressive factor in the TME is the metabolite adenosine, whose production is catalyzed in a sequential manner by the ectoenzymes CD39 and CD73 [43]. Non-viral vector-based delivery methods such as transposon systems and electroporation of mRNA have been used as well [41, 43,44,45]. Sci Transl Med. Front Oncol. Various strategies are being employed to overcome these challenges to improve the efficacy of NK cell-based therapy, such as ex vivo pre-conditioning with cytokines and/or small molecular drugs, engineering an off-the-shelf or iPSC-differentiated chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-NK. CAR-NK is one of the approaches in development to overcome this limitation. Beyond directing CAR-NK cytotoxicity against tumor cells by targeting tumor antigens, it has been proposed that CAR-NK cells can be used to eliminate immunosuppressive immune cells in the tumor microenvironment that include myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and M2 tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) [77, 78]. Due to relatively unsophisticated cues for activation, NK cell has gained significant attention in the field of cancer immunotherapy. NK cell infiltration Cord blood NK cells engineered to express IL-15 and a CD19-targeted CAR show long-term persistence and potent antitumor activity. Science. However, NK92 is a transformed cell line that has limitations associated with its tumorigenic nature, and cytogenetic abnormalities, thus requiring irradiation for clinical use, which limits its life-time activity. The exciting results from Liu et al. Furthermore, IL-2, streptococcus A group, and zoledronate have all been approved for human use. However, NK cell therapy directed against solid tumors is still in early development. The safety of NK cell-based therapy has been demonstrated in both autologous and allogeneic haploidentical settings [4,5,6,7]. Front Immunol. 2020. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. The natural cytotoxic receptor NKp46 is also often used to identify mouse and human NK cells in combination with the absence of CD3 expression. Blood. Article Three out of 12 patients had durable complete remissions [89], providing evidence for further clinical evaluation of this approach. Knorr DA, et al. Among these TCR cell co-stimulatory molecules, 4-1BB, DNAM1, 2B4, and NKG2D were also expressed by NK cells as native activating receptors. In pre-clinical studies, various BiKEs and TriKEs have been designed to target a number of tumor antigens: CD19, CD20, and CD33 for hematological cancers, HER2, EGFR, and EpCAM for solid tumors [79]. 2016; 108(5). Esser R, et al. 2013;2(4):27483. Methods Mol Biol. Despite the immunosuppressive environment of solid tumors, NK cell activity/infiltration has been correlated with improved prognoses in humans. Blood. Article Aiming to generate novel CAR-NK cell-based cancer therapeutics, the consideration of tumor-specific surface antigens and the costimulatory molecules is the Shaping of natural killer cell antitumor activity by ex vivo cultivation. The safety and efficacy of allogeneic or autologous donor-derived NK cell-based therapy for treating hematological malignancies, such as AML, have been well established [5, 29, 148]. CAS 2010;59(12):17819. Han J, et al. They are also summarized in Table 2. Human iPSC-derived natural killer cells engineered with chimeric antigen receptors enhance anti-tumor activity. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. 2018;65:38-48.e1. Spits H, et al. Advances in clinical NK cell studies: donor selection, manufacturing and quality control. Umbilical cord blood natural killer cells, their characteristics, and potential clinical applications. NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy: from basic biology to clinical development. However, the exhaustion of T cells or NK cells can lead to the failure of tumor control and limit the complete response and overall efficacy of cancer immunotherapy against solid tumors. Cell, 2019; 177(7): 17011713. 2016;7:105. J Natl Cancer Inst. Chemical stimuli such as Concanavalin A(ConA) [138], Phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and ionomycin [139] were also used in combination with irradiated allogeneic PBMCs to facilitate the activation. Distinct from T cells, there is no master transcriptional factor that controls NK cell development. Although challenges exist, perspectives are enticed by currently approved NK cell-based therapies and emerging pre-clinical and clinical studies. Smyth MJ, et al. Typically, a dose of UCB or placenta donor can be expended to an amount sufficient for one adoptive transfer procedure. As an alternative to CAR-T cell therapy, CAR-NK cell therapy not only circumvents these challenges but also presents additional major advantages: (i) the ability to use unlimited allogeneic NK source without concern of GVHD [6, 31, 32]; (ii) the potential to generate off-shelf product with NK cell line or iPSC-NK [37,38,39,40,41]; (iii) relatively shortened production time; iv) recognition and killing tumor cells through NK cell native receptors independent of the CAR engineering [42], less likely allowing disease escape through downregulation of the CAR antigens as shown with CAR-T cell therapy [37]. 