as your digestion, you may find you are super sensitive to the energy levels around you when you are nourishing yourself, whether its calm energy or exciting energy. They need to be in the thick of things, where the information flows. The FOURTH type, NERVOUS TOUCH, like it's "active" counterpart, is heavily influenced by the environment in which digestion takes place. #6: Light Direct and Indirect. If you eat during the day choose places that have dim lighting and are not in the open. It can be described as our "love language" with the universe. Whats most important is that you eat when youre hungry and drink when youre thirsty, even if its 8am one day and 12pm the next. #6: Acceptance Touch Solar Plexus. Do it fast and don't spend too much time at the table. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, Things that help me deal with postpartumdepression, Combining her diverse professional background, and her unique approach integrates Functional Nutrition and Human Design she guides clients on a highly individualized journey of self-discovery, observation, and integration by removing physical, mental, and emotional confusion and overwhelm, simply taking them back to the very basics of health . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The Human Design Mandala. Welcome to #thestars My mission with this channel is to offer catalytic and authentic creations with the Desire to Spark your own Gloriously Authentic F. If youre a nervous (buzzing) touch, the energies surrounding you must be invigorating. This isnt actually something to shame, but rather to embrace. External needs to be in an active or busy space such as an office environment with open theme and lots going on. It is not easy, but its worth it. Or a seasonal rendition of a classic cookie. This is just a starting point. I enjoy being smack dab in the middle of chaos. Those with Indirect may find they digest best when the sun is down. The first arrow to explore in the four transformations is always the top left, which reveals how we can take in food and information in the most aligned way for our bodies. With regards to your health, what you eat is important. Take it slow. Ra explains the basics of the PHS (Primary Health System) and how Color determina. I know my impact is stronger when I operate the way my system was designed to operate. We are going to highlight a few pieces of each digestion below, but know there is so much more to each digestion than what we are including below. Your blog is really neat and nice. And I got beaten to submission: by age nine I was homogenized onto eating like everyone else, and got fat and sick. Add cold spices to your meal like mint. But what is more surprising to the average person, and especially to the novice in . Required fields are marked *. and begin experimenting if it feels aligned for you. First, focus on Determinism (color) and Cognition (tone). These people need to smell out what is correct or incorrect for them. This was probably the most rewarding health session I have ever had. This is why human design is so unique. Eat only when you are really hungry, even if that means only once a day. Feeling is their compass. The second most ancient eating style, from digestions point of view is the style called consecutive I have three clients like that: all got well when they started to eat one thing at a time, but they can eat 10 minutes later something else. When you have an 80 year old woman, you dont know what to expect. For these types, digestion is optimized through stimulation: perhaps in a bustling environment like a restaurant or coffee shop, or through being able to move around, grab a bite, and move some more! I have subscribed to geneticmatrix but cannot find the option to see the Body chart. Eat regularly and do not starve. Pay attention to the energy levels around you while eating, Reflect on what makes you feel calm while eating and invest your energy in those spaces or practices (for Calm), Practice moving before or after a meal (for Nervous), See how it feels to eat on the go (for Nervous). Schedule your meals from early morning until the first dark hours of the day. The top, left arrow on your HD chart (which you can get at is where you find the component of the PHS. Unfortunately society, family frowns at you being an individual and having individual needs, no matter who you are, no matter how your family seems. The test showed that she can eat any protein other than fish and milk products, as long she doesnt eat it twice within a week. So, I will now share what Ive recently learned about the PHS. If uncertain, touch it. Whats most supportive for your digestion is for your ears to be pleased by what youre listening to while you eat. Closed Taste eat a monotonous diet, for most people its the staple diet of their ancestry, very different by seasons. Those with Hot may find their system is more relaxed and takes in food more easily when food is warm, e.g., food off the stove, soup or tea. Higher carb diets may work for you. Soups and teas are good for you. And yet the clam is proverbial, metaphorical, and substantial, so substantial, in fact, that individuals of uncertain [28] digestion have been rendered distinctly unhappy after a hearty encounter. Calm people need calm to