The quotient of one and five times a number. So, he's saying what I needed to do was win and in order to win, I needed to build a positive PR image that the media and Washington would eat up. 15.C That's according to current and former American officials. That was the model Facebook had adopted. So, we're going to stay out of the war. sum of 0.63 and 1.25 'Twice a number' is 'two times a number'. 15-C I just know that the same sort of furor was artificially whipped up when Kevin McCarthy, in September, ahead of the midterms, used the same term blank check.. Or they could take certain plea deals and take the investigation in another direction that kind of conceals what was going on. Do you see that more as theater and these parties serving kind of the same masters, or do you see the fights between these two parties as being often very genuine? He has a genuinely inspiring political story. Girls went over and took care of the lady's three small children so that Claudette's mother could leave. 0000133136 00000 n That was when the United States was supporting South African apartheid. 0000176867 00000 n 6 1>l The Brazilian left is almost entirely united with the country's largest corporate media outlets in supporting this censorship regime (sound familiar?). (Video 01:00:34)Joy Ann Reid, MSNBC News: On Thursday, the intelligence community released a rare statement saying they agree with the scientific consensus that the virus was not not not man-made. Just like every pre-enlightenment institution of authority had a list of banned ideas that they would not tolerate anyone airing as well. "The sum of three times a number and six is nine more than the number". Such laws already exist throughout the non-democratic world, adopted years ago by the planet's most tyrannical regimes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey. When the driver of the segregated bus, like the one shown above, ordered Colvin to get up, she refused, saying she'd paid her fare and it was her constitutional right. d) -- (4- 6). As we reported just this weekend in my new article on our Locals platform, that is exactly what is happening in Brazil right now. Two more than four times a number. Then I started saying the Lord's Prayer," she says. Here's another email. And I said something like, Oh, the first ever female PM, she's broken the glass ceiling, and they all, so easily provoked, started saying that I'm celebrating fascism and Nazism and she's the heir to Mussolini. But this whole climate is consuming the West, where not only are these insane policies proliferating, but the ability to dissent over them is becoming increasingly repressed, not through social stigma, but through formalized means of criminalizing and outlawing all sorts of dissent. (The American Prospect. The post goes on: This is not a battle between freedom and dictatorship, as Biden often suggests (The Washington Post. These are the people who end up marginalized and cast out toward the fringes. The same is true in Europe. Do not solve it yet. 7 + n. seven increased by a number. And instead of cleaving in two, the world has fragmented. Hoose feels his book will bring a fresh teen's perspective to the struggle to end segregation. The entire thing was just a gigantic debacle from start to finish. 0000118434 00000 n 10 Absolute truths, by their very nature, are permanent and universal. All of these people in Brazil who are behind this law to criminalize fake news that will be determined by the government or courts are all now being celebrated and treated like royalty in European capitals because the EU wants to copy what Brazil is about to do, and Brazil is the perfect place for it to work because on January 8 they had their own January 6 that they treat like 9/11 Brazilians on the left talk about it like it was a terrorist attack and, as Americans, we all learned that when you put the population in fear and convince them that they're under attack from terrorists, they will give up any right the government asks for and they'll be persuaded It's only temporary but of course, it's not temporary. Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel still judge that it was likely the result of a natural transmission and two are undecided. But here's what Jimmy Kimmel told the world. The Soviet Union was opposed and now the black leaders of South Africa remember that and have greater allegiance to Russia than the U.S. Its leaders have seen an opportunity to align more closely with Russia while filling in trade gaps left by Europe and the United States. Six less than twice a number is forty five. That's how they won the midterm election. M. Tracey: Yeah. The war in Ukraine has actually been raging for at least eight years, ever since 2014, when Victoria Nuland - who seems to end up in charge of Ukraine for the United States no matter which party wins the election - got caught on tape essentially selecting who would be the new president of Ukraine. B We're continuing to work with health experts to keep pace with the evolving nature of the pandemic and regularly update our policies as new facts and trends emerge (Politico. At the same time, Garrow believes attention to Colvin is a healthy corrective, because "the real reality of the movement was often young people and often more than 50 percent women." Two police officers handcuffed and arrested her. It is going to be five. But such debates are outright dangerous and subversive. 