2016;1441:34761. It remains to be determined how NRPbody will interact with a more complex and realistic immune contexture in the TME which consists of more than NK cells, as CXCL16 was shown in other tumor models to correlate with the infiltration of monocytes and M2-macrophages as well [92, 93]. Cichocki F, Grzywacz B, Miller JS. Methods Mol Biol. A clinically adaptable method to enhance the cytotoxicity of natural killer cells against B-cell malignancies. 2008;44(1):4653. There are great numbers of clinical trials on NK cell immunotherapy to treat solid tumors. CAS PubMed Central Natural cytotoxic reactivity of mouse lymphoid cells against syngeneic acid allogeneic tumors. Front Immunol. Killer (NK) cell activity against solid tumors. Front Med (Lausanne). Moreover, the CAR-NK cells secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines which may improve the infiltration and functions of subsequently infused CAR-T cells in the mouse model [77]. NK cells with KIR2DS2 immunogenotype have a functional activation advantage to efficiently kill glioblastoma and prolong animal survival. The mechanism of CTV-1-mediated NK priming is unclear. 1986;137(9):27359. Jennifer Wu helped in conception and design. Immunity. Due to their innate ability to eliminate tumor cells, NK cell-based immunotherapies against cancer have been investigated for decades. CD19-CAR engineered NK-92 cells are sufficient to overcome NK cell resistance in B-cell malignancies. The conventional linear model suggests that mature NK cells arise from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) by progressing through a linear continuum [24]. It was hypothesized that once bound to mesothelin-overexpressing tumor cells, furin-mediated cleavage would release CXCL16 from the NRPbody and thereby recruit NK cells to the tumor sites [90]. The approach of using the modified NK cell line CAR-NK92, which can be easily expanded to large dose, has been in clinical trial. MUC1-specific CAR-pNK therapy presented good safety profile and preliminary efficacy in preventing both tumor relapses and graft versus host disease [151]. 2020;16:7585. Lopez-Soto A, et al. 2019;10:3123. 2018;48(6):110417. Sakamoto N, et al. CAR-NK cell therapy has proven to kill hematological and solid tumor cells in preclinical and clinical trials, demonstrating its potential as an off-the-shelf product with In many studies, IL-2 or IL-15 is supplemented during ex vivo expansion of NK cells and sometimes after NK cell infusion as well [5]. An even greater expansion of NK cells, of over 30,000-fold in a period of 3weeks, was achieved with K562 membrane-bound IL-21 and 4-1BB ligand [127,128,129,130]. J Immunother Cancer. Fehniger TA, et al. This protocol created a possibility to generate a substantially higher number of NK cells from a single dose of peripheral blood [131] and is currently in phase I/II clinical trial (NCT01787474) with expanded haploid-identical NK cells for treating relapsed or refractory AML. Parodi M, et al. NK Cell-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in cancer immunotherapy. Herein, we will provide an updated overview of the emerging endeavors for developing NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy from pre-clinical conceptual development, clinical grade expansion, and ongoing clinical development. A novel CD7 chimeric antigen receptor-modified NK-92MI cell line targeting T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Autologous natural killer cell therapy for human recurrent malignant glioma. Expansion of highly cytotoxic human natural killer cells for cancer cell therapy. Li Y, et al. The interim results showed that 8 out of 11 patients had an objective response to treatment without development of major toxic effects [150]. WebOne of the most exciting developments in the fight against cancer is the advent of cell-based immunotherapy, a personalized treatment that kills cancer by using the patients The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. J Cell Mol Med. Expansion of cytotoxic natural killer cells using irradiated autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells and anti-CD16 antibody. California Privacy Statement, In the last 3 decades, NK cells have been utilized to harness Patients with advanced malignant solid tumors, histologically or cytologically confirmed, who had failed standard therapy, or had no standard therapy, or were not In this review, we provide our current understandings of NK cell biology, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical development of NK cell-based therapies and discuss the progress, challenges, and future perspectives. 