Their miscarriage forum has thousands of users who share their miscarriage stories and discuss topics like pregnancy after miscarriage and late loss, parenting after a miscarriage or loss, and trying to conceive after a miscarriage. She told her to come back this week for another ultrasound. Many times the cause of a . While my outcome is by no means assured, I did want to let you know about my miscarriage scare, relating to HCG levels. Too often women try to do too much and complications set it, prolonging the healing. If you have an early ultrasound there is every possibility for being misdiagnosed. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Miscarriage Support 35.9K Discussions 63.5K Members The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. According to, "Early pregnancy failure (also known as a blighted ovum or anembryonic gestation) is a common cause of miscarriage. The mother consulted her doctor after she complained of tiredness, vaginal bleeding and emotional outbursts. Yes, based on forum responses from women on and personal interviews with women who preferred to remain anonymous, misdiagnosed miscarriages are most common in early pregnancy. For couple of months, be sure I'll try again! You agreed with me and canceled all my appointments. No points for guessing that the technician said the previous reports were wrong and that the mother was carrying 1 healthy baby. I was just diagnosed with a miscarriage and I'm terrified. Well see. Many women are destined to miscarry and none of these stories will change the pregnancy's ultimate destiny. Four months later, the mother took a home pregnancy test, which came back positive, and when she consulted her doctor, she confirmed the pregnancy. I'm sooo happy! 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. We've had women have two ultrasounds the same day by two different techs and got very different measurements. Just imagine when that bad news turns out to be an inaccurate diagnosis. That's the official explanation. Three days later, she got a call from the doctor saying that unfortunately her twins had a rare condition called monoamniotic twin syndrome. Between weeks 14 and 20, the chance of experiencing a miscarriage is less than 1%. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. TO HOPE? If there is an absolute need, then that is what it is there for but I do believe too many babies have been taken that were viable. The anguish of a mother cannot be expressed in words. My GP told me that this meant a missed abortion and that we needed to discuss options (D & C, letting nature take its course, vs meds to induce contractions). She was very good about not pressuring me to decide right away. Pregnancy & Birth Clubs forums; Trying to Conceive forum; Product tests; Sponsored discussions; Latest discussions; Conception. I can't thank you enough. Two days later, it was 58,000. Great info! Misdiagnosis of a doctor nearly killed her and she still suffers from the after-effects of her severe condition. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. I declined HCG blood testing for the most part. After trying for years, . continue giving hope. Thank you! I went to the doctor on a Friday afternoon at 6 weeks, 2 days. I would now definitely advise women who were diagnosed via ultrasound to seek a second opinion. A must read. I've heard the heart beat might just be difficult to find at week 6. When Ida got her first sonogram at 10 weeks, the doctor seemed a bit troubled by it and referred her to another doctor to perform some detailed tests. A few days after the mother found out that she was pregnant, she experienced bleeding and mild cramping. When she felt hertummy becoming hard and the baby kicking and moving, she made an emergency appointment, but the doctor didnt offer any help. Here's about how the conversation went after that: Scheduler: You told me that you had a miscarriage. In Sweden we are about to get a law for a second ultrasound a week after a diagnosed miscarriage! Risteard O'Marcahain from Wales on April 14, 2012: My mum had a difficult time back in the 40' and fifties so I am very lucky, Very good lens happens more than people realize. I was told that it would be hard to get pregnant with PCOS but I never gave up hope. There is so much of learning and relevant information for the needy - Miscarriages that people would like to avoid and the support and remedies for the their cause. You probably would need to get an ultrasound done or another hcg test. I don't know what would I do if I was in that position. @anonymous: you please don't go for D&C most of the times the 7 weeks scanning is not show correctly. Nguyen was told by her doctors after her ultrasound that the baby had abnormalities and would be born deformed. Today, her 1-year old son is a living testimony to the untrustworthiness of ultrasounds. This may indicate your due dates are off or you may have a tilted uterus. We have hundreds of stories and, over time, I'll be adding a brief description of many of these stories. The negligence that you claim is an erroneous diagnosis of a spontaneous abortion, but such an event can take a prolonged period and you did complete the miscarriage a few days later and apparently did not suffer any substantial physical injury. Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. The ultrasound showed a blighted ovum, which means that the embryo was missing from the sac. We can be here for one another. After half an hour into the scan, the inexperienced sonographer told the parents that their baby wasnt developing properly. Last week my daughter went for her first ultrasound. Thank you for the helpful information. promotional-coupons-codes on April 24, 2011: Thanks for putting up such a great lens. The ultrasound tech did not tell me anything further. She said not to worry and to come back in 2.5 weeks and we should see something. For more information (and something to take to your doctor), please, see my new page: New Blighted Ovum Guidelines! Her blood pressure came out normal and the paramedic diagnosed her with low blood sugar. Not every woman diagnosed with a miscarriage will miscarry. Evelyns mother was overdue by 4 days whenshe went for her weekly scheduled appointments. I suppose everything happens for a reason. And as far as false hope, there is no such thing. I was told that I was going to have a miscarriage, but that was not the case. I was alomost 5 weeks pregnant I had very minimal spotting went to the ER on June 12, my HCG level was 449 they told me i was having a incomplete miscarriage and sent me home. If a diagnosis can't be made, you . The moment that had been breaking my heart for 9 days, the news that had made me an emotional wreck and caused endless tears.Then - a miracle there was a fetal pole. She was rushed to the hospital in a state of shock where an ultrasound was performed to see the baby down in the birth canal. If you get a second opinion right away, yes youre getting a new machine and new person reading that machine, but if your due date is incorrect or your baby is developing slowly due to other circumstances, its possible youll still get a misdiagnosis. As you can guess, the sonographer found only a sac but no heartbeat. No tilted uterus, SnagglePussMommy's story ~ Because the sac was 1mm larger than the guidelines for when a baby should be seen (these guidelines are very wrong by the way), this mother was very coldly told she had a blighted ovum, PaulaK's story ~ Paula was told that because her gestational sac was empty-looking at 13mm that there was no hope, These are only a few of the many stories we have collected on The Misdiagnosed Miscarriage, "In all things it is better to hope than to despair". During a miscarriage, pain is usually located in the lower back and can range from mild to severe. May 26, 2022. is it possible that my embryo could be growing slower than normal? HCG is supposed to double every 48 hours in early pregnancy before peaking around week 10, and then it begins to decline. No baby. This recovery period includes resuming menstruation. My hope by sharing these stories is that you ask the important questions of your doctor and don't feel pressured into ending your pregnancy too soon especially if you have no serious complications (i.e. Not knowing exactly what that was, I scoured the Internet looking for the smallest bit of hope. The four new studies looked at U.K. ultrasound specifications, but when the findings are extrapolated to U.S. guidelines, the researchers suggest 1 in 23 women diagnosed with miscarriage could still have a viable pregnancy.". I'd like to know what you think. We had a short window of not knowing whether our pregnancy was viable or not, it was probably the worst part of the pregnancy - worse than the actual loss. Awesome lens. Im going back for bloodwork Friday to see if my levels are still high. My hope by sharing these stories is that you ask the important questions of your doctor and don't feel pressured into ending your pregnancy too soon especially if you have no serious complications (i.e. She said to come back in 1 week (next Tuesday, June 1) and that if there is still nothing we will go to a radiologist and take a normal ultrasound (she has only done the vaginal ultrasound) and if he doesn't see anything then I need to prepare for a miscarriage and they will help me "prepare" (for a d&c I assume) - I will be continuing with the pregnancy, since I do not believe in elimination for any reason. OR NOT? The result is now my younger sister! We are thrilled! June 18, 2018 by Sarah Ferguson. It offers that certainty that keeps you from wondering if youre doing the right thing if you opt for a D&C or struggling with the idea your baby may be alive if you decide to wait it out for a natural loss. On that day, the doctor also realized that the baby may be breech and arranged for an ultrasound. I had two miscarriages but fortunately none were mis-diagnosed and I now have two beautiful children that I wouldn't have had otherwise. And my beta stopped spiking in normal rate. Really, D&Cs should be rarely done before 10 weeks. Cause it's to small. Being pregnant is beautiful but not simple, various complications may take place during this period like ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage etc. When my blood tests came back and I caught the nurse shooting me odd glances as she whispered into the phone, I just knew something horrible was going on. Finally, the sonographer announced that she saw a heartbeat!!! They didnt have time to turn the baby around. The baby was taken away for detailed tests for 3 days and the doctors said in the babys medical records that he suffered from the severest form of Spina Bifida. Gemma, the mother of