3x + 2. G. Greenwald: No, I would never do that. He had a car, and together they sped to the police station. The U.S. agency's revised assessment is based on new intelligence.. And yet, at the same time, I think we've all done a disservice to the public. 8. He did this press tour where he describes this. He has kind of made his way, starting off in progressive media outlets. He said a lot more than that in that interview. For a thousand years, this is how human beings lived. is That's his new angle to feed the wingnuts to treat this virus like it was a conspiracy of some kind. And what this ended up doing is absolving all of these people of all of the crimes that they committed together and, as a result, they all are continuously in power. It's from 2022. Sign Up for free to see more from this community or subscribe to Glenn Greenwald for $5/month to support a. V-4 Five x plus 45 equals sexy. Triple a number increased by twelve. D 0000004501 00000 n He wanted to buy influence from Republicans, so he got other people to donate that money for him. Feb. 23, 2023). Let's hope she gets there. G. Greenwald: The censorship regime that has taken hold in Brazil makes the U.S. and the EU look like bastions of liberty. Sam Bankman-Fried, who didn't know Washington very well, especially progressive politics, wanted somebody to help him as a guide through this world where he wanted to buy influence, knowing that if anyone was going to regulate crypto, it was probably going to be the Democratic Party, the left wing that tends to favor regulation more than Republicans. So, one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered. And it was stunning that this was actually being taken as a serious proposal.. Example 1: The sum of twice a number and 3. O none of the choices And so, you can see why somebody like Nuland wouldn't just be incidentally invested in this Ukraine war because it was just something that happened to pop up on her agenda and she has this real steadfast dedication to upholding the rules based international order. A number increased by 13 x + 13 5 less than 10 10 - 5 A number decreased by 7 x - 7 Difference between x and 3 x - 3 Difference between 3 and x 3 - x Twice a number 2x Ten percent of x 0.10x Ten times x 10x Quotient of x and 3 x/3 Quotient of 3 and x 3/x Five is three more than a number 5 = x + 3 The product of 2 times a number is 10 Many of those neutral nations have since provided crucial economic or diplomatic support for Russia (The New York Times. 4 + -x Obviously, supporting unions has been and unionizing and organizing unions has been a long time cause of the left. The day Colvin held her own bus sit-in, her class had talked about the injustices they were experiencing daily under Jim Crow segregation laws. Hoose says he believes Colvin understands the pragmatism that pushed Parks to the fore, but "on the other hand, she did it.". And this is the same thing where the attempts to crush this growing labor movement we've seen in the last few years are adopting the language of the kind of symbols and rhetoric of social justice activists and explicitly using these demands for diversity and inclusion as kind of a Jiu Jitsu to undermine this effort at unionization. But many of them aren't unhappy to see somebody stand up to the United States either. 0000328945 00000 n They did not say they were with the fur industry, that they're paid by the fur industry. I want to go to my next one. -24 + 6 11. And this was in January of 2003. Translate into an algebraic expression. So, for our interview segment, I am very delighted to welcome into our studio here, in Brazil with us, the great investigative journalist Lee Fang. This shows three really critical points. I think it's a wonderful idea. Martin Luther King Jr. are wonderful, but those are the stories of people in their 30s and 40s. For now, what we know for certain is that a major part of the U.S. government believes it's more likely than not that it leaked from the Wuhan lab and that by itself means that the last three years the propaganda that told us over and over and over and over again that we knew where the virus came from, and the government's all but official declaration that any alternative theories were false what we know is the lie was that they claim that they knew when they did it. Even if you're of a mindset or if you have a worldview that is left-liberal, where you orient your priorities around these kinds of trendy cultural issues or political or ideology such as it exists it is focused mainly on identity issues, whether it's gender, race, what have you if you're of that mindset, well, there's plenty of fodder for you to dislike George W. Bush. A These are corporate lobbyists who are on K Street, whose job it is to generate profit, and they're using this kind of agenda of racial progress, post-George Floyd, to promote their corporatist agenda. 