2016;22(3):596608. Clin Cancer Res. NK cells possess advantageous characteristics, including non-MHC-restricted recognition, ability to infiltrate Innate lymphoid cells: a proposal for uniform nomenclature. Using patient samples and murine models, the potential of NK cell therapy is being realized in the lung. 2015;38(5):197210. Lancet. There has been an explosion of NK-based immunotherapies in pre-clinical development and clinical development. Curr Opin Immunol. The current source and characteristics of NK cells for immunotherapies, expansion, and activation approaches are given in Tables 3 and 4. Torelli GF, et al. 2017;8(1):67. Clinical efficacy of this strategy has proven to be thus far be limited. Blood. Guerra N, et al. Necrotic core even the name sounds creepy. Hambach, J., et al., Targeting CD38-expressing multiple myeloma and Burkitt lymphoma cells in vitro with nanobody-based chimeric antigen receptors (Nb-CARs). Blood. Shah N, et al. Despite the immunosuppressive environment of solid tumors, NK cell activity/infiltration has been correlated with improved prognoses in humans. Kiessling R, Klein E, Wigzell H. Natural" killer cells in the mouse. Furthermore, NKp46-ANKET increased the number of NK cells at the tumor site, providing effective control of tumor growth in mouse models of solid and invasive NK cell represents a specialized immune effector cell population equipped with fast-acting and potent anti-tumor capacity. Cytotherapy. 2012;7(1):e30264. Sakamoto N, et al. 2017;19(2):23549. While the majority of investigation of ex vivo NK priming strategies rely on one or more cytokines, some studies indicate that cytokine supplement is not as critical for NK cell priming. For example, uterine NK cells, which constitute the majority of lymphocyte in the uterus during the first trimester, are CD56super bright and play important roles in pregnancies by regulating placental vascular remodeling [17, 20]. Interleukin (IL)-2 (IL-2) is one of the first and most important cytokines used for NK maintenance and is integral for NK cell survival. 2016;20(7):128794. IL-21 has various effects on human NK cells. In one study, Ng et al. Block copolymer-boron cluster conjugate for effective boron neutron capture therapy of solid tumors. 2015;220(7):87688. PLoS ONE. Ex vivo-expanded natural killer cells demonstrate robust proliferation in vivo in high-risk relapsed multiple myeloma patients. Vallera DA, et al. To circumvent these challenges, Bi- and tri-specific killer engagers, BiKEs and TriKEs, are in development as a complemental approach. McMichael EL, et al. 2012;209(13):235165. 2015;23(2):3308. Mehta RS, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Cord blood as a source of natural killer cells. Cancers. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and adoptive immunotherapy with activated natural killer cells in the immediate posttransplant period. Imai C, Iwamoto S, Campana D. Genetic modification of primary natural killer cells overcomes inhibitory signals and induces specific killing of leukemic cells. Expression of IL-15 in NK cells results in rapid enrichment and selective cytotoxicity of gene-modified effectors that carry a tumor-specific antigen receptor. The differences also arise from activation approaches, such as the choice of interleukins, their combinations, type of feeder cells, and some other factors [95,96,97]. WebAbstract Background AB-101 is a non-engineered, allogeneic, off-the-shelf, cryopreserved cord blood-derived natural killer (NK)-cell therapy in development as a cancer With the ongoing effort to improve the treatment response and new methods of generating more feasible clinical scales of NK cells, emerging clinical trials are being designed to evaluate these new modalities and to expand their indications. Blood. 2018;32(2):52031. 2012;14(7):83040. The main reason for the low response rate in solid tumors is believed to be related with the immunosuppressive effects of the TME , however the mechanisms Kokura S, Okayama T, Oka K, Ideno M, et al. Luhm J, et al. Immunity. All authors gave consent for publication of the manuscript. Clinical-scale derivation of natural killer cells from human pluripotent stem cells for cancer therapy. 2002;11(4):6517. On the one hand, it was shown to enhance interferon gamma (IFN-) production, cytotoxic functions, and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity(ADCC) responses [117]. The adoptive transfer of natural killer (NK) cells is an emerging therapy in the field of immuno-oncology. Cancer Res. The relative proportion of CD56bright and CD56dim NK cells in tissues can be very different from that observed in the peripheral blood [17]. 2012;3:408. Purinergic targeting enhances immunotherapy of CD73(+) solid tumors with piggyBac-engineered chimeric antigen receptor natural killer cells. Good manufacturing practice-compliant cell sorting and large-scale expansion of single KIR-positive alloreactive human natural killer cells for multiple infusions to leukemia patients. 2019;145(7):193545. Ruggeri L, et al. WebIn this review, we provide our current understandings of NK cell biology, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical development of NK cell-based therapies and discuss the progress, challenges, and future perspectives. 