a perfectly healthy 4-year-old child, wants an apology from the doctors who diagnosed him with Spina Bifida when he was still in the womb. My first number the day of my scan was 34,700. You may also find relevant: thanks for educating me on this matter. I really hate that youre going through it, I wouldnt wish that on anyone. :*. If you are wondering if you are misdiagnosed, please visit The Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site for support. My children born at 29 weeks and 600 grams weight (Now 9 years healthy girl - grade 4 student) and the other one born at 32 weeks 1830 grams(now 7 years healthy girl -grade 1 student). And if then's no progress again, there will be no baby on May for us :(. I need some positive energy for whatever the outcome. I'm here to say our baby existed, and there is not a day that goes by that we don't think about our baby. So to confirm, they performed several scans to find the baby, but the only thing the doctors could conclude was that she had fibroids. It occurs in up to 20% of clinical pregnancies equating to approximately 15,000 miscarriages per annum in Ireland. The key is determining whether the doctor acted competently, which involves an evaluation of what the doctor did and did not do in arriving at a diagnosis. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. They did more blood work but due to my insurance they have to send the lab work out. I starting to spot blood that Tuesday April 13th. Your body's readjustment to its pre-pregnancy state can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. His skin had become pale and he started showing breathing problems. I am not a medical professional. His, i just want to share my story. I was misdiagnosed with a miscarriage and it was an emotional roller coaster. I really appreciated having your story to read! Im holding on hope but Im trying to stay realistic. Everyone's jaws were on the floor. I asked about doing bloodwork to see my HCg levels and she said, it wont matter. Very helpful lens. I believe every woman deserves to have no doubt before having her pregnancy ended. Jen's doctor couldn't see a baby with hCG levels at 30,000 and when they 'only' went up to 50,000 (which is TOTALLY normal), she started talking about a D&C being necessary. After reading only a few of the stories I will now always wonder what if. Spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is clinically recognized as pregnancy loss before 20 weeks of gestation. Any pregnancy brings a variety of aches and pains along with it. Shockingly, the Institute of Medicine revealed that every year, 12 million people are misdiagnosed by a doctor. I was told I was measuring 5 weeks-ish with only the sak visible. She had never experienced something like this before in her life. Late miscarriages often come with much heavier bleeding, longer recovery. By compiling these stories, my hope is that the medical community will stand up, take notice and reevaluate how they evaluate a pregnancy. I did not realize this can happen so frequently. Praying for you and your little one xx, Thank you so much for your story. Missed miscarriage is usually diagnosed by ultrasound. If you feel you are being rushed into ending your pregnancy, get a second opinion. Normal levels of hCG vary between women and the stage of pregnancy however so low levels of hCG are not always a sign of miscarriage. Misdiagnosed Blighted Ovum: Also known as "anembryonic pregnancy," a blighted ovum happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. There are so many opposing views on HCG vs. ultrasound to determine if your pregnancy is viable; it is hard to know what the answer is. She went on with her pregnancy and later delivered a perfect baby weighing 5 lbs. #birthstory #misdiagnosed #pregnancyjourney #earlypregnancy #5thbirthday #momsoftiktok #blackmomsoftiktok #babiesoftiktok #givingbirth, February! But after reading this website I have a bit more information and hope. To her surprise, they told that she was carrying twins, but they didnt allow her to take a look at the picture of her babies. However, things immediately turned around when momwent for a second ultrasound with a new technician. Unfortunately she couldnt see her baby for almost 4 days becauseshe was blinded by preeclampsia. Definitely wait for your second blood test before losing all hope. These forums are a place for people who have experienced a loss to find support. Miscarriage is no different and, yes, miscarriages are misdiagnosed, more often than once thought. Yes, based on forum responses from women on and personal interviews with women who preferred to remain anonymous, misdiagnosed miscarriages are most common in early pregnancy. My hcg was less than 100 and I asked them to redo it but they wouldn't so I was left in limbo for 2 weeks until scanning. Sadly it seem that my baby stopped growing 6week ago. Thank you so much. It is not only women with a retroverted uterus who may be misdiagnosed, MargaretEllen's story ~ At seven weeks, no baby could be seen but one week later, an eight week baby with a strong heartbeat. When I was first told Id had a missed miscarriage, the doctor was very brusque. I am sharing my story so that it will hopefully help someone else going through the same situation. Why? Even then, I had another ultrasound in the hospital before they would consider doing a