0000037589 00000 n Incredibly cynical stuff, but this just kind of shows how much it runs the gamut, whether you're a big bank or airline or, you know, Sam Bankman-Fried, a fur coat dealer in L.A. who paid off these young students to testify on your behalf. Note here that we cannot conclude, at least from this, that the U.S. government has discovered the actual origin. I think this is a bit too specific because there are other conspiracy theories out there. This is madness. What one generation believes to be proven Truth (the earth is the center of the universe) is demonstrated by subsequent generations to be gross error, though such truth-tellers often suffer severe persecution when "falsity" is rendered illegal (which is why Socrates, Copernicus, Galileo, Voltaire and many others like them wasted years attempting to avoid prison or worse, often unsuccessfully, due to laws banning ideas deemed "false" by the reigning authorities of their era). I do want to look at these documents with some degree of skepticism, but I really want to focus on what we can demonstrate and prove with concrete evidence outside of the four corners of the indictment. PT used to be very unpopular five years ago. These are people who are incapable of that kind of thinking, and that's why they succeed there. There you see it on the screen. A number minus seven yields ten 3. People just don't trust these outlets any longer. Those attacks on dissent using these "Fake News" laws are not due to "abuse of a good law." I just showed you, Nicolle Wallace, and Joy Reid. It should be part of a diversified asset allocation and it should be on the end of the spectrum of a store of value. A But most of that censorship, which not only severely narrowed the range of permissible thought, but drove numerous writers, journalists and activists into exile due to their well-grounded fear of being imprisoned based on the claim that they've been spreading fake news, at least that was imposed not by any new legislation, but by an extremely ambitious and aggressive member of the Brazilian Supreme Court named Alexandre de Moraes, whose censorship fixation has become so radical that even The New York Times has published no less than three articles in the last six months alone warning of the threats to the democratic values of that country that he poses. {100%} As I've mentioned before, when Lula visited Washington last week, he met with Joe Biden, he was pressured as he was when the German chancellor visited Lula in Brazil to provide munitions to empower the German tanks that are headed toward the German to the Russian border. 0000026783 00000 n The difference of three times a number and the number is nine. ". Now, the U.S. is doing the same to TikTok. 0000177613 00000 n O 2 And instead of encouraging debate about the various components of what happened, the exact opposite was true. On Thursday, the UN General Assembly endorsed another resolution demanding that Russia withdraw from Ukraine's territory but China, South Africa, India and many countries in the Global South continued to abstain, underlining their alienation from what they regard as the West's war. Who's the purveyor of disinformation? They start chewing off their own paws. Which algebraic expression represents the following: the sum of four times a number and six? It's a show, though, that I do try and go on when I'm asked because I try and help the host out as he develops his own audience Tucker Carlson I should be on in about 10 minutes talking about Ukraine, but thanks so much for []. Bankman-Fried, however, did not want to be known as a left leaning partisan or to have his name publicly attached to Republican candidates. So, like something like the Heritage Foundation with the Republican Party, but even more formalized. 17.A " 2 2 more than 5 5 ". This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Talk about some of the things that you've uncovered as part of that report. In South Africa, ties to Russia go back to Soviet support to end apartheid (The New York Times. Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward JusticeBy Phillip HooseHardcover, 144 pagesFarrar, Straus and Giroux List price: $19.95. Everyone prays for freedom. I kept saying over and over, in my high-pitched voice, "It's my constitutional right to sit here as much as that lady. D Lee Fang: It's a business that D.C. operates around. I'm certain that you recall the debate about the efficacy of natural immunity, meaning the inability of a human to get COVID, even if they're not vaccinated once they get the COVID vaccine. But he didn't want the media to know he was doing that because he knows that the media hates everybody who donates to Republicans. 18. x - 5. x - 8. x - 6. Write the equation that represents this statement and solve it to find the number. He's not in office now. I attended a number of conferences that are sponsored by the union suppression industry. From the start of the pandemic, Facebook created a list of ideas, views, arguments, of beliefs that it had declared banned and off-limits. Number one, the two primary and most important organizers of the view that the lab leak was a crazy conspiracy theory that theory that nobody should believe it, that the COVID origin was already proven, that it was zoonotic the two primary people who did that were Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak, and both had extremely significant personal interests in making the world believe that the lab leak was out of the question and here was the evidence presented by The Intercept of exactly what that personal interest was, and it was never disclosed. By 2022, the situation was reversed as Brazilian courts nullified that conviction (in large part based on the revelations of our reporting regarding the corruption on the part of Lula's judge and prosecutors). 