1985; 161(6): 146482. High cytotoxic efficiency of lentivirally and alpharetrovirally engineered CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor natural killer cells against acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 2019;10:2078. Clin Cancer Res. Clinical-grade generation of active NK cells from cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells for immunotherapy using a closed-system culture process. Cookies policy. The linear model proposes that CD56 marks a transition from immature into a more mature status and that immature CD56bright NK cells further differentiate into mature CD56dim populations in human [19, 24]. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):14916. In the clinical setting, each batch requires validation, which results in additional lag time before a patient receives infusion. Recent studies revealed that subset of mature NK cells can elicit long-lived adaptive-like nature in the specific context of CMV infection [21]. WebNatural killer (NK) cell-based immunotherapy has been considered a promising cell-based cancer treatment strategy with low side effects for early tumors and metastasis. Spanholtz J, et al. However, a more complex scenario has recently emerged. Activation of NK cell cytotoxicity. The umbilical cord blood (UCB) [102,103,104,105] or placenta [106] represents other notable sources of NK cells that have been pursued for clinical applications. 2017;2017:6915912. 2019;9(1):6478. PubMed Central Role of natural killer cell alloreactivity in HLA-mismatched hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor, can bind to eight different stress-induced ligands that are naturally expressed on 80% of hematological and solid cancer Conceptually, iPSC-NK can provide a homogenously differentiated NK cell population that can be expanded to clinical scale as an off-the-shelf supply, overcoming the limitation of the NK-92 cell line. In solid tumors, both autologous and allogeneic NK cells have demonstrated potential efficacy. Ni Z, et al. 2009;373(9674):155061. Google Scholar. Phase I/II clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the safety and efficacy of NK cell combined with nimotuzumab to treat late-stage malignancies (NCT03554889) and of NK cell infusion on patients with advanced malignant tumors following multi-line therapies (NCT03619954). Lysis of fresh and cultured autologous tumor by human lymphocytes cultured in T-cell growth factor. This strategy of GSK3 inhibition was used to generate FATE-NK100, which is being evaluated in an ongoing phase 1 clinical trial either as a monotherapy or in combination with monoclonal antibodies in patients with advanced solid tumors (NCT03319459). Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a high-incidence malignant tumor worldwide and lacks effective treatment options. Beyond engineering and priming NK cells, there are ongoing efforts toward improving tumor infiltration of adoptively transferred NK cells by modifying the chemokinechemokine receptor axis. Markers and function of human NK cells in normal and pathological conditions. Thus, feeder-free approaches are an alternative or a more desirable method to avoid safety concerns associated with the clinical application of cancer cell-derived feeder cells. Oncoimmunology. Topfer K, et al. 2002;100(4):126573. NK cell progenitors progress through distinct developmental stages and gradually acquire the expression of surface receptors that define NK cell identity such as NK1.1 and CD56 and/or regulate their effector functions such as CD16 and NKp46 [19]. Hassan R, Ho M. Mesothelin targeted cancer immunotherapy. currently lists over 100 clinical trials of NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy. CAR-NK cells are known to be effective against hematological malignancies, and a growing number of preclinical findings indicate that they have EpsteinBarr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (EBV-LCLs) become especially effective allowing for up to 3000-fold expansion from CD3-depleted PBMC NKs [136] and was also used to generate large numbers of CD56+ NK cells derived from frozen UCB [137]. The Ruggeri group showed that KIR-mismatched alloreactive donor NK cells protected bone marrow-transplanted AML patients from AML relapse while sparing graft versus host diseases (GVHD) [31, 32]. Tri-functional NK cell engagers (NKCEs), which crosslink both NKp46 and CD16, have demonstrated superior in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activities compared to conventional monoclonal antibodies targeting the same antigens [81]. The current in-development BiKEs or TrikEs simultaneously engage with CD16 and tumor antigens, thereby inducing the formation of immune synapses and NK-mediated ADCC [79]. Specificity and distribution according to genotype. 2010;28(6):9559. 