digest. They often eat while cooking, eat while standing, clean up and chores directly after eating/consuming/digesting. Those with wet tend to gravitate towards more wet or tropical environments and those with dry tend to gravitate towards dry environments. I have done a quick edit to my original post to hopefully avoid future confusion. Look, the value of Human Design is that it helps us know what is correct for us individually. She is 80, lives alone, and her only complaint is wicked seasonal allergies. Digestion. Those with Direct may find they digest best when the sun is up. When you have an 80 year old woman, you dont know what to expect. Pure. And she cant eat any fruits, not even lemons. This could look like moving before or after eating, eating standing up or on the go, or watching or listening to something while eating. Im pure generator but Im born in July 1976 so all my design elements are the same as yours except markets external here which is crazy because Ive been home for 25 years with my kids and I almost feel like Im agoraphobic so Im hoping honestly that human design can help with some of my very hermit type of behaviors.. Local foods could be good for you. All of us seem to have our opinions about what is good food, whats bad food, whats right food, whats wrong food. The option I would suggest is Genetic Matrix but the arrows are not necessary to find your PHS. High | Sound 5. What matters is that my soul's purpose in this world is to light fires. Feeling is linked to sound. Its also all about texture! I have been interested in nutrition for a long time. Passive brain. Of course, I had initial feelings of fear. I figured there was no better time to speak more about the Primary Health System in Human Design, your Determination + homogenized diet culture than at the beginning of a new year when we are inundated with plans, protocols, resolution bait hooks, and discounts on courses touted to fix a laundry list of symptoms and/or support weight loss, and said to work for everyone. Open Taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste If you like the food it is easier to have an appetite for it. You also may enjoy playing with more textures (crunch and creamy in the same bite, or pulp in your juice). No hour is necessary. one ingredient dishes separated by time These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. A High person may snack all day. The chart I am referring to is not an image in the post but it should be. Turned out: I am really best when I eat one thing per meal with some elements added, like fat, salt, onions or garlic that seem to integrate with almost any food. To the degree I eat that way, to the same degree I am slim, energetic, painless, and coherent. Its healthy for their digestive system to be revved up. The eating style report I got has proven not accurate It diagnosed me as a one thing per mouthful but allowed me to eat another thing next mouthful. Make sure you are comfortably seated. NOTE: Genetic Matrix has changed the name of the views from Body and Foundation to Design and Personality. So I am currently working on decreasing the number of ingredients that I put in any given meal and find that this has definitely helped me cut down on the bloat and that groggy, full feeling. See more ideas about human design, human design system, human. We also heard to eat a good breakfast, a light supper blah blah blah. Stick to what you already know you like and change only when it really tastes good. The Open type tends to do well sharing food with others. The process is the same as with the Starting Point Measurements: I need a picture and I need your date of birth. 12 different eating, What is your optimal Eating Style? Light Direct or Indirect Light digestion describes the time of day or daylight present. #4: Touch - two kinds Calm and Nervous. as your digestion, you may find you are sensitive to the acoustics when you eat, whether its high or low. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Originating from your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the world around you. Too cold for those who are Hot and you will struggle to take in new information. Hot eat foods warmer than body temperature. The view that resembles your example though is labeled Foundation Design. Closed taste is more particular and personal, the refinement and seasoning are key closed taste is more passive. Taste Open or Closed Taste digestion is also about simplicity but more related to pickiness than simple and pure. 5th color lines are about the frequencies of your food, and your surroundings. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is a place of production. Nervous Touch eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. The 12 nuanced differentiations when we break down each of the main digestion types. It lists the following on my chart: Brain: PassiveDeterminism: NervousCognition: Inner VisionEnvironment: Markets InternalEnvironmental Style Observed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Turned out: I am really best when I eat one thing per meal with some elements added, like fat, salt, onions or garlic that seem to integrate with almost any food. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Eating correctly is one of the, if not the, most important things you can do for your body. Appetite Alternating or Consecutive Appetite digestion is all about simple, pure, and wholesome ingredients. Claude and his mules rattled into Frankfort just as the calliope went screaming down Main street at the head of the circus parade. Similarly, when digesting information, you need to take in information little by little and one/or one subject/topic at a time; otherwise you could easily overwhelm yourself. The my first half life, I eat in Daytime, but study in daytime and night time, this habit overwhelm me. Youll want to play with what that means for you. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. So having an alternating appetite as a foodie is heart-breaking. And she cant eat any fruits, not even lemons. Your nervous system is your body's command center. I am here to help heal women so more women can heal the world. Yes, it looks like they updated it. . Could you teach me the logic of when you can get Color A or Color B? The PHS Determination in Human Design is about how we take in nutrition from our food and people in the most optimal way. They may find they are highly sensitive to light and have energy bursts at night. Unfortunately, the Genetic Matrix design chart no longer includes the arrows which was just pointed out to me by a reader (thank you!). No soups, no stews, no side dishes. Mountains Active or Passive. I stumbled upon JP by pure chance, he was recommended to me by a friend and I have to admit I knew little about Human Design. Choose calm surroundings that bring out peace. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Tears of magic, of joy, of relieve, of gratefulness. myBodyGraph is your user manual. Those with Calm may prefer eating in a calm environment where there is little activity. Your Money And Your Vibration: What Is The Connection? These specifically align with the PHS and what I am about to share with you. It also appears you can view the Design chart without a subscription so it is now free. All the things that feel so hard to help us feel so good, The chance to deliver something to the world and maybe grab a little freedom while you're at it, A little about my crazy journey Parenting two Projectors, A reflection of how to embody our design type. Fat? No soups, no stews, no side dishes. If you cant be in a Wet or Dry area, you can put wet or dry plants in your actual kitchen or creative space. I have seen prices starting at $55 They use the Human Design science that I myself am not trained in, even though I have studied it, but I dont have complete confidence in. THANK YOU so much for sharing this. Shores Natural or Artificial. Not only might this sense be heightened in you, but it is an essential part of how your brain and body interpret the world around you! Do you want a customized program that's personalized just to you? Your metabolism will be stimulated when you eat one thing at a time and do not mix too many things at one bite. Do it fast and dont spend too much time at the table. The second 3 color numbers are newer, and more based on your environment and feeling of what you consume. Eat the ingredients one after the other without mixing them. This may look like eating lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night. When I eat, lets say, cabbage, I just eat cabbage. 2. Ra explains the basics of the PHS (Primary Health System) and how Color determination represents the way each and every one of us is naturally determined to have precisely the right digestive process. Specific visual tasks where the spatial quality or the surface structure is of prime importance require lighting that emphasises shapes and forms. Yay! Try to take deep breaths while you eat. If the arrow is facing left, you may find you thrive when you keep yourself well-nourished and well-hydrated throughout the day and dont go too long without eating, e.g., eating regular meals, eating when you wake up, having a snack before a meeting. Although Human Design uses the same wheel as Astrology, it divides and interprets the wheel differently. When I eat meat, I just eat meat. When the sun sets your digestion gets slower. ), you can look up your digestion profile here: When I eat meat, I just eat meat. So happy to have helped you. But, in particular, what interested me the most was the four transformations the four little arrows on either side by the head pointing right or left. Eat while you are on the go. Help? . Should you eat meat? Open Taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste If you like the food it is easier to have an appetite for it. Of Covid-19 affecting the central nervous system, to the method in which you digest. Mr. Wheeler was standing on the Farmer's Bank corner, towering a head . Do you know if there is a different way to view this or did they change the chart name? 2021 4HumanDesign. I always take the most crowded routes, while my husband prefers to go around or take side streets. But the digestion type also extends into how we experience life. Calm - Touch - eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are calm Alternating - Appetite - my diet. That is the not-self way the homogenized path to a body that doesnt. It is advisable to avoid eating dinner later at night or if you have dinner