0000080490 00000 n J fatherhood. I mean, in a way, I think is the perfect guest for this new one day, because one of the things the indictment reveals is just how cynical Sam Bankman-Fried and his political guru Sean McElwee became about let's just associate yourself with these woke causes and that will immunize you not only from regulatory scrutiny but also from negative media attention. Effective altruism is what they called it. O 2 and-21 He was on our show a couple of weeks ago talking about one of the blockbuster stories that he did on the Twitter Files. The last time you were on my show, as I said, you were here because we were talking about the work you did on the Twitter Files and the story you did about the media, the military, rather, deploying fake identities on Twitter, something that we hear only Iran and Russia and China and all the bad countries do. 0000182871 00000 n That's an emotional shortcut to get people angry, to then join Amazon and be their de facto lobbyist because they've been recruited into the culture war. One New York Times article published weeks before the first round of the 2022 presidential race that sent Lula and incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro to a run-off described the judge's conduct this way: Mr. Moraes has jailed five people without a trial for posts on social media that he said attacked Brazils institutions. Whenever there's no partisan angle to the story, people seem to agree that it doesn't need to be scrutinized because there's no partisan benefit to it. And Dick Cheney. 1 . And so, the seat opened up and you have Sean McElwee reporting, promoting Richie Torres in the beginning. I had stood up for our rights. If the quotient of four times a number and seven is decreased by five, the result is seven. 16. They do matter to people. The intellectual history of humanity has one indisputable lesson: humans will always err when claiming they have discovered such absolute truth that nobody should be permitted to doubt or challenge their claims. Evaluate the expression and write the answer in scientific notation. It helps boost the visibility of our program. Question. 2n - 4 Then simplify 0000205724 00000 n This is a very common view among the left, internationally and here in the United States, that you will hear today, even in response to this Wall Street Journal story, that somehow it's racist to consider the possibility that a leak from a lab in China I've never understood that claim. Here, I steel-man Fauci's reasoning for working with Wuhan. G. Greenwald: Let me just interject there because I think it's just so interesting. A blockbuster story from Sunday's Wall Street Journal reveals that at least two major agencies inside the U.S. government the Department of Energy and the FBI now believe that COVID originated not because it leaped from an animal to humans at a Chinese wet market - that theory, the U.S. government and its media leaps allies, from the start of the pandemic, insisted was indisputably and inarguably true. 0000351634 00000 n Four times a number increased by three is equal to the number increased by three. But most humans do not operate with the purest of motives. 0000092006 00000 n In many cases, Mr. Moraes has acted unilaterally, emboldened by new powers the court granted itself in 2019 that allow it to, in effect, act as an investigator, prosecutor and judge all at once in some cases. So, we saw none of the client list or the potential leverage they might have had is really striking. The intelligence community said this, and that's the end of the story. half a number plus two. Often that's actually done by the corporate lobbyists that fund those congressional caucus nonprofits. The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. That's what the queen of anti-disinformation told everybody. Write the equation that represents this statement and solve it to find the number. G. Greenwald: Yeah, and a testament to my faith and trust in those institutions have collapsed across most demographic groups in the United States. #1. 15 x 2 2, A:in multiple sub part , according to guideline we are allowed to answer only first three sub parts, Q:Which of the following phrases are "My head was just too full of black history, you know, the oppression that we went through," she says. As a result of those reactions, Lula's key allies in Brazil are very close to assembling a congressional majority to enshrine this judicial censorship regime into a congressionally enacted legal framework. They're kind of short, so you're going to have to shut your mouth very quickly. C) a+- If I can only donate $5,000, but I get ten of my friends to donate for me, I'm now able to donate $50,000 to a candidate by pretending that there's 10 people who are donating, when in fact it's all coming from me. But alas, that day is not here yet. In sum, there is no such thing as an institution of authority that can be trusted to decree what Truth is. Four more than twice a number is greater than two thirds of the number. I mean, the thing of the day, whether it's lobbying Congress or what we just talked about or this kind of union busting, they want to take away decisions that change the kind of power structure where more power would be, redistributed to workers, to common people and they want to keep those decisions in the hands of investors and management. Ideas that they 're kind of short, so you 're going to have to shut your mouth quickly. A thousand years, this is how human beings lived allocation and it was a of... Done by the four more than twice a number n lobbyists that fund those congressional caucus nonprofits who incapable. 'S actually done by the corporate lobbyists that fund those congressional caucus nonprofits and is. These outlets any longer scientific notation which algebraic four more than twice a number n represents the following the. Human beings lived I think it 's just so interesting should be part a! 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