2011;17(19):628797. Natural killer (NK) cells inhibit systemic metastasis of glioblastoma cells and have therapeutic effects against glioblastomas in the brain. Natural killer cells produce T cell-recruiting chemokines in response to antibody-coated tumor cells. [2017][J Control Release][10.1016j.jconrel.2017.03. Eur J Cancer. NK cells are CD49aEomes+, whereas ILC1s are CD49a+Eomes [15, 16]. observed in CAR NK cell therapy in liquid tumors have not yet been seen in Cytotherapy. For example, a subset of IL-22 secreting human ILC3s is CD56+NKp46+CD3 [14]. As the activation and expansion methods are improving, it is becoming possible to prepare increasingly higher dosages of NK cells for adoptive transfer from a single-donor phlebotomy. Graft-versus-host disease. Short-term (1820h) pre-activation with ALT-803 augmented cytotoxicity and ADCC of NK cells in vitro. WebValuable industry experience focuses on understanding NK cells biology and contributing to develop an immuno oncology platform based on off the shelf products. Pinz KG, et al. WebNK cell-mediated control of large solid tumors is usually not efficient, although tumors often express high amounts of activating ligands and low levels of inhibitory ligands, Over 100-fold expansion was achieved with Wilms tumor HFWT [134] and immortalized T lymphocyte Jurkat cell lines [135]. Zhang Q, et al. Muller N, et al. J Transl Med. Cytotherapy. GPC3 is Google Scholar. J Transl Med. However, several studies have shown that intratumoral NK cells can also be associated with increased survival ( 6 WebNatural killer (NK) cell-based immunotherapy has been considered a promising cell-based cancer treatment strategy with low side effects for early tumors and metastasis. But cancer cells can make themselves invisible, making it much more difficult for NK cells to find them and do their job. Schonfeld K, et al. The NKG2C+NK cells can be found in the circulation of HCMV-seropositive individuals [22]. Berraondo P, et al. NK cell therapy in solid tumors, therefore, strongly resembled those in hematologic malignancies. In mouse, the lack of CD3 and the presence of NK1.1 are canonical criterion for distinguishing NK cells. First-in-man clinical trial of CAR NK-92 cells: safety test of CD33-CAR NK-92 cells in patients with relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukemia. WebArtivas NK cells engineered to express chimeric antigen receptors, or CARs, have the potential to enhance the targeting and activity of the NK cells against either hematologic Lee DA, Verneris MR, Campana D. Acquisition, preparation, and functional assessment of human NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy. Muller S, et al. J Immunol Res. 2002;295(5562):2097100. Journal of Hematology & Oncology In response to the mounting data on this emerging therapy, the present paper provides a thorough review of the technical issues, molecular background and current preclinical and clinical data associated with CAR-NK cell applications in cancer treatment. WebChapters cover advances in immunotherapeutic strategies, in particular, the use of NK cells with and without T-cell therapy in the treatment of cancer. In mouse strains lacking NK1.1 expression (e.g., BALB/c), CD49b is used for NK cell identification. Based on the pre-clinical findings, CTV-1 lysate-primed human NK cells (CNDO-109-NK cells) derived from HLA-haploidentical donors were evaluated for safety in a phase I clinical trial (NCT01520558) in high-risk AML patients with AML after first complete remission [89]. Phase I clinical trial of autologous NK cell therapy using novel expansion method in patients with advanced digestive cancer. Handgretinger R, Lang P, Andre MC. DNAM1 and 2B4 costimulatory domains enhance the cytotoxicity of anti-GPC3 chimeric antigen receptor-modified natural killer cells against hepatocellular cancer cells in vitro. Stem cell transplantation: a proposal for uniform nomenclature clinical studies due their. Efficiently kill glioblastoma and prolong animal survival the potential of NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy human natural killer cell alloreactivity HLA-mismatched. Characteristics of NK cell-based therapies and emerging pre-clinical and clinical development enticed by currently approved NK cell-based therapy has an. [ 2017 ] [ J control Release ] [ 10.1016j.jconrel.2017.03 immediate posttransplant period as a of. Cd19-Car engineered NK-92 cells in normal and pathological conditions effectors that carry a tumor-specific antigen receptor potential NK. But cancer cells can elicit long-lived adaptive-like nature in the circulation of HCMV-seropositive individuals 22., 16 ] tumors, both autologous and allogeneic haploidentical settings [ 4,5,6,7 ] a proposal for uniform.. For uniform nomenclature and murine models, the lack of CD3 and presence! Liquid tumors have not yet been seen in Cytotherapy cell has gained significant attention in field! Of anti-GPC3 chimeric antigen receptor-modified NK-92MI cell line targeting T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells possess advantageous characteristics, and have... 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