late try to have as much light around you as possible. PHS might not be correct for you now. Im certified reader and I still couldnt figure this out, and everything I searched for was paid and wouldnt tell you whats right in the chart that I already pay for with GM and that I paid to be certified in (level 2) again, THANK YOU, Youre welcome! Might be easier to contrast it with calm touch, who is advised to eat and digest when relaxed, sitting down for a meal, etc. I just bought and watched two videos on how to eat according to your type or the style of eating that seems to be crucial for a sense of well-being, especially for brain health. Human Design Digestion Types: Alternating Appetite - eat simple but mix it up, a little of this a little of that Consecutive Appetite - eat one ingredient at a time (complex mixes/soups aren't for you) Calm Touch - eat only in calm environments Nervous Touch - eat in a stimulating environment Closed Taste - eat the same thing every day Human Design Reading. Its called your determination. ALTERNATING. I am definitely the person who also likes the cleanest and simplest when it comes to beauty, like skincare, and once I find what I like, Ill use it for a decade. seemingly no intermarriage, no mixing with other nationalities, or other groups. I will add it so that it will make more sense to you and others who read this post. No hour is necessary. If you eat too many things at once your metabolism will get confused about what enzymes to send for the digestion. What does it mean: get out of your own way? Some people function best if they eat only one thing at a time. They need to touch the world. 4th color lines are about the environment, its energy, and what you need to focus and feel comfortable. If you go to and enter your birth information, you should be able to get a more detailed version of your chart to include whether or not your Kitchens environment is wet or dry. Digestion Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light. No cookies, no bread, no chocolate, no candy, nothing with ingredients. This was my happy place. When someone is residing within their proper environment, resistance is removed, the body is healed and they are better able to follow their strategy and authority. Meanwhile, check out some of my additional blog posts. Super green powders and other supplements with many ingredients are showing not to be beneficial. Who would have thought it! 12 different eating. For me, its about the alchemy of food, cooking, and very much so includes intuitively eating and consuming information in flow with my needs. I would move the meat off the sandwich, I would remove the fruits from the cake, I would eat the sour cream meant to be used in a vegetable dish I got punished. Id like to experience eating according to my style and be well, energetic, coherent, and clearheaded Wow What would that be like? Yeah, you are curious? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Without getting too technical, I want to share about the 12 digestion types (determinations) based on that first arrow. It most certainly gets deeper than this, so if youd like to schedule a human design determination coaching call, message me to get one set up! The next 3 tones are focused on the outside circumstances more than the food itself. He is all about production in his life and we live in a semi-arid location now but he use to live in New Mexico (desert). As he spoke, it suddenly all made sense, like the pieces of a jigsaw falling effortlessly into place as if you were finally pulling up the curtain to just look at life with fresh eyes and face with a smile whatever is coming your way. Do not do it in a rush. In that regard she is like me. #5: Sound High and Low. The food you eat must be hot or at least hotter than your bodys temperature. My hunch is that this "touch" is a sensory thing: your food needs to be chewy, but I might be wrong. This doesnt mean you need to live in an actual cave, but your space may feel or look similar. But whereas in astrology . Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions to become a system in its own right that provides a technical-looking design of the person you were born to be. #3: Thirst two kinds Hot and Cold. Both types need lots of liquids flowing through them. Your email address will not be published. Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. Nervous people need action to digest with other people, with TV or radio, while talking/socializing, in public, or moving around (driving, walking, fidgeting). Design is actually the correct term since design is the genetic/unconscious aspect (body). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. These people thrive in a busy place. A full health evaluation session is normally $250, and you need to commit to a follow-up session as well. Your space may feel or look similar us individually its energy human design digestion buzzing nervous touch got! Browser for the next time I comment your ears to be in an active or busy such! Open or closed taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste if you eat too many at... Liquids flowing through them with more textures ( crunch and creamy in the most optimal way have ever.... 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