D&C. With the second and third, the doctor told me it was too early, though it didn't look good (I was 6 weeks) and recommended waiting 2-3 weeks, which we did. However, when the baby was being buried, everyone was shocked to see the baby alive. Thank you for sharing the stories. It was 650. Please remember, none of these stories will change the ultimate outcome of your pregnancy. -A fetal pole was not seen. Create an account or log in to participate. Thank you. PortlandJen's story ~ One of the very first misdiagnosed stories on the site. I also have a tender underarm and under ultrasound, whilst my lymph nodes look ok, there is a shadow that looks like fat . Thank you so much for sharing. A pregnancy test confirmed what I had suspected and I was sent up to L&D emergency. A mother gave birth to a child with Down syndrome at the age of 48. But she got the same result everywhere. I'm from Croatia so I really don't know these md english terms. You can learn more about this in our privacy disclosure. His diagnosis ..err misdiagnosis, was IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction). i did not know this even exisited. However, when she went for a follow up, the ultrasound showed the embryo in the uterus. i was told that the tech could not find a heartbeat on the vaginal ultrasound and that the fetus was the size of 6 weeks and 1 day and the sac was the size of 6 weeks three days and they never did tell me my hcg levels. It happens when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the resulting embryo either stops developing very early or doesn't form at all. It's horrible. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. and they might not be as rare as you think. Sundae ;-). she talked to my daughter about the possibilty of miscarriage as she had been having some cramping and slight brown discharge. they did however give me my rhogam shot i have not experienced any more spotting since the rhogam shot i estimate that i should be around seven weeks and 3 days. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. Thank you for your website. My daughter had a miscarriage and her doctor wanted her to go for a D&C, but she'd already had a previous miscarriage and a D&C, so wasn't keen. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. ANYWAY, I came to your site, and I am so relieved. Being a mother of 3 and having 2 miscarriages and 2 ectopic pregnancies I had to idea. It sounds like you are right to have some hope. Lori Cichewicz was in her late 40s when her doctor told her that if she conceives, there were very high chances that her child will be born with Down syndrome. Its really just information thats going to make you worry more. Talk All talk topics Active discussions She went to a doctor to get a permanent birth control procedure done. Rather than wading through hundreds of stories, my hope is that this makes her search a bit easier. :). Last week I had my first ultrasound. We've even had women get third and fourth opinions before finding their babies! Most people will have a period within four to six weeks after a pregnancy loss, but for others, it may take as long as two . I even didn't told my hubbie that. You could just be early. symptoms! Miscarriage is no different and, yes, miscarriages are misdiagnosed, more often than once thought. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Thank you for sharing. Sources:,,,,, Excellent advice. moreover i have started wondering if any of my miscarriages would have hopebut after a while i remembered all the steps i tookthe waitingthe blood workand finally the start of bleeding and realised i haven't been misdiagnosed. even my 7 weeks scan showed empty sac when my hcg number was growing i went for scan again at 12 weeks. She writes about how being open about her experiences has helped. Your list of resources and a site to help women through such potentially miserable circumstances is extremely helpful. Jun 7, 2020 at 7:27 AM I was diagnosed Friday with an impending miscarriage. Waiting for some blood work to come back. The parents went into shock. Six weeks is just too early. Unfortunately, between 10 and 15 percent of known. A sight I will never forget for as long as I live. People should know about this. She asked if I could go get bloodwork to test HCg because the baby could just be younger than what is seen on the ultrasounds. Ectopic pregnancy is a rare condition where the embryo gets implanted in the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus. I go to other dorctor last Feb.28 and there i see the fetus and dr. Said i was 8 weeks but no heartbeat so im so worried, i will come back on March 6 i hope to see my baby healthy with his heart beating, Did they find anything in the sac? Yet another reason I do not like D&Cs. Here are one of the many stories that have been collected on The Misdiagnosed Miscarriage. Deleting this reply from the community holding on hope but im Trying to Conceive forum ; Product ;! Carrying 1 healthy baby spot blood that Tuesday April 13th you told me that you had a miscarriage, sonographer! Was very brusque going to make you worry more be hard to get an ultrasound done or another hcg.!, or miscarriage, the doctor also realized that the technician said previous. A Friday afternoon at 6 weeks, 2 days but that was, I scoured the looking! 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